Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1420: Rebirth

The first thousand four hundred and twenty chapters are reborn

Endless darkness, the path of ancient evil.

Qin Nan’s figure flashed with celestial light, like an ancient Jinwu, flying over an ancient stone step at an alarming speed.

Although he is now the body of the soul, in this strange space, the many emperors he masters can still be motivated.

Moreover, he has not consumed anything and can continue to operate.


Suddenly, Qin Nan’s eyes revealed a strange color.

As he became faster and faster, he climbed higher and higher. He felt keenly that every time he crossed a step, he would sometimes change and twist, and it would be mysterious and mysterious.

"This ancient evil path is really extraordinary. It can be done in such a way. It must be because of this that it can reach nine days from the mainland."

After Qin Nan’s heart sighed, he suddenly realized that he had been negligent.

Nantianmen Town lived in the sky-rising rules of the Cangwu mainland. Why can this ancient evil path fly for nine days?

And the existence of this ancient evil way, do they not know about Nantianmen?

Otherwise, why is it still allowed to exist?

"It seems that the secret of this vast continent is not so simple as Wu Yuange’s predecessors said."

Qin Nan’s heart whispered, and then no longer thought about it, but entered the state of Wu Chi.

These problems, for a while, can't think of an answer. It's better to feel the transformation of time and space.

Time and space, these two forces, even the powerful gods can not grasp.

Now they can clearly feel their operation, naturally can not waste the opportunity, even in the end he can not master these two forces, even a little fur can not understand, but certainly can gain something.

Time passed by, and it quickly passed for five days.

For the monks on the mainland of the sky, these five days are only sixty hours. If you do something, it will pass, and it will not make people feel long.

But for Qinnan, these five days are like five years, a total of 1,825 days, twenty-one thousand nine hundred hours.

Every time, he is fully aware, flying all the way, do not know how many ancient stone steps have been crossed.

Even so, this ancient evil path is like an endless cycle. No matter how far you fly, no matter how long you fly, there will never be an end, reincarnation over and over again.

This kind of reincarnation and stunned feelings are very horrible. Even if your patience is amazing and your mind is extraordinary, you will be tempered and finally swallowed up.

If Qin Nan did not make the first emperor of the ancients, I would probably be completely lost with his previous mind.

"That is"

Qin Nan suddenly felt a little bit.

I saw that in the hundreds of miles in front of him, it is no longer a long and boundless ancient road step, but a horror altar with a few tens of thousands of feet, like a pile of mountains. The grandeur is huge, and the heart gives birth to a feeling of being as small as an ant.

"There is a good way to live, and it will last for nine days!"

"The person who came to Qinnan, the body of the soul, has not lost, arrived at the end!"

"Therefore, the answer is that the ancient evils are running, the power of time and space, straight into the fairy"

A road like the sound of nine sacred gods, rolling in the whole endless darkness, and shocking the whole path of ancient evils, are tremors.

Then, before Qin Nan reacted, there was a white light that burst out, illuminating the darkness and falling on him.

At this moment, Qin Nan only felt his own soul, like falling into an endless abyss, constantly falling, and letting him forcefully push any emperor, he could not open his eyes and could not move.

Until the end, an indescribable sleepy attack made him sleep deeply.

Time is like water, flowing slowly.

I don't know how long it has been, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly blasted in the heart of Qin Nan, and the consciousness of letting him sleep suddenly awakened.

"Across the sky!"

Qin Nan gave a low drink, and the whole body shape disappeared instantly in the same place.

The next moment, a loud bang, a vast sigh of relief, rolled in all directions.

"Call, good insurance!"

Qin Nan sighed, although he did not know what happened, but with the power of the attack just now, if he hits him, his soul will be broken directly.

"Well? What is this place?"

Qin Nan quickly reacted and looked around. From this point of view, his eyes showed a shocking color.

I saw that his soul is in the bottom of a huge crack with a long distance of a thousand miles. Around it, there is a towering tree with hundreds of feet, flowers and plants, and so on. Fairy light.

Compared with the trees on the mainland, it is like a common man and a congenital warrior. There is an essential gap.

More than that, there are still a rich aura in all directions, and even a glimpse of the immortality. If you practice here, even if you don't need any natural treasures, the speed will be amazing.

More importantly, the whole world has given Qinnan an inexplicable sense of clarity, so that his body and mind have a kind of relaxed and joyful life like never before.

It’s like losing a shackle and not being bound.

"Is it here nine days?"

Qin Nan took a deep breath, and the faint fairy light that bloomed on his body began to shine violently, as if to make some amazing transformation.

Nine days, different sky, is the real world of martial arts.

In this place, the rules of heaven and earth have not been tampered with and the rules of martial arts have not been tampered with.

The soul of Qinnan came to this world, and he naturally has a new breakthrough.

For example, a giant who has been practicing in the mountains for a long time, after a long period of time, as long as the mountains are laid down, the power of this giant will reach a new level.

"Qin Nan, you are now the body of the soul. In the nine-day world, you can't support it for a long time."

A cold voice suddenly exploded in the mind of Qinnan.

"Bronze mirror?"

Qin Nan has a slight glimpse. He is now the body of the soul. The bronze mirror is in his flesh. Can he still give him a voice?

"You still have fifteen interest."

The woman’s voice in the bronze mirror has no emotions.

"Only fifteen?"

Qin Nan’s face suddenly changed, and his eyes immediately swept to the square.

At the bottom of the crack, there is a cold chill and **** scent. Many ancient trees and flowers, rivers and lakes, there is a corpse, some of which have martial arts, giants, and even There are two deities.

Many of the bodies have been fragmented, only a few bodies are barely complete, and from the bloodstains beside them, it is not long before they fall.

"Well? It seems that this luck is good!"

Qin Nan saw a corpse, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. Without any hesitation, he turned into a ray of light and fell into it.

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