Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1428: Mystery of the soul

The first thousand four hundred and twenty-eight chapters of the mystery of the soul

He said these words, it is not to scare the elderly.

Although he came to the nine days with the body of the soul, when the bronze mirror sounds in his mind, he is very clear that the bronze mirror exists in a wonderful state.

Although until now, he did not know how strong the bronze mirror was, and he did not know what the three robbing was, but he was very convinced that with the power of the bronze mirror, it would be absolutely unnecessary to deal with the elderly.

"I will die?"

The old man was slightly stunned. After a long while, he immediately gave a piercing laugh: "Ha ha ha, you actually said that I will die? I am a half-step god, and have been refining for hundreds of years. The ancient altars help each other, even if the three gods of the earth come, can't help me!"

Having said that, his face is exposed to the arrogance.

It is natural to know that at this point, the pride of the heavens like this four-pole world has won huge adventures and there are many cards in the body.

However, no matter how powerful the cards are, they can't turn the waves in front of him.

His old man can traverse the world, and even the three forces can't help him. It depends not only on the three poles, but also on his many cards and means.

Otherwise, how did those people discover the realm of Qinnan, how did he discover it?

"Predecessors, I didn't lie to you. If you really don't believe it, I can make a vow."

Qin Nan once again said that the old man of the ruin is envious of him. If he can, he still does not want the two to be enemies.

"Send a vow to the world? You want to shake my heart? I don't know how many ups and downs have gone through. This little trick has no effect on me!" The old man was full of disdain, saying: " Don't struggle, this is your fate!"

The voice just fell, and in his body, immediately rushed up a thick and incomparable blood, and evolved into a slap in the face, the savage ghosts, rushed into the body of Qinnan, attached to the soul of Qinnan, Start a crazy bite.


Qin Nan’s retreat only felt his heart, as if suddenly stopped.

It seems as if there are countless long knives, and the terrible pain that has been nailed into each of his bones, constantly hitting his mind.

Even though he was the first Emperor of the Ages, his face was instantly white and his body began to tremble violently.

"Come on, let me see and see, what cards do you have!"

The old man with his stubborn stretched out his dark tongue and licked his lips. The French seal in his hand had already been formed.

However, what he does not know is that in an endless void, he led a terrorist army. A peerless woman who is crossing time and space, through a kind of anti-sky means, all the things happening here are in the eyes. .

This woman is the adult in the mouths of countless giants in the mainland, flying over the female emperor.

"Take it? It just doesn't have to be tempted."

"Let me see today, the Wuhun of Qinnan, is not the fifth person of the immortals recorded in the endless book."

Her steps stopped for the first time.

Since the moment she saw the martial arts in Qinnan, she has used countless means in nine days to explore an ancient taboo.

Until now, her heart is only speculation, not completely certain.


After a few dozens of interest, Qin Nan’s mind seems to have a thunderstorm, a huge pain, like a storm and a storm hitting his mind, his coix, also shrinking for a while, will magnify.

The Dili in the body is more like a mountain that is about to collapse, crumbling.

"Ha ha ha, this is what you said, will I die? Your soul, now completely bitten to death, now even if it is a means of rebellion, it will not help!"

The old man couldn’t help but screamed again and laughed, and his mood was very happy.

Still want to scare him?

Just dreaming!

"Kid, your body is mine!"

In the eyes of the old man, there was a touch of excitement, and the magical printing of the hand in the hands quickly changed. The power of the Taoist turbulence immediately swayed, and his entire body began to become extremely illusory.

"Thousands of blood, ask why the fairy is, the world is not enough, after"

Between the time, the ancient mysterious fairy lines swept out and covered the entire land in an instant.

The whole win, only the last step can be completed.

"Don't that person?"

The flying female emperor saw this scene, and there was a glimmer of light in the beauty, and a French seal was also produced in her hand.

Her bronze mirror and Qin Nan's soul are no longer separate from each other.

If the Qinnan flesh loses its vitality and leads to the fall, the soul will be broken, then her bronze mirror will not be affected. If Qin Nan’s soul is directly attacked and collapsed, it will cause no small harm to her.

Therefore, no one can harm the soul of Qinnan.

However, it is on the occasion of this millennium.

She suddenly saw in the depths of Qinnan, there is a vast blue light that does not know where to come from, will burst out.

That is unparalleled, like the ancient world of terrorist pressure, she is very clear through the bronze mirror.

"It turned out to be that person!"

Rao is a generation flying over the female emperor. At this moment, my heart can’t help but be shocked.

"If it is that person, then the taboos involved will be terrible. This also proves that the one recorded in the endless book"

Flying over the female emperor thought of this, seeing the imprint of the old man, only the last two, her beauty, as if evolved out of a snow fairy.

"District people, not qualified to see him."


Almost in the moment when the old man was completely condensed, in the body of Qinnan, a vast expanse of light, suddenly bloomed, a peerless ice shadow, suspended, so that everything in the square, instantly frozen .


The old man's face changed greatly, and he never thought that at this time, such a sudden change occurred.

"You, are you flying over the fairy?"

When the old man looked up and looked at this peerless ice shadow, his mind seemed to have a thundering thunder and blasted open, so that his heart was shrouded in an unprecedented fear.

This figure, he is really familiar.

In the past, the inheritance of the strong man he obtained was clearly recorded. The strong man once happened to meet a peerless woman, who made a big hit and a scene of earth-shattering.

The strong man also spent a great deal of effort and drew a vague painting. He used to rely on this painting and realized his ten years and successfully broke through the realm of human and god.


He hasn't finished it yet, and the word cold and cold makes him lively and imprisoned and falls down directly.

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