Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1393: Clouds and bells

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-three chapters

"Qinnan, we are the existence of the peak of the Great Emperor, is it so easy to be killed by you? The release of the Emperor!" The face of the Great Emperor and Yunrui Emperor suddenly changed, and now the whole body will be released.

Their emperor, unlike other great emperors, has become a substance, and its original power has undergone a metaphysical and metaphysical change, becoming their most powerful killing.

"Imperial shape? What is the use?" Qin Nan did not move.

"This is nothing." The Great Emperor and Yunrui Emperor just wanted to say something. Suddenly they noticed a certain change. In the eyes of the sky, they revealed the color of horror and directly lost their voice: "How is it possible!"

I saw that under the red fire, the power of the two great emperors, like dead wood, not only did not have the slightest resistance, but made this red fire more burning.

We must know that Qin Nan’s current cultivation is the first emperor of the ancient times. In addition to mastering the incomparable powers of the heavens, the imperial killings he played, and so on, have a fatal general suppression for these pseudo-emperors.

"Qin Nan, you can't think about it!"

The emperor, the white lion, the great emperor and other giants, quickly responded, and screamed, once again urging the great martial arts, from all directions, like the ancient snake, with a very slick angle, toward Qinnan was attacked.

Although Qin Nan has shown extremely terrible strength until now, they still believe that Nantianmen said that Qinnan is now unstable. As long as he continues to kill, he will be able to find his flaws and kill him.

"The release of the emperor, the collapse of the sword!"

Qin Nan God read a move, his body is incomparably vast, the emperor, the **** of war, suddenly emerged, entangled in the broken knife, making the entire blade, like a dragon collapsed, God of War In general, the dragon has opened a very terrifying momentum.

"A horrible emperor!"

In this moment, in addition to the major peak giants, the other great emperors in the field, there was a burst of turmoil in their hearts. Now the knives of the knives, the empathy of their bodies, began to tremble, and even a suffocating feeling.

This is an essential suppression, just like the Great Emperor and Wu Zu, just separated by a barrier, but the power of its mastery is the gap between heaven and earth.

"Hurry up and let go of his body, can't be hard with him!"

Emperor Wudi was not the giant of the emperor who had existed for thousands of years, and soon reacted and snorted.

“Want to go?” Qin Nan’s momentum is like being an emperor, and he is beginning to climb up. In the blink of an eye, he has reached a grand point. “The emperor has no emperor. When I prove the emperor, you are against my brother. I played five kills and I will return it to you now!"


Accompanied by the shackles of the broken knives, the full fifty is extremely vast, like the ancient river-like knives, overwhelming, drowning toward the emperor.

It is said that it is ten times more, and that is ten times!


The face of Emperor Wudi’s face suddenly became extremely ugly, and even appeared pale.

"And you, Luo Yin, you have played 13 kills for Yang Ge!"

"White Lion the Great, although you only played a killing trick against Simakong, but you are the demon **** forbidden people, but also want to kill the Dragon Emperor and the nine-tailed predecessors, now a hundred times to return!"

"No big emperor, do you think you can escape?"


The sound of Qin Nan’s drink, like the same thundering thunder, blew up between the whole world.

When every drink falls, there will be endless knives, or the collapse of the mountains, the **** of war, and so on, and they will rise like a storm.

In the past, it was awe-inspiring, such as the giant of the Great Emperor, the giant of the day, at this moment, like a dog of funeral, and even dodge, very embarrassed.

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, a deafening explosion sounded again and again.

In the whole battle of Noda, no matter the momentum of Qinnan or the knife, it is like a trial god. When you come to the mortal world, every time you say a crime, you will endlessly punish, so that there is one between every interest. The great giant of the great name, the screaming of the sky, the blood sprinkling the sky.

For a long time, Qin Nan is not a man of the atmosphere, even if it is now the first emperor of the ancient times, so is the case. Therefore, when he killed the emperor and robbed the dragon, he killed the great emperors who had shot the princess and others. Remember in your heart.

Just as they are guarding him, if anyone dares to move the people around him, he must slash and swear, never mercy!

"Now I will count the last account with you. When I prove the emperor, all of you will unite and shoot at me. Do you really think that I am so bullied?"

"The heart of the ancient emperor, release it with all strength!"

The boundless red gold imperial light, in the Qinnan body, suddenly bloomed, turned into a fierce illusion, tall, awkward domineering trenches, covering the whole body of Qinnan, a robes, swaying with the wind Hunting.

Now is his complete cultivation, he is the true attitude of the first Emperor of the Ages!

"His cultivation and momentum, can still rise?"

The emperor, the White Lion, and so on, the giants of the peaks, immediately showed a smudge of the face.

Where is this the first emperor of the ages, clearly is a strong **** of the Valkyrie!

Moreover, in other respects, it is even stronger than the one who is strong!

"Amazing knife!"

Long hair flying, Qinnan's eyes, cold, no feelings, his figure is like a flash between the heavens and the earth, disappears instantly, instantly appears, every time there appears, there is a horror knife , blooming in the heavens and the earth.


The one of the great emperors, who had just escaped this knives, saw it clearly and clearly. Each of the knives and the sudden cracking of the knives became a huge sacred meaning, as if it were too old. Beast-like, hitting them.


The screams of screaming and fierceness are like springing up in the rain, and there are countless emperors and countless emperor blood, which have been sprinkled down, even dyed the whole void. Scarlet color.

In the past, he was shocked by the stone, and the heavens and the earth were all smashed. Now he is a great man, and he must be a corpse!

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