Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1427: Zen

The first thousand four hundred and twenty-seven chapters of meditation


All the fairy light, smashed.

The celebrity **** strong, the scorpion squashed, as if encountering a terrible enemy, quickly cast an ancient magical technique, the body shape disappeared in place, broke into the distance.

"Who are you?"

Other people, the gods and strong, did not expect this scene to happen, the moment of a glimpse of the heart, asked the arch.

From the thin and big hand that I just saw, I can see that the other side’s cultivation is better than them.

"Hey, it’s only been a few hundred years, even my voice has been forgotten."

With an eccentric laughter, in the depths of the woods, in the deepest part of the woods, a man wearing a rotten black robe, his eyes flashing green, exuding a heart-warming old man, came: "That Zen You can still remember the words?"

"Zen old man?"

"You are not dead?"

In this moment, the great powers of the adults, as well as Han Mingli and other martial arts, their faces were brushed and changed, and they couldn’t help but scream.

A few hundred years ago, the reputation of the old man was very loud and well known.

This person is eccentric, often killing monks, and their three major forces, many disciples and strong, have died in his hands.

Although the three forces joined forces to pursue the killing, they also laid a lot of killings. However, in addition to reaching the peak of the human god, the repair of the old man of the ruined man also got an ancient inheritance and mastered the four extremes. Extremely, and refine the Xiangen, which led to the failure of the pursuit.

Just as the three major forces were about to shoot, the old man who had been promoted to the earth failed, and disappeared. He thought that he had completely fallen, and he did not expect him to appear here.

"The predecessors, we have no intention to offend, but also ask for anger, now we will leave here."

The gods and gods of the pure fairy palace quickly reacted and said, while reaching out to catch Qinnan.

It is imperative to regain the jade, as for the old man, and wait for them to go back, then report to the teacher.

After all, the fierce name of the old man is really too big. If there is a dispute here, there is no benefit to them.

"This kid has a relationship with me. Let him stay here today. I am in a good mood now, I don't want to kill, you can roll it."

The eyes of the old man, a slight glimpse, exude an invisible momentum.

"The predecessor, you are this"

The faces of the great deities of the adults are slightly changed.

"If you don't roll the time to give you a break, you will be at your own risk."

The old man who opened the mouth opened his mouth, revealing a row of dark and fangs of fangs. The body exuded a terrible murderous murderousness, and dyed the surrounding voids into blood red.

The whole forest of Nuo Da is also dancing without wind and wind, as if every big tree has come alive.

The atmosphere of the presence immediately solidified.

Everyone, the **** of the gods, only feels a chest, and the heart has produced countless chills.

"Brother, what do we do?"

Han Mingli and others, took a deep breath and asked by voice.


The face of each of the great gods changed, and then they looked at each other and bite their teeth. The voice said: "Now the speed is reported to the church, let's leave this place!"

Although they are in this place, they can only play a heavy role in human beings, but even if they unite and want to overcome the elderly, it is extremely difficult.

Not to mention that this forest is forbidden, and the elderly have been arranged for at least a hundred years.

Moreover, the old man of the ruin can stay here for such a long time, which inevitably involves some secret secrets.

"Predecessors, we are leaving!"

The great powers of the adults, arched their hands, and pointed their toes, and flew into the void.

Han Mingli and other martial arts strongmen, staring at Qinnan a few eyes, but also with a full of unwillingness, turned into a ray of light, did not enter the distance.

The original murderous machine, in the blink of an eye, disappeared completely.

"This is really dangerous."

Qin Nan’s heart was relieved.

If it is not for the elderly to appear in time, he may not be able to escape this time.

Thinking of this, Qin Nan immediately raised his hand and held a fist to the old man who was cruel. "Thank you for the help of the seniors. This kindness, the younger generation must be remembered."

"You come with me."

The old man's momentum is converging, and he said coldly.

"What are the predecessors?"

Qin Nan immediately asked, but the old man did not care about him, just walked forward, Qin Nan sees this no longer asks, but follows.

After all, with the repair of the old man, if he wants to shoot him, he will certainly not escape.

After hundreds of interest, Qin Nan followed the old man to the depths of this strange forest.


Qin Nan looked at his eyes, and his eyes immediately revealed a surprise.

I saw that this depth is a huge black altar, and the altar is filled with a lot of bones, which exudes a faint **** smell.

Obviously, these bones have not died for long.

In addition, behind the altar, there is a trail full of faint white mist, filled with a wonderful power, do not know where to go.

"Kid, your cultivation, must have reached the four poles?"

The old man stopped to look at Qinnan, and the green light in his eyes was a little more bloody.

"It has indeed reached the four poles."

Qin Nan nodded and did not hide.

"Oh, a young age, I have reached the four poles. Unfortunately, the group of people just had no eyes. Otherwise, they will definitely not leave, but they will try to bring you back to the Zongmen."

The old man was stunned, and the blood in his eyes suddenly rose. The whole person seemed to have turned into a demon of the world. The voice was harsh: "Kid, I will save you a life, you will take your body." Come back to me!"


The dark and strange altar immediately trembled, emitting a black light, like a snake of hell, brushing up to Qinnan, winding the layers of Qinnan.

This time, he did not hesitate to expose himself to save Qinnan, in order to win the Qinnan.

In the three poles, he has been stagnant for too long. He has been extremely impatient in his heart. Now that he sees the people of the four poles, can he live with tolerance?

As long as he took the young man in front of him, he arrived at the four poles, plus everything he had prepared for hundreds of years, he must be able to get the inheritance in the tomb of the Dry Magic!

After being passed down, he broke through the gods, became a human being, and even a higher realm, there is a great possibility!


Qin Nan slightly stunned, and then reacted, not only did not reveal the slightest fear, but the look was light, said: "This time you saved me, so I want to tell you, don't take me, or you will die. ”

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