Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1437: Alarmed

The first thousand four hundred and thirty-seven chapters alarmed the Quartet

"This is the demon god, you refine it, and the inheritance here is all about you."

The blood-eyed **** looked at Qinnan and handed an ancient token of entanglement.

Until now, he is still amazed at his heart.

When the great emperor cultivated, he mastered the four poles, and stood behind the female emperor. In the meantime, this son will surely be able to shine in the nine days.

Qin Nan nodded and popped a blood to refine.

"Predecessors, I plan to break through the repairs first."

After a few dozens of interest, Qin Nan said.

The dry magic soldier Ge Xianshu in this token, even with his talent, wants to master it completely, it takes time. The current imperative is to touch the threshold of that realm.

"Well, I will protect the law for you."

The **** eyes nodded.

"Then there are seniors."

Qin Nan did not have much politeness. He clowed his fists and arched his hands. His body shape flashed and he fell into the pool of eight candles.

At this moment, in the Shenchi, it is already full of God's liquid. Under the illumination of the eight golden candlelights, it shines, giving people an inexplicable sense of vastness.

"The eight-candle **** pool has such a huge amount of pure power, then it may be necessary to first stabilize the body's blue-gold runes, and then absorb them all, and break through in one breath."

In the heart of Qin Nan, there was a dark voice, and the mind immediately immersed himself and absorbed it.


Between the time, his whole body exudes a powerful suction, inhaling the vast power of pureness into the body, and his whole body immediately flashed a radiant glow.

"The Dili of this son is also unusual. I don't know how far he will break through this breakthrough."

The blood-eyed **** saw this scene, and his eyes showed a thick curious color.

As time went by, the shaking in the entire hall began to become more and more intense.

The blood-eyed **** did not care, but stared at Qin Nan, and his gaze gradually turned into shock from the initial curiosity.

Because he found that the whole person in Qinnan is like a bottomless abyss, after absorbing the power of nearly 30% of the entire eight-candle pool, there is no breakthrough in the cultivation.

You must know that this eight-candle **** pool can fully support a great monk and break through to the realm of human beings.

"What will he become when he is promoted this time?"

The **** eyes took a deep breath.

Time continued to pass, and three days passed, and the entire hall was constantly shaking.

Nuo's eight-candle **** pool was sucked away by Qin Nan by 70%, and it was still repaired. There is still no breakthrough. Even Qin Nan’s heart can’t help but secretly scream.

He did not think that this blue-gold rune was so terrible, and absorbed such a huge amount of pure power, it was forced to become a substance.

"However, I can finally be promoted!"

Qin Nan opened, and behind him, a horrible blue light suddenly shone.

"The soul of God of War, fully absorbed!"

Qin Nan gave a low drink, and at the same time, the root of the body was fully motivated.

In an instant, the remaining **** liquids were smashed and turned into a huge dragon-like shadow of the dragon head, which poured into the body of Qinnan, making the momentum of Qinnan’s whole people magnificent. The festival is climbing.

Not only that, but also a crystal-like fairy light, flying out of eight golden candles, and the power of a newly born God of War, merged into one, and fell into his mind.


The invisible shackles broke down.

Numerous kinds of martial arts rules, countless kinds of power rules, etc., are like turning into a sea, engulfing Qinnan, and letting Qinnan’s mind rise and fall in that, up and down with the last sentiment.

The only difference is that Qin Nan feels very clear that there is an old and heavy door at the bottom of the sea.

After the gate, it is above the pole.

"Promoted Valkyrie!"

Qinnan shouted, the power of all the great emperors in the body, and the power of the vastness and purity, completely merged together and transformed.

At this moment, his ups and downs of the heart, like being pushed by an invisible big hand, sinked into the bottom of the sea at an alarming speed and touched the middle of the door.

"this is"

The eyes of the **** of blood are violently shrinking.

He only felt that the whole hall was shaking, I don’t know why, suddenly it was still, even his breathing, his heartbeat, he could not hear.

Everything is in a state of silence.

Including time and space, including the entire world.


Suddenly, in the entire hall, it seems that you have left a nine-day **** thunder. In Qinnan’s body, a godlike light like a vast sea of ​​celestial seas suddenly rises to the sky, and the horrible gods are like a last-day storm. , raging the entire hall.

The momentum emanating from Qin Nan is like an ancient volcano that erupts directly.

Valkyrie is a heavy one!

Wushen triple!

Wushen six heavy!

Until the peak of the Valkyrie, it still did not stop, and the speed of the climb, not only did not decrease, but became more fierce, like a golden-winged Dapeng, opened wings, shouted the void, and skyrocketed.

At the same time, the entire Tomb of the Dry Magic Fairy, which suffered a terrible blow, began to shake violently.

The purple virgins and other monks on the fourth floor, as well as all the monks on the third and second floors, are clearly impressed by the horror of the deepest part.

"He has completely gained the inheritance of the drought, and we will crush the bronze giant column quickly!"

The old man with purple deficiency reacted and screamed. Other gods and powerful gods quickly awakened and responded.

However, what they did not know at all was that the sky, which was thousands of miles away, was printed and dyed into a green gold color around the huge mountain-like drought.

Countless storms, thunder, ice and snow, etc., I do not know where to come from, raging down.

The entire avenue, from the beginning of the volatility, gradually turned into a boiling.

"what happened!"

"How did there appear such violent fluctuations in the dry magic battlefield?"

“Is it true that the Demon God has left a will and is now awakened?”

After a few dozens of interest, outside the battlefield of the drought, in this world, the three major masters of pure immortals, non-swords, and sorrowful spirits, as well as some other gods who have avoided the practice of the world, etc., are almost all disturb.

"Go, look at the past!"

In particular, the three major forces of the church, the heart has emerged a sense of unsatisfactory, and then passed to the mind of God, their body shape, also turned into a shocking light, not into the distance.

However, what everyone does not know is that in a void, a mysterious animal skin suddenly emerges.

"Your remnants should feel it all."

Ps: The red envelope was finished on January 1st. If you want the next red envelope, you can pay attention to the enchanting WeChat public enchanting fan group. There will be a big red envelope and crab in the Spring Festival.

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