Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1439: Teijin Minamata

The first thousand four hundred and thirty-nine chapters of the emperor

"Qiu Hong, there are some misunderstandings in the previous things. You must not be impulsive. And if you do it now, then it is completely and our three major forces."

The purple dynasty old man and so on, the gods and strong, after all, are people who have experienced countless storms, quickly reacted, and hardened the scalp.

They are naturally not afraid of Qiu Hong's shot, and they have not put the words of Qiu Hong into their hearts. They are jealous of the gods behind Qiu Hong.

Once the gods have taken it, they will all die.

"Start with the Emperor!"

Before he had finished waiting for his words, Qin Nan’s voice was cold and cold. When it was between the time, the knife of the road broke out with an astonishing speed. With a knife and a knife, the figure of a great emperor, It became a smash.


A scream of screams, immediately rang through the entire hall, countless emperor blood, floating out.

"These people are the genius disciples of your three major forces?"

Qin Nan’s gaze, looking at Xu Dongjue, Wang Yan, Shangguan Bingyu, and so on, slammed a bullet, and the meaning of the road collapsed, like the Changhong Changhong shot.


Xu Dongjue, Wang Yan, Shangguan Bingyu and other people have changed dramatically. Their words have not yet been shouted out. The emperor has not yet been shot, and the light of this collapse has penetrated the chest, and the vitality of the body has collapsed into a crush. .

"Qiu Hong, you"

The old man with purple illusion and so on, the face of the gods, has changed slightly, and still has not shot.

"Next, it is the Valkyrie!"

Qin Nan's figure flashed, and he came to the front of everyone in an instant. The pair of scorpions locked the one-of-the-way martial arts strongman, and the knives of the road came again.

"Qiu Hong, you dare to take the initiative to come to the door!"

The purple dynasty old man and so on, the gods and strong people are not shocked and rejoicing, the vastness of the gods and the gods, the light of the gods, once again shines, less than half-time, and other than 20 other people, the Qinnan The figure is blocked in the middle.

The powerful magic of a door is even more ready to go.

"Ha ha ha, this predecessor of the earth, you can not move now. Although our cultivation is not as good as you, but as long as there is a storm, we will kill instantly."

The old man with purple imaginary couldn't help but laugh. He didn't think of it this time. It was so fast that he could resolve the killing. Moreover, as long as they are taught, the dry magic inheritance will belong to them.

However, his words have not been finished, and he is keenly aware of what is wrong.

The one who made them extremely jealous, the face is not only changed in the slightest, but also the smile on the corner of the mouth.

Under such circumstances, why did he show such a look?

Between the electric and the flint, the heart of the old man with purple illusion suddenly had a very bad premonition, and his eyes looked down.

I saw that Qin Nan’s body shape had directly crossed the blockade of many of them, and they had all the horrible swords.

"how come"

Han Mingli, Jiang Dingshan, Yang Bailong, and so on, all of them are powerful and powerful, and when they face, they become extremely pale.

They were not shocked because Qin Nan broke through the blockade of many powerful people, but at this moment, they felt a terrible sense of crisis from that knife.

Even if they have faced some people, they have never felt this way.


At this moment, the screams of screaming and screaming resounded again. Whether it is the three gods of Valkyrie or the strongest of the peak of the Valkyrie, they are all stunned by the sword, a powerful body, like a fragile The grass of the spirit was directly smashed into pieces.

Numerous gods of blood, followed by spilling out, dyed the entire hall, a blood red.

"what happened?"

The purple illusion of the old man and so on, the eyes of the powerful gods immediately revealed the stunned color.

This Qiu Hong, obviously just the peak of the great emperor, why can they break through their blockade?

Moreover, why even the repair of the peak of Wushen can not stop his knife?

Even if this son got the inheritance of the drought, and broke through the repair, it is impossible to become so powerful in just a few days!

"What the three of you have done to them, I will give it back to you ten times!"

Qin Nan grew up in the blood of many gods, step by step, and the invisible momentum that came out of the body, which made the three great forces of Han Mingli, Jiang Dingshan and Yang Bailong show the color of fear.

Even though Qinnan did not break out all the momentum, but in their eyes, Qinnan at this time is like the same demon god!

"This is a weird, fast-moving treasure, killing him!"

The purple dynasty old man and so on, the gods and strong, quickly reacted, screamed, the power of the gods, the explosion, the three religious treasures, the existence of the earth god, suddenly opened a terrible wave of incomparable.

The entire hall of Nuo Da is under this undulation, and the inch is broken and the momentum is soaring.

"I will kill the **** of war first, are you gods, so eager to die?"

Qin Nan slightly raised his head, and his body broke out with an incomparably vast black light, which evolved into three horrible big hands and went straight.


The Hall of Noah was broken.

The purple old man and so on, the gods and strong people only feel the chest shock, like an invisible blow, the body shape retreats again and again, as for the original three powerful treasures, the light becomes extremely dim, and even cracked. There was a crack in the road.


The purple dynasty old man and so on, the gods and powerful people saw this scene, and there seemed to be a thunder and a stunned look in their minds.

With just one blow, they repelled more than 20 of them!

With just one blow, you will be able to kill the three great treasures of the five-fold existence of the gods, and they will all make a crack in the road!

Such a terrible means, even if it is a six-powered person, can't do it!

Is this Qiu Hong's cultivation, in just a few days, from the peak of a great emperor, directly across the realm of the **** of war, arrived at the seven gods?

"First break the bone!" "Crush the pulse again!" "After breaking the grid!"

Unexpectedly, Qin Nan did not look at him at all, but played a light of collapse, and entered the body of Han Shenli, Jiang Dingshan, Yang Bailong and so on.

They smashed their bones, meridians, and godheads one by one.

Although they are not dead, but since then, it is a completely wasteful person, and life is better than death.

"Now, it's your turn!"

Qinnan did not stop any movement, looked up, and in the eyes, as if there were two blue-gold flames burning.

The horrible momentum of the horror also broke out completely, and the whole tomb of the drought of the Great Devil was hard.

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