Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1200: Gate of horror

The first thousand two hundred chapters of the door of horror

As soon as the voice fell, the magic sword sent a magical hair, no wind and dance, more than two hundred ancient magic, suddenly in the chaos of all directions, condensed into a statue of respect.

Every figure, and the appearance of the magic sword god, etc., are exactly the same, the strength of the body is also comparable to the 20% of the magic sword.

Destroy the sword! No swordsmanship! Evil! Nine characters!

The magic sword and the sword of the gods sang high songs, each figure, suddenly emerged momentum, took out the law and printed, and the door of the earth-shattering magical skills.

Not only that, under his huge mind, each of the gods is combined with each other to form a serial killing, from different angles, to the South Gate.

If you look at it from a distance, you can find that these hundreds of magical techniques are invisible, forming an ancient squad that is interlocking.

More than two hundred avatars?

Take the magic as a guide, and form hundreds of killings?

The horrors of the vastness of the mainland, the great martial arts, and the eyes of the stunned eyes.

You must know that the current magic sword god, mastered the true meaning of cultivation, or is now the first **** of the mainland, his two strengths, has been extremely powerful, not to mention more than two hundred avatars.

Coupled with this door to form a killing magic, this killing is already terrifying.

Even the spirit of the Emperor and the spirit of the gods, the face is slightly dignified.

The power of the magical swordsman is much stronger than they think.


I saw only the endless blue light shining on the South Gate, and it evolved a head tall and tall, like the abyss of the Southern Heavenly Emperor.

Each of the Southern Heavenly Emperors, together with the vast martial arts rules, is one, imposing, rising, and becoming magnificent, and has produced all kinds of gods.


In an instant, the sound of a dense explosion, such as the same flail, broke.

Although the Nantian gods who have blessed the rules of martial arts are extremely powerful, compared with these hundreds of gods, the difference is still too great. Many of the statues of the Southern Heavenly Emperor have been torn into shattered, the remaining gods. The killing of the battle was on the South Gate.

However, no matter how powerful the magical powers are, it is still impossible to shake the South Gate.


With a loud drink, a white shadow, jumped into the sky, and emerged in front of the huge portal.

Around him, the scene of incomparable mistakes happened. The two hundred figures were even merged together. Until the end, there were only six.

The momentum of these six statues is at least hundreds of times stronger than before, comparable to the power of the deity.

These seven swords are for her!

The magical swordsman and the six avatars form an ancient battle, the blood sword in the hand, and the swordsmanship that broke out, the chaos in all directions, is printed in a **** color.


Is this the seventh killing of the Swordsman?

The giants of the spirits of the Emperor's list, such as the spirit of the gods, have once again suffered a lot.

Especially the seven killings of the swords and swords, in the rumors, is the horrible array that the immortals can master in nine days.


Rao is a horror such as Nantianmen. Under the horrible seven swords, the entire portal is also a circle of ripples like water, and numerous rules of martial arts are broken around.

Nantian adults were shaken?

The many monks in Nantiandi are eclipsed.

In history, only the 8,000-year-old flying over the female emperor can do this step.

Nantianmen, these seven swords are for all her people!

The magical swordsmanship is as strong as the chill, and the chill is like the tide. The seven-way scorpion-blooded swordsmanship is once again blooming between the heavens and the earth.

In the vagueness, as if the Nantianmen, the horrible horror, radiated, it was covered by these seven swords.

funny! Your current strength is only 50% faster than the past, and you want to shake me? The cold and majestic voice, suddenly blasted between the heavens and the earth.

Then, on the huge portal, a more horrible rule of power surged out.

The power of this rule is the rule of heaven and earth above the rules of martial arts.

Not only that, the infinite blue light that Nantianmen blooms, like a certain transformation, becomes deeper and more vast.


At this moment, many of the gods of Nantiandi began to tremble fiercely. They were not responding to Nantianmen, but were photographed by this force, shaking with fear.

Master respect -

Even the presence of the gods of the gods, such as the gods of the gods, there is a hint of horror in the depths of the eyes.

The ever-changing blue light has already had a sin-like meaning above the **** of war.

Nantianmen is fully committed!

The spirit of the list of the gods of the emperor, and so on, are all shocked.

What is this power?

Looking at this scene, Qin Nan’s breathing suddenly lags.

Although that power is very weak and very rare, it is more powerful than any power.


Seven 滔 滔 剑 剑 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Magic hair!

Nantianmen swayed slightly, the vast force of the heavens and the earth and the infinite blue light, immediately condensed into seven magical seals, as if crossing the infinite time and space, hit the seven gods of the magic sword.

Seven killing the fairy, the magic is hard to stop!

The magic sword sentiment quickly reacted, and together with the six majors, swung the sword again.


The magical swordsman and the chests of the six big avatars are all in one piece, as if they had been hit by the supreme blow, the body shape went backwards and again, and the corner of the mouth overflowed with a drop of blood.

The name of the seven killings of the squad, but also the rupture.

Seven kills -

The magical sword **** has no sense, long hair dance, want to show the killing.

Your majesty!

At this moment, everyone is very clear to see, it is like a canopy, like the horror gates of countless mountains, smashing the chaos in all directions, no mercy, in comparison, like a no The grass-like magical swordsman, seven people, looked down on the town.


Everything around the entire southern gods is turned into nothingness.

The six avatars that possessed the 80% of the deity of the deity were instantly crushed into pieces, and the whole body of the demon swordsman was also completely shattered. There were countless magic blood flowing out, and a white robe was dyed into a dark red.

More than that, two screams, his knees, crushed by the horrible power, the whole body, immediately lost support, squatting in this void.

Even without any sound, but in the minds of all the giants, it seems to blast a thunder.

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