Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1375: Martial arts **** emperor

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-five chapters of the martial arts god

Under the circumstance of this smashing weather, the minds of all the monks in the audience were like a calm lake. A huge stone was cast, and it was difficult to calm down.

There is even a monk Wuzu, a severe pain in his chest, and a sense of oppression that cannot be said in his heart.

This kind of smashing weather is not the power of the emperor, nor the innate power of the wonderful princess, but the domineering that has experienced countless tribulations, countless battles, and killing countless giants.

The great giants present at the scene also have this domineering more or less, but their domineering, compared with the two in front of them, is like a world of difference, it is extremely small.

Even Sheng Tian Jing, Zhuang Zhi Dao, Su Qing Ning, not as good as the two.

"Across the gap? Is it true that you were the first Wudi four thousand years ago?" A silver-haired old man, suddenly thought of something, opened his mouth.

"I remembered it! There are records on the book of Cang, Wan Yonggu is the first Wudi 5,000 years ago, once alone, the leapfrog killed a full eight giants, Megatron, no one can compare! "An ancient emperor of the Nguyen, his face suddenly moved.

"What? The first Wudi four thousand years ago and five thousand years ago?"

Other great emperors, Wu Zu scattered repairers, heard these words, the heart is a shock.

We must know that the eternal and eternal life of the four thousand years ago and the 5,000 years ago is equivalent to the present Sheng Tian Jing, looking at the entire vast continent, unparalleled, is a veritable first genius.

"Hey? I didn't expect this era, there are still people who remember us." The first time, the words were like thunder.

"No! The book of Cangshu records that both of you have failed to seal the gods, and they have been killed by the enemy. Why are they still alive?" The ancient emperor of the Nguyen thought of something and was puzzled.

"Yes, we have indeed fallen, and we have not resurrected until now. However, we now have a new identity, the emperor, one of the emperors." Wan Yonggu's face smile, slowly convergence.


All the monks present, the scorpion plunged together.

These people have participated in the battle for the emperor, of course, knowing what the emperor is, but what they did not think is that those emperors who can not afford to see Yang are so huge.

"I have heard that many people who are amazing and talented will be invited by the Emperor's List after the fall. In another way, they will survive in the world. I did not expect this to be true."

An ancient emperor of the warrior could not help but marvel.

The other great emperors were deeply breathless.

When they arrived in this realm, there were so many secrets, and they also knew a little.

Nowadays, the power of the Emperor and the God List is much larger than they think.

"Yes, it's really good. Even the first person who was 4,000 years ago and 5,000 years ago has already appeared. The Emperor and the Gods list are really good means." Sheng Tianjing gently patted the palm of his hand, seemingly admired However, in his eyes, he is indifferent: "But nowadays, the times have changed, and it was 4,000 years ago, or 10,000 years ago, it is not worth mentioning."

The present era is the era of his horror!

No matter what enchantment, he will be all suppressed by him, crushed one by one!

In front of these two people, I want to use the heavens and the road to self-certify the emperor and break the rules. It is even more delusional, and it’s a fantasy!

"You are right, the times have changed, but you know, there is a word called a comeback?"

In this moment, Wan Yonggu and the unbroken eyes are all exposed to the gods of the gods, the domineering body, but also the layers of skyrocketing, becoming extremely vast!

They are willing to be emperors for thousands of years, for this day!

Reproduce the world, stir up the storm, let the vast number of monks in the mainland, look up to their posture again, even if these are beyond the existence of the rules of martial arts, no exception!

"There is a comeback? Jokes." Sheng Tianjing, under this domineering domineering, did not move, but a big sleeve, said: "Destroy them."

He wants to see what other means the other party has!

"it is good!"

In the twinkling of an eye, on the whole heaven-free platform, the three major forces and the giants of the great emperor, the giants of the great emperor, once again bloomed in the sky, and countless cold murders, like countless horrible beasts. Locked in the sea people and Wan Yonggu, horizontal and unbroken!

The whole skyless road, once again tremble slightly!

"not good!"

There are many strong people in the sea, their faces have changed greatly, they dare not have any reservations, an ancient charm of an door, and various emperors, etc., all released!

If they don't go all out, I am afraid that there is no life in the first line!

"I am afraid this is a game between the Emperor's List, the God List, and the South Gate. Just from the current situation, the Emperor's List and the God's List, I want to lose!"

The giants of the other powers, seeing this scene, are shaking their hearts and muttering to themselves.

Many of them, this is the first time I saw that the three giants that have been in existence for a long time in the mainland have launched the game of such a huge lineup for the first time.

"Haha, Sheng Tian is shocked, I am afraid I will be disappointed today!"

"The ancient martial arts, the emperor has lived forever, I am the emperor's name, call the world, all the Dili, listen to my order!"

On the occasion of this millennium, Wan Yonggu smiled at the sky, and his body gave off a gray breath. On the palm of his hand, there was a strange token that appeared in the palm of the hand and appeared gray, slowly emerging.


At the moment when this token emerges, in the deepest part of the Tianshan space in this source road, it seems that there are a few days of gods and thunders, which are exploding, earth-shattering, and powerful!

Not only that, but even this detached sky from the sky, it seems to have withstood tremendous pressure, the blue light that came out, suddenly dazzling, and printed that in all directions, all in a green mans!

Also at this time, the source of the Tianshan, the blue space.

The entire space of Nuo Da suddenly swayed.


Qinnan's brow wrinkled.

Just now, his emperor's heart suddenly moved a little.

"It seems that the situation outside has begun to change. The emperor and the gods list and the South Gate, have already begun to work, I have to hurry."

Qin Nan’s mind flashed through this thought, and his fighting spirit rose again.

"How is it still skyrocketing?"

Xiao Yun, Wan Wan, and so on saw this scene, and the Huanren were shrunk into needles.

Didn't it trigger the mystery?

This has been a few hundred years in the past, how is Qinnan getting stronger and stronger?

"The spear of the collapse!"

The shape of Qin Nan’s body disappeared in the same place, appearing in the back of the blood, Lin Yan, and Thunder. The big hand was lifted up, and three dark black spears suddenly formed.


Three black spears, like a three-headed dragon, went out into the sea at an astonishing speed. They only screamed, and they pierced the runes and emperors of the **** three, and put their chests, Straight through, nailed in the void of the distance.


Three screams of screams suddenly rang out.

Although the spear of the collapse, not enough to destroy their vitality, the collapse of that stock was invaded by their limbs and continually collapsed their bodies.

"Now, it's three of you!"

The shape of Qin Nan is once again moving, like a god, coming to the world.

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