Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1418: Immortal soul

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-eight chapters

"what happened?"

In this moment, the faces of the Red Night Wushen and others all showed an incredible color.

You must know that this magical disappearance has been used twice in the moment when the magic is against the sky.

Now, can you still use it for the third time?

"I didn't expect that the power of this sword actually reached this point. No wonder you dare to show up under the current situation."

The yin and yang old roads reacted, and the black and white light appeared in the eyes: "But, you have looked down on this old road."


I saw only behind him, a long shadow of the ancient tortoise, a pair of ancient paintings filled with countless strange lines, a huge chessboard filled with black and white and gray chess pieces, a root of decay and decay The bamboo sticks, etc., float out and exude a genius.

"Reversely, the road is difficult to hide!"

There is a vain flame in the yin and yang old roads, and the mysterious and magical prints of the hands are made out of each other, which makes the piece of the piece of the instrument work at the same time, and blooms with a dazzling look.

Numerous pictures, emerging and changing, as if everything in the world is in it.

“Will it appear in these three places?” Yin Yang Laodao looked at the three pictures of the final freeze, and there was almost no hesitation: “If that is the case, then choose the Yunxiao Mountains!”

"Eight friends, rush to the Yunxiao Mountains, they will appear there!"

"Southern Heaven"

He had already prepared his back hand before he was there.

The dozens of places he had previously played were not only the places where Qin Nan and others would appear, but also the places where Qin Nan and others solved the crisis and will go after successful separation.

In this way, the scope is greatly reduced and he will be promoted again. Only three choices are required.

Although only 30% of the grasp, but he has a very strong intuition, Qin Nan and others will inevitably go to the Yunxiao Mountains.

"it is good!"

The eight martial arts powerhouses closer to the Yunxiao Mountains, as well as the Nantianmen, the gods, and the emperor's list, which were supposed to descend near the Dragon Emperor's Court, immediately tore the infinite void and rushed at an alarming rate.

Of course, all the things that happened in the dark were completely unknown to all the monks.

They looked at the picture on the monument, and the heart stopped beating.

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so that Qin Nan escaped?

At the same time, one of the hundred mountains in Zhongzhou, over the Yunxiao Mountains.

With a bang, the Seven-Flying Flying Sword emerged, and the storm opened a huge storm, blowing all the white mist below.

In this sword, the face of the source of the Tianshan, Wuyuan Pavilion, and the seven-sword sword spirit are extremely dignified, and the mysterious seals in the hands are constantly being played.

Now is a very crucial time.

They have to do everything in that short period of time, otherwise the whole plan will fall short.

"Qin Nan, now!"

The Seven Swordsman suddenly screamed: "Bodhi blossoms, the flesh coexists!"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire space of Noda began to tremble violently.

On the Bodhi Jade Soul Tree, shining a jasper of light, a colorful flower that seems to have nurtured thousands of avenues, slowly spread.

"The heavens and the earth are furnaces, everything is stone, the road is like fire, the burning is refined, and the spirit is born. The spirit, the stone is invisible"

Qin Nan, who was covered in blood and nailed six giant soul nails, resisted the bitter pain of the bones, and recited a tactical decision in the mouth, rushing into the Bodhi jade soul tree.


In the mind of Qinnan, it seems that there is an ancient Tianzhong ringing.

On his body, a fairy light that emerges without a trace emerges.

The power of the shackles of the soul is terrible, and the Dili of Qinnan is sealed, but the sacred method is motivated by the power of the soul and will not be affected at all.

"The law of the soul, the **** of the gods!"

An illusory figure floats out of the flesh of Qinnan, and is his soul.

As for his body, he and the Bodhi Jade Soul Tree are integrated into one, the look is calm, the breathing is even, and the vitality continues, and even his injury is slowly recovering.

"You seniors, after seven years, I will return to the sky!"

Qin Nan held a fist to the three men, and the prepared message was burned immediately, letting his soul disappear, and disappeared into the original place, into the ancient evil.

"It’s finally succeeded."

The source of the Tianshan Mountain is relieved.

Although all of this seems to be very easy and simple, but in this case, as long as there is the slightest flaw, no matter what Qin Nan is, it is impossible to escape.

"A few old guys are coming, time is just right."

The seven-year-old sword spirit looked up at the top, and it was an imposing manner.

At this time, Nantian Shendi, even in the monument.

As a picture suddenly came, all the monks of the monks were stunned.

"Eight Valkyrie predecessors?"

"That is the sword that just disappeared?"

They never thought that they had thought that everything was over, but now there is an amazing reversal.

Not only that, the next moment, the sky above the Yunxiao Mountains, became a dark-like ink, countless martial arts rules, have been broken, turned into a piece of chaos.

Countless ice, snow, thunder, like the head of a wild beast, raging all directions, the earth is moving, like the end.

Even though the pictures are separated, all the monks still feel a terrible pressure from the face.

"Southern Tiannan adults, there are gods and emperors?"

All the monks looked at the horror portal and the two stalwarts that emerged from the chaos. After the look of the monk smashed, the face immediately showed a surprise color.

Although they don't know what happened during this period, they only know one thing.

The will of the three adults in Nantianmen, as well as the eight strong gods, are close to the sword, and the sword is impossible to escape!

This confrontation is that they won!

"Everything, end."

The yin and yang old road finished the last bit of spiritual tea, and his face showed a faint smile.

"Source, Wuyuan!"

At this moment, on the Yunxiao Mountain Range, the cold sound of Nantianmen was blown up between the whole world: "Within the three interest, hand over Qinnan, you will not die!"


The void in all directions, like being poured into a supreme force, turned into a piece of crystal clear crystal, which became the essence.

Just in case, before they rushed, they had already planted the power of rules between heaven and earth, making it a wall of rules.

Even if the sword is still disappearing, it cannot pass through the wall of this rule. It can only take some time and force it to be crushed by force.

"Ha ha ha, Nan Tianmen, do you think that all this is already in your hands?" The laughter of the Lord of the Tianshan Mountains originated from the sword: "I believe that all of you should be through the gods." Look at this scene, then let me tell you."

"Counterattack, just started!"

With a bang, the Seven-Flying Flying Fairy Sword passed through the wall of the rule in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

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