Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1419: Re-enter the ancient road

The first thousand four hundred and forty-nine chapters re-entered the ancient road

"Disappeared again?"

The yin and yang old roads and the great martial arts powerhouses have suddenly changed their faces.

"Nantian adults and gods, emperor's list, and eight strong gods, can't stop them?"

The other monks, the impact on their hearts, is even greater.

Even Nantianmen, God List, and Emperor's List are extremely wrong at this time.

You must know that the sword has disappeared three times, and now it disappears for the fourth time. It has even quietly broken through the blockade of the rule wall.

"Could it be that"

The will of Nantianmen, God List, and Emperor's List flashed a thought at the same time.

On today's vast continent, even if the sword has mastered a sense of immortality, it is impossible to have such powerful power.

The only possibility, there are some terrorist strong, is secretly shot, supporting the sword.

Are these strong people, even the spirits of the wild, or some hidden existences of the ages?

Of course, the three giants could not have imagined that there was no strong person in the dark to help Qin Nan and others.

From the beginning, the Yin and Yang Road calculated their position for the first time, the second calculation, and the arrival of Nantianmen, God List, Emperor's List, the wall of the rule, etc., all in the deduction of the magic sword.

The back hand left by the Magic Sword God can justify these crises.

"Yin and Yang, everything left, you go to deal with it!"

The will of Nantianmen did not continue to think more. After passing a **** thought, he and the gods list and the will of the emperor disappeared in the same place.

This is the end of the matter, and it will not help. In order to prevent problems before they happen, they still need to join forces to tamper with the rules of the world and prepare for the future battle of the gods.


The yin and yang old roads have come back to God, and the eyes have revealed the complex colors: "I didn't expect that the means you prepared were far beyond my expectations. This plan will make you successful."

In his view, Qin Nan and others have spent so much effort on this time, in order to bring a psychological impact to all the monks of all major forces.

Killing more than a dozen giants of the great emperor, dozens of strong martial arts masters, and fighting against the three great martial arts, and finally left in the presence of giants such as Nantianmen.

Although Qinnan itself has suffered a lot of damages, all this kind of thing will not only make most of the monks fear the Qinnan and others, but also think that Qinnan and others are not weak, but instead Have a terrible ability.

This kind of thinking gave birth, and the future forces will jointly become a joke.

"Pass me order"

The yin and yang old roads pondered for a while and ordered again.

However, he did not realize that the ideas of Nantianmen and others, as well as his own ideas, fell into the calculations of the Devil Sword God.

Qin Nan went to nine days, it was a simple matter, just serious injury, can be transmitted.

However, if the soul enters nine days, it is a matter of rebellion against the sky. When these things are going to be done, there will be various accidents during the period. In order to avoid such an accident, I did not hesitate to lay down the overall situation, and crossed the sea and diverted everyone’s attention.

This is the real purpose of the entire plan.

Time passes by bit by bit, when the soul of Qinnan enters the familiar abyss, under the yin and yang old roads and so on, the news of the road is like a storm, sweeping across the continent.

"Qin Nan appeared and was seriously injured by the three great gods!"

"I heard that his body is about to collapse!"

"It’s just a crash. I’ve got a smashing soul, and even Dili can’t use it!”

"Although Qinnan has become the first emperor of the ancients, if you continue this way, I am afraid it will be difficult to seal the gods in the future!"

"I want to seal the gods in the future. If this continues, Qin Nan and others will not be able to escape the pursuit, and sooner or later will fall!"

"Hey, the first emperor since the ancient times, how terrible is this? Unfortunately, he has no future."

These monks, except for a small number of people gloating, most of them are shaking their heads and sighing.

There are even some people who have some thoughts in their hearts, but after knowing this, they have cooled down and lost their courage.

Also at this time, the country of the demigod, lost in the depths of the medicine garden.

"The body of Xiao Nanzi was severely wounded and was also hit into the shackles?"

On the ancient road, a woman with a fair skin and a face of the city, exuding an invisible pressure, opened her eyes, and the sound of the ears was cold and chilling at this moment.

"Princess, Qin Nangongzi said that he was injured, but the power that Qin Nangongzi showed them has brought a lot of impact to the monks of all major forces."

A green skirt woman expresses her heart.

"Hey, don't look at the people who are in the spotlight." Miao Miao princess waved her fist and suddenly said: "You tell the old man of Tochigi, the princess promised him, and he will see him tomorrow."

"Princess!" The green skirt woman was shocked and stunned. "You really want to go to that place? There were so many predecessors, but they all died inside, no one succeeded."

"What about that? Others can't succeed, it doesn't mean the princess won't succeed."

Miao Miao Princess did not have a good air: "And, Xiao Nanzi became the first emperor of the ancients, and has already left the princess behind him. If the princess is not strong, how to cover him when he seals the god?"

The green skirt woman looks at it.

Just for this, that is infinitely dangerous, completely disregarded?

At the same time, Zhongzhou, the ancient abyss.

Qin Nan stood on an ancient dojo, not far from him, with a very run-down ancient temple.

In the past, his God of War left, can not see the existence of this ancient temple, now he, without any martial arts, can already see.

Going forward, pushing the temple door, everything inside is still as old.

The strange old painting is still dark as ink.


Not yet waiting for Qinnan to move, this dark black painting suddenly trembles, like the ink-like darkness, retreating toward the surrounding, emerges a mysterious ancient avenue, straight into the depths of the void, can not see the end.

"Thank you."

Qinnan looked at it with almost no hesitation. The soul flew into the painting and stepped onto the ancient avenue.

Once he said that he waited for the emperor to seal the gods and broke Nantianmen before he went to nine days.

But now, the situation is different, he has to go for his goal.

To be worthy of yourself, to be worthy of all who support him.

However, what Qin Nan never imagined was that when his figure disappeared on the ancient road, a blue light suddenly appeared in the temple, and a animal skin emerged, which evolved a mysterious Ancient paintings.

If Qin Nan is here, he will surely find that this animal skin and ancient paintings are exactly the same as what he met in the Tianshan Mountains.

"The ancient evil, help me a favor."

"Don't send it at will, choose a place for him, and have a lot of strong people and geniuses."

"In addition, prepare him for a proper body."

A gentle voice, slowly sounding.

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