Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1438: Breaking the column

The first thousand four hundred and thirty-eight chapters broke through the column

At this moment, the dry magic battlefield is the deepest.

"What happened? He clearly has reached the point of the first **** of the ages, and without repairing the gods, his cultivation can continue to climb?"

A **** **** on the side, watching Qin Nan, whose momentum became extremely terrifying, couldn't help but set off a burst of turmoil.

As everyone knows, the monks who master the four poles have reached the ultimate in the whole martial arts. When they break through to another realm, they will reach the extreme of that realm.

The first of the ages, these four words are the best interpretation of the four poles.

Once you want to go further in this quadrupole, then you will break through to the next realm.

For example, a powerful Wushen who masters the four poles wants to accumulate strength and break through his own extremes. Then his cultivation will be promoted from the **** of war to the god, still in the quadrupole.

Everything is extreme, how can it break through?

However, the scene that appeared in Qin Nan now completely subverts his cognition, unheard of, and never seen.


The momentum of continuous ascension is like an invisible terrorist attack, which makes an invisible barrier a crush.

The gods and gods that came out of Qin Nan immediately made a metaphysical and metaphysical transformation, reaching an incredible point.

A **** is heavy!

The gods are two!

Three gods!

Until the five gods of the human beings, all the things were completely stopped. The divine power in Qinnan’s body was completely condensed into a godhead with a fist full of blue gold runes.

"Is it comparable to the five gods of humanity?"

The blood-eyed **** can hardly believe his eyes.

It is only the realm of the Wushen peak, but it has the same power as the five gods. What level is this?

Originally, the first **** of the ages, it was already possible to play a cross-level battle, and the existence of the two gods and gods, there must be no problem. In the realm of Qinnan's present situation, isn't his combat power comparable to that of the human being?


Suddenly, a wave of incomparable horror came from the depths of the scorpio. Rao was the blood-stained **** in the deepest part of the tomb of the Drake, and suddenly felt a cold heart.

This fluctuation is the breath of the martial arts.


The face of the **** **** suddenly changed.

Qin Nan has reached such an incredible level. What kind of horror will it bring to the martial arts?


On the horror of the Qinnan body, the mysterious blue-gold rune, as if it was perceived, suddenly trembled and exuded an invisible force that penetrated into the depths of the heavens and the earth.

The horrible fluctuations are instantaneous.

"Cancel disappear?"

The mind of the **** **** has once again suffered a huge impact, and the whole person has been directly paralyzed.

He has never seen it since countless times. When one person breaks through another realm, even the thunder of heaven and earth will not fall.

"I didn't expect that this blue-gold rune, actually so powerful, can make the martial arts rob, and it will dissipate directly."

Qin Nan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The practice of the warrior is to go against the sky. Every time you become stronger, it is equal to provoking to the heaven and earth avenue, and the heaven and earth avenue will also drop the number of robberies.

This is an original rule, and it can't be avoided if it is strong.


At this time, a thunderous explosion sounded in the entire hall. The eyes of Qin Nan and the blood-eyed gods were subconsciously looked at the past.

I saw only a huge gap in front of the main hall.

The purple old man, the mixed sword god, the ghostless old man, and so on, are urging the three incomparably huge, exuding the treasures of the light of the gods, and Qi Qi rushed in.

Behind them are Han Mingli and other monks and great monks.

"Qiu Hong, give you the last chance to hand over the inheritance of the drought, we can spare you not to die! Otherwise, even if the old man came, he can't keep you!"

The old man with purple deficiency is full of momentum, a pair of eyes, staring at Qinnan.

According to the horrible atmosphere just now, he believes that Qiu Hong should have passed the assessment in the past few days and has just been passed down.

Of course, they did not find that Qin Nan’s cultivation was a great change. It was because their realm was not enough.

Now that Qinnan has been promoted to the end, even if it is a **** god, there is no clue at all.

Only the strong gods can discover the power of his terrible horror.

"Oh, it’s really a big tone."

The **** eyes suddenly sneered.

"If you want to intervene in this matter, we will kill you even with you!"

The old man with purple deficiency and so on, looked at him coldly and murdered like a rainbow.

Of course, they know the existence of the **** of blood, but according to their impression, this person is nothing but a strong person.

"Even if I kill it together? Hahaha, then I want to see and see today, how can you kill me!"

The **** eyes screamed and laughed. On his body, a very horrible momentum suddenly emerged. The whole person seemed to have turned into a huge mountain of God, making it impossible for people other than Qinnan to appear. Small.

"The land **** is strong?"

The old man with purple imaginary and so on, the body shape subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and the eyes showed a shocking color.

For this scene, they did not think of it at all.

“Is it all abolished, or will they all be killed, or will they be born to die?”

The **** eyes of the gods are full of intense blood, not directly shot, but asked Qinnan.

As he said before, when Qin Nan inherits the inheritance of the drought, he will help him before his life is exhausted.


The face of the purple old man and so on, all suddenly changed, and the heart has produced countless chills.

There is a strong man who is a **** of the earth. I didn’t expect the strong man of the earth to listen to Qiu Hong’s orders.

How should they survive before the three major schools come?

"Predecessors, you don't have to shoot."

Qin Nan’s gaze swept through the old people like Zi Xu and others. In his mind, he could not help but emerge from the scene where the white-browed swordsmen blew themselves up or were killed.

His eyes instantly became extremely cold.

"I told them before, I will settle accounts with them, so these people, I will come by myself."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Nan’s body suddenly uttered a horrible murderous murder, and the surrounding voids were slightly shaken.

The thunder has not yet arrived, without any vision and momentum.

Now it is just to use the blood of this group of people to celebrate his position as a **** of war!

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