Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1373: Tianjiao is coming

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-three chapters are all arrogant

"Is this a big transmission?"

There was a great emperor and a martial arts monk in the presence, and his eyes were confused at the same time.

At this time, the four people of the funeral Xuanyun opened the ancient transmission, what is it going to do?

Is it the transmission of the strong among their respective families?

"Air curse, start."

The two mysterious monks of Wu Zu saw this scene and immediately passed a thought.

"Hai Wang ordered here, all the sea monks, listen to my orders, and try their best to break the three ancient arrays!"

The silence of the Jiang Kong Mantra, at this moment, suddenly and sighed, the momentum rolled up, and then in his hand, there is an old token that seems to be condensed by the endless sea, exudes a faint blue Light.

The sea king order, one of the three great treasures of the sea, this order is like a patriarch.

"Hai Wang Ling? Hands-on!"

A large emperor of the Haizu, a monk of Wuzu, slightly stunned, and then reacted. Everyone’s body broke out of the weather, and God read the three big arrays, and one door was terrible. Emperor skills, have been played.

"Hey, Jiang Bing, I know you will shoot, let me see if you are repairing, have you gone backwards!"

Li Qi is a strange smile, his arms are unfolding, as if he was an avatar, and he rushed to the scene. Behind him, the strong man of the Ming family also burst out with a sigh of relief. A pair of nine ancient swords broke out.

"Block them!"

Not only the Nguyen, Nantiandi, Yaochi Holy Land, and Wudaozong, there is an ancient giant of the Emperor's peak, passing on the mind, the body smashed the Emperor, and killed the sea people.


In an instant, on the entire platform, there was a loud explosion of sounds. Many of the great emperors of the Hai people and the three major forces and the great emperors of the Ming Dynasty smashed together, recruiting dangerous, thrilling and extremely fierce.

Even if there is no heaven and earth, under this grand confrontation, it is also slightly shaking.

"Starting the war?"

The great powers of other powers, as well as the ancestors of Wuzu, looked at each other.

They never imagined that between the five forces, there was a big war with no warning.

What happened in this?

"Predecessors, this time, there is no one, will you intervene?"

In the terrible scuffle, Jiang Kong’s curse seemed to think of something, and looked up at the source of the Tianshan Lord.

When he said this, the seven strong forces of the seven powerful forces, the heart is also a move.

Obviously, they are also very concerned about this issue.

"Your things, you solve it yourself, I am just a spectator."

The source of the Tianshan Mountain is faintly said, and the attitude is full.

"Thank you for your predecessors." Jiang Kongman nodded, suddenly turned his head and said: "I still don't shoot?"


The eyes of Li Qi Mo and others are a glimpse.

"The power of the nine characters, blessing!"

I saw that on the two ancient altars, Ling Xiao and Si Zhaoxue, who were accepting the inheritance, suddenly raised their hands and shot a mysterious and mysterious majestic force, which turned into a long dragon and disappeared into nothing. On the heavenly platform, it seems that Wu Hong is unremarkable.


The momentum of Wu Hung’s whole person suddenly skyrocketed. There was no delay in the moment. The law and the seal were a slap in the mouth, and his body disappeared directly into the place. It broke through the blockade of the three major forces and the strong people of the Ming Dynasty. Under the three ancient arrays.

It turned out that in the dark, the Jiang Kong Mantra and the three characters of the ancient sea Ling Long have already joined forces.

From the very beginning, Jiang Kong’s curse had long been counted, and when the Hai people started, they would inevitably be stopped by the Nguyen and the three powerful forces, so he let the three people use the mysterious power of the nine-character ancient sea. Waiting for the mobile hand, killing the three forces and the Nether is caught off guard.

"Hey, Jiang Bing, you are really a good calculation! But you are still too naive, do you think we are doing this?"

Unexpectedly, the Li Qi Mo did not laugh and laughed, and his eyes showed a strong sense of sarcasm.

"Master, I am sorry, the conditions for the other party are too good, I can't refuse." Under the Heavenly Road, the old man of the ruined arch of the main mountain of Tianshan, his voice hoarse, echoing the world: "The nine characters of the district Force, dare to let go?"


In the next moment, his figure, like a god, came to the front of Wu Hung, the vast emperor, as if evolved into an ancient fairy mountain, crushed out, so that Wu Hong's body shape can not move.

From the very beginning, Li Qi Mo and so on, I have already expected Jiang Mou and other people, and must have prepared what means, so they let the old man of the dead, always hide themselves, and then let the old man stop the other person at a critical time. Killing tricks.

"A disabled old man?"

Wu Hong’s face is a stiff face.

He never expected that such a change would happen.


The eyes of the old man are very cold, and the thin hands are like the enchanted hands that protrude from the nine secluded, and they are directly caught in the head of Wu Hung.

The ancient emperor, the hand of the remnant.

Under the grasp of it, even if it is the Eighth Emperor, it must be crushed in an instant.

"I didn't expect it, I haven't come out yet, there has been a big battle. It seems that there are many people who don't want me to come here."

Just in the midst of this millennium, a very indifferent voice, with a terrible pressure, sounded from the ancient array.

The three figures also emerged from the middle of the big array.


At this moment, Jiang Kong’s curse and the two mysterious Wuzu monks, as well as all the great emperors and Wuzu monks present at the scene, all looked up and looked up.

Their hearts are full of endless curiosity. The funeral Xuan Yun and others have spent so much effort. Who is going to send it?

"This is this"

When these three figures emerged completely, the time and space of the whole world seemed to be completely solidified. On the faces of all people, at the same time, the stunned color was exposed, and almost no one could believe their eyes.

Sheng Tian is shocked!

Zhuang Zhidao!

Su Qing Ning!

These three great geniuses who have surpassed the rules of martial arts, have all come?

At this time, the source road Tianshan, the blue space.

The scenes that occurred on the platform of the Heavenless Road were shocked, and everyone in the space was unaware.

Because of them now, they are still being repaired by Qin Nan, and they have been shocked.

"Qin Nan, your kid, it really didn't disappoint me and Master!"

I don't know how long it took, Tang Qingshan finally came back to God, and his face showed a smile.

At the beginning, Qin Nan had not yet witnessed the emperor. His heart has always been very self-blaming. Now that he has seen the success of Qin Nan Zhengdi, can he be unhappy?

"Well, Master Qingshan, you don't look at it, who is Qinnan?"

Miao Miao princess delicate white face, bursting out a smile, her eyes bent into a crescent, her eyes, it is the best in the world, her fancy, is always the best in the world .

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! If you are the emperor, the emperor will never conceal for you, but tell the whole world! You are only using some kind of secret method to improve the cultivation, just like the emperor!" ”

"Try to kill him together!"

The **** text also reacted, screaming, bursting out of the **** mans, directly killing.

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