Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1399: 武道真谛

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-nine chapters

Nantianmen, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

The magical swordsman did not seem to find the anger of Nantianmen. His tone and expression were as light as ever. His body shape flashed, and the swords and swords merged into one, and they turned into a sword and a thorn.

boom! boom! boom!

A terrible confrontation, unfolding in the depths of the sky.

Endless instinct, like the turbulent waves, rolled up in all directions, and the film of the world, has become a chaos.

At this moment, the light of the strong gods of Wushu does not exist. Even the many mountains of the gods of Nantian are like a faint flame. Only a light breeze will be extinguished.

Even if there are countless strong people in Qinnan, just seeing these pictures, the mind is also suffering from no small impact.

Thousands of magic roads, set in my body, nothingness, destroy the gods and swords.

Even though the power of the magical sword god, under this huge ancient door, it seems extremely small, like an ant, but his movements, but there is no slight retreat, a white robe, hunting, ringing, endless magic light, in him The tip of the sword gathered together until the end, and it broke out.

Rao is the infinite chaos, but also pierced by hard, as if under this sword, the gods of the gods have to fall.

Forced to kill the soldiers.

At the beginning of the millennium, the magical swordsman suddenly spit out words like thunder, and the power of a mysterious power, blessing, made this sword mang, actually happened to change dramatically.

The nine-character magic is not only a killing trick, but also can be combined with other magical techniques at a critical time to make its power surge.

Ignorance! Don't you know that in this vast continent, whether it is forbidden, or magic, or a treasure, etc., is not worth mentioning in front of me?

The south Tianmen cold and cold opening, slightly swaying, the power of the vast martial arts rules, suddenly poured down.

Rao is this sword, the power is extraordinary, the cloud is unparalleled, but the stab in the power of this martial law rule, but it is like piercing the endless sea, just splashing a wave of waves, can no longer advance.

The light of the world, the evil spirits, the three dreams.

If the magical swordsman is innocent, step by step like a rainbow, the hands and seals in the hands are constantly changing, and the gods of that world are successively played.

Not only that, he also mastered these magical techniques to an incredible point, so that they can be combined with each other, and the power can complement each other, and become a set of serial killing tricks.


Nantianmen is high on the top, not moving, just cold and cold, echoing the world.

In the next moment, the power of the vast martial law rule turned out to be a supreme killing trick, and it also had the power to destroy and ruin the many magical techniques.


This is not over yet, and there is no killing in the empty air, killing the magical swordsman, even if he is repairing the world, at this moment, it is also reversing, and the momentum is not as good as before.

The power of Nantianmen is really terrible. You can use the power of martial arts rules to operate freely.

Among the Tianshan Mountains, Qin Nan looked at the scene in the picture, and his heart violently fluctuated.

If you want to deal with this kind of power in Nantianmen, you must only surpass the rules of martial arts, and you must have a thorough cultivation.

For example, Qin Nan is now the first emperor of the ancient times, transcending the rules of martial arts, not bound by the Heaven and Earth Avenue, but his knives, in front of the facade of Nantian, even the ants are not counted.

That is the essential gap of the realm of the realm.


Qinnan’s palms are getting tighter and tighter.

The magic hair was completely suppressed!

The spirit of the gods list, such as the spirit of the gods, and so on, are more focused.

This is the end of the matter. Can the first person in the mainland of China today try out the true strength of Nantianmen?

I dare to scream with the teacher, I really don’t know how to live!

In contrast, Tiandu Wushen, etc., the corners of the mouth are flushed with a sneer.

They don't look down on the magical swordsman, but the Nantianmen can suppress the gods of the demigods for thousands of years. Even the emperor's list of gods can't help, its power, is it that the gods can pry into it?

Magic hair, I am thinking about the past love, the first time I will not pursue you, the second time I will not pursue you, I did not expect you to make such a ridiculous move! The voice of Nantianmen, blasting: If this is the case, today you will lick your head and hang on Chifeng Mountain forever!

Chifeng Mountain is the first mountain of the **** of Nantian, and anyone who wants to enter the land of Nantian has to pass this mountain. On the top of the mountain, there is a bone of the Great Emperor who dared to do the right thing in Nantianmen.

In general, the presence of the magical swordsman must be hung in Zhengnanshan, the world of the show, and now hanging in the Chifeng Mountain, is a great shame.

What was the past? You and me still have love? In the incomparable voice of the magic sword god, suddenly there is a touch of cold: Nantianmen, you think you can mobilize the power of the martial arts rules, I will take you no way!


In an instant, the body of the magical sword god, round and round like the magic light of the sky, rises and rises, shining in all directions.

There is no slight increase in the momentum of his whole person, but the power that he exudes has a metaphysical and mysterious transformation, as if there is no such thing.

Destroy the sword!

The magical swordsman's body shape flashed, the horror swordsmanship, and the skyrocketing scene appeared. The power of the vast martial arts rule turned out to be like a piece of paper, which was easily torn apart.

what happened?

In the voice of Nantianmen, there was a mistake.

Practice is true!

The magic sword **** has mastered the true meaning of cultivation!

From this will, the mastery of cultivation is more powerful than the source of the Tianshan Mountain!

The spirits of the Emperor's List of Spirits, and so on, are all ancient beings, and their looks are moving together.

The so-called cultivation of sincerity, although not beyond the rules of martial arts, can also make its own power, the mysterious transformation, if it is sturdy to a certain extent, it can break the rules of martial arts.

However, the source of the Tianshan Mountains in the past can master the true meaning of cultivation. It is an accident. How is the magic sword **** mastered?

Nantianmen, you know how many sinisters have I experienced in order to master this cultivation? The magical swordsman's eyes are like the 10,000-year ice front: I have paid so much, although I still can't smash you now, but at the beginning of your kind to me, I can get a sword today!

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