Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1376: One by one

The first three hundred and seventy-six chapters are suppressed one by one

"The demon is alive!"

Xiao Yun's reaction was extremely fast. He opened his mouth and spit out a sacred temperament. He evolved a tall, incomparably illusory Taigao demon, which formed the Supreme Army to kill Qinnan.


Just listen to a knife, countless days of demon, and instantly smash.

"Damn broken knife!"

Xiao Yun’s face is so ugly.

The Taikoo demon that he played out was illusory and invisible, and the emperor couldn’t hurt it at all.

"Xiao Yun is absolutely, 10,000 souls, don't hide it again, use the killing trick together, destroy this smash!"

Meng Yi evil turned into a sword, wandering in the void, opening the way.

The repair of Qinnan is really terrible. It is like a terrible abyss. It is unfathomable. If you continue to fight, they will inevitably be suppressed one by one.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yun and the eternal soul are worthy of a generation of people, and the thoughts in their minds flashed, and they already had a decision.

"The power of the demon, bless me!"

"The soul of the ancestor, seal"

"killing the gods right"

In an instant, Xiao Yun, Wan Wan, Meng Yi and the evil three, as if to open a certain seal in the body, a vast expanse of demon, soul, murderous, rushing in their bodies, making them The atmosphere began to skyrocket and became extremely stalwart, just like a giant.

As the demon **** banned the landlord, the ghost family and the patriarchs, killing the gods and forbidden people, their bodies, naturally have the power left by the ancient giants, at a critical time, backwaters.

"Qin Nan, whether you have an emperor or not, give me to die!"

Xiao Yun's three figures are scattered, occupying the three sides, his face becomes incomparable, and the door of the heavenly emperor, Qi Qi played, it seems to form a Qi Tiandi River, submerged, the scene shocked, shocking people.

Far from seeing them, the three of them are like three angry gods, who are sinful and sinful.

"Haha, it’s just right, the **** of war!"

Qin Nan robes flying, not afraid of laughing, followed by the ghost of the gods covered in him, suddenly broken, turned into thousands of dragon-shaped blue light, around his left arm The entanglement of the circle made him feel like a mysterious force in his left arm.


A punch, a landslide, countless Tongdi emperors, under the horrible power, was instantly crushed into smash, even the entire blue space of the big, is one of them.

You know, in the nine days, at the peak of the God of War, its fist is enough to crush a vast continent. Although Qin Nan has only played out one of the wills, but the power it possesses is also very horrible and cannot be estimated. It is far from being able to stop Xiao Yun.

"The spear of the collapse!"

Qinnan's movements did not stop, three black spears, once again pulled out, through the layers of strength, respectively, pierced the chest of Xiao Yun, three people, nailed them into the void.


Another three screams sounded.

The six genius Wudi, at this moment, was suppressed by Qin Nan alone.

"Qin Nan! You dare to humiliate me! Do you believe that I lead the entire demon **** forbidden, so that you are not as good as death"

Xiao Yun was so screaming that he was filled with huge anger.

It has been defeated countless times since birth, but this is the first time someone has nailed it to the void.

However, I have not waited for his words.


Qinnan was cold and cold, and the cold knife swelled again on the broken knife.

Today, he is not only trying to suppress Xiao Yun and others, but he has to ruin them all.

"Qin Nan, in their bodies, has the will left by the strong gods in their respective ethnic groups. If there is a crisis of life and death, this will be erupted, and it will be bad for you now. You have to kill them, not as good as the emperor. Do it again."

At this time, the voice of the Lord of the Tianshan Mountains suddenly sounded in the mind of Qin Nan.

"Wu Shen will?" Qin Nan glimmered and looked at the six people faintly: "First let you watch a world-famous event, and then take your head."

After saying this, Qin Nan put away the broken knife, a horrible momentum, and also restored to the original, became an unremarkable Wu Zu.

"Xiaonanzi, tell the princess in truth, how did you do it?"

The wonderful Princess immediately flew over, squinting with big eyes, and the delicate face was full of curiosity.

Not only her, but also Gong Yang and Tang Qingshan, especially the latter.

In the beginning of the battle for the emperor, he witnessed the failure of Qin Nan to carry the nine emperors.

"This matter is a long story, and I will explain it to you one after another."

"But now, Princess, brother, Yang Ge, I have a big event in my life. If there is a chance, I hope you can help."

Qin Nan’s face has become extremely solemn.


The three wonderful Princesses are all very surprised. This is the first time they have seen them. Qin Nan is so solemn to let them help.

"I want to prove the emperor." Qin Nan said here, slightly paused, said: "Self-existing emperor."

Very plain tone, it is also a very common sentence, but at this moment, whether it is a wonderful three princesses, or Xiao Yun who is nailed into the void, six people, listen to this sentence, there is a mind in mind Jiuyi Shenlei, rolling and blasting.

Just when the battle of succession in the blue space has completely ended.

Source Road Tianshan, no heaven on the platform.

"this is"

At this moment, even the source of the Tianshan Mountains, there are bugs, and the eyes are also a glimpse.

"what is this?"

The great emperor and the ancestors of Wuzu who were present did not know what happened, and the face was full of shock.

Just taking out a token, how can it cause such a big vision?

"The light of the emperor, all the Dili, come out, bless the sea!"

Wan Yonggu's body shape turned into a Changhong, rushing into the void, and the token in his hand broke out with dazzling gray light, falling on the giants of the great forces present, as well as Sheng Tianjing and others.


The scene of the shock appeared. After being exposed to ash, the body of every great emperor’s giant, the pure and incomparable Dili, flew out automatically, and did not enter the Hai’s great emperor, as well as Jiang Kong’s curse. Wu Hung's body!

Their breath suddenly rises in layers, and the emperor is vast!

As for the great giants who lost the power of the great emperor, the breath is beginning to fall!

"How is this going?"

"The power of the great emperor in my body is not controlled by me!"

"Wan Yonggu, what are you doing? What is that token?"

The one of the great emperors who were present, his face was shocked and angry!

Such a strange scene, they are still encountered for the first time.

"The token in your hand is the legend, the treasure that the emperor has, the martial arts **** commander?"

The ancient existence of Nantiandi, suddenly remembered something, eyes staring at the sky.

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