Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1394: Unlawless

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-four chapters are lawless

Hundreds of great emperors have been suppressed?

His momentum can still continue to climb?

Where is he, the meaning of the emperor, the spirit of a giant giant is not weak!

The horrors of the celestial continents, and the genius of the martial arts martial arts ancestors, looked at the confrontation in front of them, and their eyes were full of shocking colors.

Originally, they thought that Qin Nan was no longer strong, and he was never an opponent in the face of many emperors.

But who can think of it, the cultivation of the first emperor of the ancient times is so terrible.

The demon gods banned everyone from listening to the order, and then there will be a strong **** of the gods, specifically to kill Qinnan, you quickly evacuated the source of Tianshan, just like this!

Ghosts all hear orders

All of the sea

The road is like a thunder, incomparably majestic, full of anger, and bursts in the depths of the sky.

These voices are the masters of the major forces and so on.

They never thought of this time, and in the end it turned out to be such a result, which made them no longer able to sit still, and came orders.

Every great emperor is invaluable to their major forces. If Qinnan is killed today, then their losses will be too great.

let's go!

The emperor, the great white lion, and other giants, looked at the horrible Qinnan, the original killing in the heart, has long been destroyed without any trace, and even emerged a hint of fear.

Therefore, when they heard this, everyone suddenly became a big man, and turned a door taboo into a dynasty, and did not enter into all directions.

A hit across the sky!

Qin Nan strode to the front, directly to the front of Emperor Wu, the invisible and powerful power, like the nine-day dragon, slamming, and slamming in the chest of Emperor Wudi.


The Emperor Wudi, who had received a lot of heavy losses, immediately issued a scream of screams, and the emperor's light, which was smashed, was broken and shattered from the sky, and the ground was pulled out of a huge pit.

Collapse the spear, wear it one by one!

The two great emperors in Qinnan’s body were once again raging again and again. In the blink of an eye, they turned into a spear with a terrible horror. They went to the Great Emperor, such as the White Lion, and so on, so that the next moment, another sound was heard. The Taoist screams.

All want to escape? can!

Although he is a master of the world, it is impossible to stop a group of emperors who want to escape!

However, before letting them escape, the giants of these major forces have all fallen!

Dedicated to killing the great giants?

The great genius Wudi Wuzu scattered repairers, all Qi Qi took a breath of cold air.

Qin Nan!

Among the various places in the mainland of the Cangwu, the main sacred lord of the Yaochi Holy Land, the lord of the sect of the sacred lord of the Yaochi, and so on, through all means, looked at everything here, and both of them trembled, and even the body shivered slightly.

This is the giant of the great emperor!

Put on any force, that is the existence of the pillars!

However, even if they are angry, there is no way. The giants of the gods who have been sent out by their major forces have been blocked by the owner of the Tianshan Mountains. The will of the gods is also blocked by Wuyuange.

For a while, they can only watch the massacre of Qinnan.

The accounts of hundreds of great emperors have been liquidated, and now your account of the major forces will be counted again! Qin Nan suddenly turned around, his eyes looked down, the voice was extremely cold: you, want to go?

Qin Nan, you -

Is urging all kinds of cards, ready to leave here Xiao Yun, Meng Meng, evil spirits, Wan Chong, Jiang Kong, curse, seven devils, Xuan Yun, and so on, the genius of the Emperor, the scalp instantly bombed.

They did not expect that Qinnan would suddenly look at them.

Qinnan, what do you mean?

The voice of the Lord of the Sacred Buddhism in the Yaochi Holy Land, the Lord of the Forbidden Land, and so on, was heard again, and it was shocked and angry.

What do I mean? Your major forces, united to deal with me, still do not allow me to fight back? Killed a lot of great emperors, but it is also difficult to eliminate the anger of my heart!

Meng Xie Xing Ling, Wu Hung Si Zhaoxue, I will not kill you today, naturally someone will deal with you!

As for Xiao Yun, you all have to die!

At this time, Qin Nan seems to have turned into a demon god. The ruined sword from his collapsed sword in his hand almost trembled in the sky hundreds of miles away.

At the time of the war, his gods have been paying attention to the great genius Wudi, ready to kill them.

This is the ‘big gift’ that he gave to the major forces.

Qinnan, you dare!

The sacred lord of the sacred lord of the Yaochi Holy Land, Zongzong, the Lord of the Forbidden Land, and so on, screamed in the sky.

They had thought that Qin Nan had such crazy ideas.

I can not? joke! Even if I am still only a martial art, killing the descendants of your major forces, the brow will never wrinkle, let alone me now!


Qin Nan smoldering the sky, the broken knife in the hand, broke out the dazzling knife light, respectively locked Xiao Yun and so on, the unrelenting sire.

He really dare to do it?

The horrors of the vastness of the mainland, as well as the genius of the wonderful princesses and other geniuses, all of them are in the same position.

If only the giants of the major forces are killed, the major forces may not die with Qin Nan, but if their patriarchs are killed, the major forces will definitely be crazy.

Moreover, the present Qinnan is already the murderer of the three horror giants of the Emperor's list of the gods of Nantianmen, and even dared to sin against so many forces in the dead.

This guy, how innocent is it!

not good!

The main sacred lord of the Yaochi Holy Land, Zongzong, the Lord of the Forbidden Land, and so on, all have a cold heart. Now, no one can block Qinnan.

However, just in the midst of this millennium, the change has suddenly occurred.


One seemed to come from an extremely distant place, and the seemingly incomprehensible bell rang out throughout the heavens and the earth.

this is--

The horrors of the vast continents, as well as the giants of these major forces, have a singular look, and even the knife in the hands of Qin Nan is a slight meal.


This bell, once again, not only rang in the Tianshan Mountains, but also in various places in the country of the demigod, slowly swaying, making countless monks, look a little glimpse, seems to suspect that they have got it wrong. .

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The bells of the roads resounded one after another, one thicker than the other, and one more passionate than the other, so that all the people in the Tianshan Mountains, all the monks in the whole country of the demigod, were clearly heard and confused. .

Where did this bell come from?

Is this the case -

The horrors of the vast continents, the giants of the major forces, and the giants who have survived for a long time, suddenly thought of something, and their eyes were exposed.

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