Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1429: Taboo name

The name of the first thousand four hundred and twenty-nine chapters

For this scene, Qin Nan is completely unaware of it.

His current consciousness is like a heavy rock, constantly falling into an abyss.

"wake up."

Suddenly, with a drink, it seems as if a golden hand has been explored, grabbing his consciousness, pulling it up and returning to the body.


Qinnan's eyes slowly opened, and I couldn't help but **** up the cold air. The pain of the heartbreaking lung still exists.

"Bronze mirror, thank you very much."

After a few dozens of interest, when Qin Nan adapts, he can see the body of the old man who is not far away, and immediately clings to the peerless ice shadow.

If it weren't for the bronze mirror, he couldn't escape this time.

"You can remember, I told you before, there is still a realm in the world of the four poles?"

The stunning ice shadow turned around and looked at Qinnan. Although she couldn't see her face, she also gave Qinnan's heart an inexplicable sense of surprise.

"Remember, what happened?"

Qin Nan converges and asks.

"The realm, the illusory, the nine days of the great land, only a few people reached. This time, even if you just want to touch the threshold of that realm, it is harder than going to heaven, almost hopeless. But now, you The opportunity is coming."

The stunning ice shadow paused and said: "Free your martial arts."

"Release the Wuhun?"

Qin Nan’s face was exposed.

You must know that the martial arts of every monk in the vast mainland is located in the depths of the flesh, and even the soul of his **** of war is no exception.

This time he came to the soul of the soul for nine days. How to release the Wuhun?

Could it be that

What Qin Nan suddenly thought of, did not hesitate, the consciousness moved: "Wu soul release!"


I saw that behind him, a dazzling blue light shone, although the shadow of the God of War did not emerge, only this piece of blue light, but still exudes a horrible pressure, like The storm rolled up in all directions.

In an instant, the whole earth, a slight tremor, the towering trees that are all black and dark, are all windless and dancing.

Even the black ancient altar, not far from Qinnan, seems to have encountered some kind of horror, and it shivered.


Qin Nan’s eyes immediately revealed a shock.

This scene is completely different from the scene in which he used to release the soul of the **** of war in the vast mainland.

"Qinnan, it comes from nine days, not a martial art, but the soul of the **** of war. In other words, you have two souls from the beginning."

"You are not doing enough now, you can't summon it completely."

The peerless ice shadow looked at the vast blue light and said coldly.

"The soul of God of War? Why is it in the mainland of the sky, it has the light of the soul of the martial arts, and can also be promoted to the rank of martial arts?"

Qin Nan heard this and immediately asked.

Normally, as his second soul, it is impossible to use it as a martial art.

"The martial arts of the vast mainland is born after the Nantianmen and Cangwu gods tamper with the martial arts rules. The soul of the gods of war and spirit, so that they have such martial arts mysterious, what are the difficulties?" The stunning ice shadow: "God of War The soul must be deliberately doing so, so that you can go step by step on the road of martial arts."

The heart of Qinnan was once again shocked.

This made him suddenly think of the left wing of God of War, the Holy Dragon Lord, the Broken Knife, and the body of the God of War left in the depths of Nantianmen.

Nowadays, with the soul of God of War, the existence of the **** of war, from the beginning, has laid out a bureau, step by step to guide him and help him.

He is able to reach the four poles of today, and in addition to himself, these layouts of the God of War are indispensable.

"Bronze mirror, you know so much" After a long time, Qin Nan gently took a breath and said: "Then you must know the true identity of the God of War? Is it a **** of the gods in these nine days?" ”

He knows that the **** of war is from nine days, and he still remembers very clearly now, the words that the **** of war left to tell him.

He has always been in the heart, but he is now, want to know the identity of the **** of war.

He also wants to understand why countless monks, the **** of war has chosen him?

"Tianjin strong? Qinnan, you have to remember that the Taoist number of a person does not represent the cultivation of this person. For example, I call me a flying female emperor, but my true cultivation is to kill the gods. It is easy."

The peerless ice shadow said here, the cold tone, rare and dignified: "As for the true identity of the **** of war, you still can't know it now, and I can't tell you. Otherwise, it will lead to great trouble."

She did not tell Qin Nan that as long as the real name of the **** of war appeared in this world, then this world, in the rest of the world, must be destroyed.

The gods are also good, the great emperor, all living beings must be dead.

Because the real name of the God of War is the entire nine-day fairyland, an incomparably ancient, a taboo of incomparable horror, even if it is her current Gesta, it is not easy to mention.

"A big disaster?"

I don't know why, Qin Nan's heart suddenly opened a circle.

He has an inexplicable feeling. It seems that as long as he knows the real name of God of War, he will think of something that is extremely important to him.

"These things, later, you will now use the idea to communicate the soul of God of War and use it to practice."

The peerless ice shadow returned to God and said.


The inexplicable feeling in Qin Nan’s heart disappeared immediately, and he no longer thought about it.


In an instant, the vast blue light behind him is like boiling water, boiling and boiling, and the mysterious suction, like an invisible long line, has fallen into the depths of this world.

In the body of Qinnan, the power of horror was suddenly born, even though it was extremely rare, but the red gold emperor of the first emperor of the ancient times was almost instantly suppressed and could not move.

This power, Qin Nan is very familiar, and when he was in the battle for the emperor, the power of the **** of the gods was exactly the same.

He also relied on the power of the gods of war to extract the origin of the emperor from the life of the great emperors.

Otherwise, he has no chance to prove himself.

"The power of these gods is only in the nine days, through the soul of the **** of war, can be absorbed." In the beauty of the peerless ice shadow, it seems to reveal a fairy: "The power of this **** of war, and Dili Combine and promote Wushen, you must have a glimpse of that realm."

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