Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1374: Unbroken

The first three hundred and seventy-four chapters are unbroken

"The ancestor of the thunder, the chaotic thunder sword!"

Aside the thunder, a slap in the face, countless thunders, instantly intertwined, evolved into a dozens of thunder giant swords, exudes a breath of destruction.

"The ancestor of the blood, the blood anger!"

The blood suddenly sighed and spewed a drop of ancient blood in his mouth.

I saw only the endless blood, bursting out on the blood, and condensed into a **** figure with an incomparable stalwart and hundreds of feet.

This blood-colored figure, the big hand stretched out, directly seized the chaotic Thunder sword, as if Qinnan was regarded as a life-and-death enemy, striding forward, and descended in front of Qinnan, with a terrible anger, wielding his sword.

"Breaking the field!"

In Qinnan's body, a sly black light was released, sweeping the square, and blocking this horrible sword.

"Refining the demon!"

"The Gun of the Sky!"

"Rakshasa killing!"

Xiao Yun, Wan Wan Soul, Meng Yu Xie, Lin Yan four, after all, are the genius of the famous Wudi, the natural extraordinary, between the blink of an eye, they completely return to God, the body shape turned into a world of Changhong, fast Rushing, a door of the horror emperor, also played!

The blood is right, this Qinnan, there is absolutely no emperor, just use the secret technique!

As long as they attack Qinnan together, it will not take long, Qinnan this secret technique, can not continue to support!

"When I don't exist?"

Tang Qingshan was cold and cold.

"Brother, let me come!"

Qin Nan shouted and faced the four talented Wudi's joint killings. In his left, it seemed to ignite a blue flame. In his body, there was a horror, and he woke up.

"God of War, possession!"

Infinite warfare, rising and rising up, condensed an illusory, domineering, stalwart ancient figure, covered in Qinnan's body, and Qinnan merged into one, swaying a terrible pressure!


Qinnan shouted, and then slashed with one knife and one knife!


Between the time, the deafening sound is like an ancient Hong bell, wearing a cloud crack!

Looking far away, I only saw the shape of Qinnan, like the Taikoo Golden-winged Dapeng, even under the six geniuses of the Emperor Wu, it was also swaying straight, breaking open the record of killing one after another!

In just a few short distances, Qinnan has already gained the upper hand!

"What the secret is this, how can he be so strong?"

Xiao Yun looked at the rune that he had just played out. He was smashed into two halves, and his look was shocked and angry!

Through the brief confrontation just now, he found that the repair of Qinnan, even if it is against the seven heavy, is completely out of the question!

Needless to say, Qin Nan also mastered the terrible martial arts and broken knives!

"Xiao Yun is absolutely, he must not be supported. He is now the end of the strong, as long as we continue to attack, his cultivation will return to normal!" The blood in the blood body is burning, and the face is full of paranoia!

This cockroach ant, absolutely no emperor!

"Five-clawed Golden Dragon Battlegear!"

Qin Nan suddenly made a burst of drink, on him, immediately with a glimpse of golden dragon, emerged, surrounded by his body, constantly entangled, but for a long time it became a domineering, long-distance battle A!

This armor was acquired by him in the Jinlong Plain in the mysterious space. He has never used it. Now he is playing against the six geniuses of the Emperor Wu.

"Five-clawed Golden Dragon Battlegear? Are you you Duan Qing?"

Blood, Lin Yan, and Thunder saw this scene, killing in the hands, completely froze, and the brain was struck by lightning.

In the past, they heard that the blood-killing, Yan Yan, and Lei Yuan three elders said that Duan Qing had passed all the bans on the Jinlong Plain and got a pair of five-clawed golden dragon armor, and entered the deepest part of the Jinlong Plain!

Now Qin Nan has this armor, that is to say, the original one who killed them in the space of Xuan Shen for five or six times, so that they have a shadow in the heart of Duan Qing, Qin Nan!

Moreover, Qin Nan could appear in the space of Xuan Shen at the beginning, that is to say, Qin Nan did not provoke the so-called secret law, but really proved the emperor!

"Oh? Do you know that I am Duan Qing? Are you Tutu, Feihong, Shi Ang? That is exactly right. All the grudges before, I will give you a clear understanding today!"

Qin Nan sneered aloud, his body shape shook, avoiding all kinds of emperors, appearing in front of the three people, a knife, like a torrential rain.

At the same time, the source road Tianshan, no heaven on the platform.

"See the little head!"

"See less"

The existence of the five great powers of the three great forces of Nantiandi, Yaochi, and Wudaozong are all Qiqiu fists and bows.

Even the giant of the great emperor, nodded and smiled.

Among the three major forces, Sheng Tian’s status as a trio has been extremely detached.

"How did the three of them come over?"

"Strange, why use ancient transmissions?"

The one of the great emperors and the ancestors of the Wuzu who were present, after returning to God, became even more confused.

If the three of them are coming to the innocent road, then from the very beginning, they can appear directly, without having to spend so much time.

"Using the ancient transmissions of the big squad, and coming to the sky, just to avoid our attention, we are caught off guard."

"It seems that when the Emperor of the Emperor said that it was right, the self-certified people must be one of the three of them."

In the eyes of the two mysterious martial arts monks, the murderous murder was floating.

Now their goals have emerged.

"You don't have to be polite." Sheng Tian was so angry that he held his hands and glanced at Wu Hung. Then he looked at the Jiang Kong Mantra in the distance, and said coldly: "You sea people are really stubborn, and this is the case. Do it right with us. Xuan Yun, led everyone, and directly destroyed them."

In a short sentence, it determines the life and death of an ancient family.

"Not good! Empty curse, what should we do?"

The giants of the great emperors of the seas changed their faces and looked at Jiang Kong’s curse.

The strength of their seas is certainly not weak, but they are now facing three major forces and the Nlan. If they really fight together, they are definitely not opponents.

"Beautiful, it is beautiful." Not waiting for the Jiang Kong curse to open, a hearty laughter sounded, among the two mysterious Wuzu monks, one of them, full of praise: "It is the first in today The genius of the Emperor Wu, really worthy of the name, domineering."

"Well? Who are you?"

The eyes of Sheng Tianjing, Zhuang Zhidao and Su Qingning fell on the two martial arts monks. The eyes flashed a strange color, and the former also came to a bit of interest, curiously asked.

"I? No name is a small **** Wan Yonggu. As for me, you must not know, but also a nameless pawn, named Heng."

Wan Yonggu smiled lightly and reached out with his unbroken, smashing his black robe.

In the black robe, their face appeared in the moment of the eyes of everyone, and the change suddenly occurred.


On both of them, there was a rush of weather.

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