Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1426: Thin and big hand

The first thousand four hundred and twenty-six chapters are thin and big hands

Accompanied by a thunderous drink, a whole body of jasper, wrapped in the huge palm of countless Thunder, crossed the infinite void, toward the shape of Qin Nan, slap it.

Between the time of the day, the whole person in Qinnan seemed to be crushed by a mountain of gods, and the body could not move in the slightest, only to watch.

In the nine days, above the **** of war, it is the existence of the gods, the earth gods, the gods and the gods.

After reaching the repair of the Valkyrie, the body will give birth to a godhead with divine power.

If it is repaired to reach the human god, then this godhead will undergo a transformation, with a mysterious spirituality.

This spirituality is not spiritual, but the spiritual head of all things, second only to the spirituality under heaven and earth.

The name of the **** is also from this.

However, nowadays, there are more than one powerful person who comes to the world. There are eleven in total, each from the three forces of the Pure Immortal Palace, the Soul and the Swordless in this world.

"Across the sky!"

At the time of life and death, Qin Nan sighed and screamed, and the body seemed to solidify the power of the great emperor, running at an unprecedented speed.


In an instant, Qin Nan’s figure disappeared into the original place and fell into the dark woods.


The eleven human beings in the depths of the void have exposed their colors in their eyes.

Just the blow, even if it is the existence of a six-powered Valkyrie, it is impossible to forcibly break free from the bondage. How did Qiu Hong do it?


At this time, the rushing sounds of the hurried roads, Han Mingli, Jiang Dingshan, Yang Bailong and other Wushen strongmen, all came over at an alarming rate.

Thousands of miles behind them, Xu Dongjue, Wang Yan, Shangguan Bingyu and other great giants.

"I want to take care of you with the help of this place? It’s a delusion!"

A swordless person, the **** of the strong, quickly reacted, sneered, slammed a bullet, and the road was like a nine-snake snake-like sword, suddenly rushing out, not into the woods.

Surprisingly, these swords, as if they have the ingenuity, actually shuttled back and forth between the big trees, invisible, formed a terrible sword net, so that Qinnan escaped.


Not only that, the other ten strong people, the French and Indians, and the horror of the gods, picked up in the sky.

In order to prevent them, they will not give each other any chance.

Under these circumstances, even if Qin Nan is the first emperor of the ancient times, it is also an imposing manner, and it seems to be as incomparable as an ant.


There is no flusteredness and fear in Qin Nan’s eyes. The meaning of the vast collapse of the body and the meaning of the **** of war are raging, and a horrible collapse knife is condensed.


Qin Nan's figure flashed, the sword was broken, and numerous swords rushed into the dark woods.

"What is he doing?"

Han Mingli and others have emerged in the eyes of the doubts, Qin Nan hit these knives, are chaotic, did not say that the sword gas hit the slightest.

Could it be that he has given up?

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, in the dark forest of Nuo Da, a vast expanse of light, rising from the sky, evolved a number of visions, such as ancient swords, beasts, gods, and so on, each vision, They all have terrible power and give people a strong sense of heart.

Like the innumerable swords that the gods just made, just by the moment, they were shattered by these visions.

"He has spurred all the ban on the forbidden land?"

Han Mingli and others immediately understood Qiu Hong’s attempt.

They are naturally very familiar with the battlefield of the drought. This dark forest was three hundred years ago and suddenly appeared on the outskirts of the dry battlefield.

After a strong man entered in the past, he never came alive. This place became the most terrible forbidden place in the periphery.

Now Qiu Hong, all these bans are motivated, obviously wanting to fight against the gods and gods, and thus looking for a glimmer of life.

"There is a courageous boy who dares to do this kind of thing!" A strong man who taught the soul of the soul, flashed the smear in his eyes, and immediately shouted: "Han Mingli, now you listen to my order, spread out, Enter the forest!"

On the outskirts of the dry magic battlefield, above the Valkyrie, it is not allowed to enter.

If you want to move hard, you have to spend a lot of means, and you will be repaired and suppressed in the weight of the human god, you can't stay longer than three hundred.

Therefore, they need to join hands together.


Han Mingli and others immediately nodded.

In an instant, eleven human powerhouses, more than twenty martial arts powerhouses, like a peerless sword, flew into the dark forest from all directions, and the door was God light bans, smashes into pieces, from the invisible, and quickly pushes to Qinnan.

"Step by step!"

Qin Nan saw this scene and pushed his own speed to the extreme.

In the process of flying on one side, his movements did not stop, and he made a series of attacks, which banned all kinds of forests.

"not good!"

Suddenly, Qin Nan’s face changed and his body shape quickly reversed.

Not far from him, a sudden burst of light emerged, and a terrible sword array evolved.

If Qin Nan’s reaction was a little late, then his figure would be shattered by the sword.

He triggered the ban in the entire woods, although he could stop the gods and the gods of the Valkyrie, but he did not have the left eye of the **** of war, and could not avoid it all.

If you are not lucky, you will hurt him.

"Pure fairy!"

A few thousand feet away, a man who had just broken the vision and banned the gods, saw this scene, immediately seized the opportunity, and his body jumped and slammed.


A bunch of incomparable fairy light, condensed into a fairy finger, broke a big tree, and killed Qinnan.

"Cross Days"

The Qinnan Emperor only ignited less than half. The celebrity **** was strong, and the eyes showed a taunting effect. The whole giant fairy finger was also shattered and turned into a fairy light, rushing from all directions.

I have already seen Qinnan’s move, can you escape him?


Qin Nan's body is slightly stiff and cold.

At the moment, what kind of method should he use to get through?

"The people of your three major forces are really courageous. Even where I rest, you dare to swear!"

At this moment, in the depths of the vast forest, an incomparably majestic voice suddenly exploded, and a thin, large hand crossed countless distances and caught straight.

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