Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1440: Mastering

The first thousand four hundred and forty chapters are taught

"A terrible momentum!"

The old man with purple illusion and so on, the scalp suddenly numb.

They were originally the realm of the peaks of human beings. Although they have been suppressed to the weight of human beings, their eyesight and perception, etc. still exist.

From this momentum, it can also be judged that Qiu Hong’s cultivation has reached the point where he is comparable to the human being.

This also makes the purple illusion of the old man suddenly wake up, it is no wonder that the **** of the earth is strong, will be full of fun.

"Breaking the spear!"

Qin Nan lightning-like shot, two murders deep and quiet, drooping a dark spear of the gods, immediately burst out of the incredible speed, piercing the void, running through.

The purple old man and so on, the gods and strong, only feel the black light flashing in front of him, the cold and terrible murderous, has already come.

"not good!"

Everyone who is strong and powerful is a big change in face, and all kinds of cards are displayed.

In an instant, a vast expanse of light of the gods and gods shines in the entire hall, and the layers of the dry magic fairy tomb have shaken a crack.


I listened to only two amazing explosions, and there were three strong people who were under-resourced. They were directly penetrated by the spear and screamed, and the body was collapsed and shattered.


The purple dynasty old man and so on, the gods and strong, squatting at this moment, will carry all kinds of transmission symbols, transmission roads, etc., and they will show out, the body shape broke out at an alarming speed, rushed out of the fourth floor, flying To the third floor.

"Step by step!"

Qinnan tiptoe, like a lightning bolt, flashed away on the plains of Nuo Da, and then rolled up the storm of the sky, twisting the powerful murder and forbidden.

"Dr. Devil, God, you can rest completely, I believe that it will not last long, this son will certainly kill Long Xuan Ling."

The blood-eyed **** looked at the mouth of the mouth, muttered to himself, and his figure flew out.

I didn't wait long, the mouth of the mouth trembled slightly, and the flame burning on the eight golden candles below suddenly thrived, and the whole mouth was caught in it.

At this moment, the entire tomb of the Demon Monster began to sway slightly, and the golden flame that did not know where it came from began to burn from the bottom.

Even the battlefield of this great demon, there has been a crack in the road, spreading at an astonishing speed.

The wish is gone, and his last obsession must also be scattered with the wind, and rest in peace.

After the interest rate, the third layer of the dry magic battlefield.

"Look, it’s the old man who is purple!"

"They are being chased by people!"

"Qiu Qiuhong?"

The scattered people present, when they noticed the breath above, brushed their heads and looked up, but when they saw Qinnan’s killing more than 20 people, their eyes suddenly became shocked. .

Is Qiu Hong not only the realm of the great emperor?

In just a few days, can you chase a group of people?

"There is a day!"

When Qin Nan’s voice just fell, behind the two strong men, a vast expanse of eternal breath, immediately surging, evolved into a knives of the world, suddenly glimpsed.


The void was opened with a huge incision, and the two strong men screamed, and their bodies were smashed into pieces, broken into countless gods, and the entire third layer was directly illuminated.


The foremost purple gods and so on, see the third layer of the **** wall, which has all collapsed, and now there is no hesitation, smash it into pieces and fly out of the fairy tomb.

The shape of Qin Nan also disappeared.

At this moment, the entire third layer, caught in an inexplicable death.

It was not until after the five interest that there was a strong man who was half-step-and-human, and suddenly reacted.

"Let's go see!"

As soon as this was said, all the scattered repairs in the field were awakened, and the body shape was made into a rainbow of light, flying out of the tomb of the Dry Magic.

boom! boom! boom!

I saw that, on this vast battlefield, a vast expanse of light broke out, and the void that emerged as a crack was hit into pieces.

Qin Nan's figure is like an invincible hegemon. Every time he shoots, he has a strong man, blood on the spot, and it falls.

Even if there were many scattered repairs thousands of miles away, it was a shocking scalp, and the scalp was numb, which was greatly affected.

"Blood debts are paid, now it is your turn to be three!"

Qinan’s eyes are locked in the purple-defining god, the mixed-spirited god, and the ghost-free old man.

"Virtual esoteric charm"

If the three people of the purple-definition gods fall into the ice caves and are in the cold, they will directly push the final cards.

"Qiu Hong, you are so bold, you dare to hurt us so many monks!"

Just in the moment, a scream of anger like the ancient bells blew in the sky.

Even though it was separated from the battlefield of the drought, Qin Nan and those of the sorcerers were clearly impressed with three incomparable sighs, and with horror and anger, they came down.

The three major forces of the church, the three giants of the realm, finally arrived.


The three people in Zixu’s face were happy, and they couldn’t help but feel the rest of their lives.

This feeling, in this world, has been difficult once in almost 50 years since they were promoted to be powerful.

"Is it?"

Unexpectedly, there was no slight change in the look of Qinnan. The body was filled with the incomparable expanse of meaning, and it evolved into a head-on collapsed dragon, roaring away from all sides.

"Qiu Hong, you"

The happy color on the faces of the three old people of Zixu was instantly solidified. They never thought that Qiu Hong would dare to do it under the circumstances that their three major masters came.

"Qiu Hong, you are looking for death!"

The three major forces' masters looked at this scene, and both of them became extremely cold. The vastness of the earth-like light of the gods immediately bloomed and evolved into a terrorist attack. The battlefield of the drought.

They want to destroy this battlefield directly into crushing!

"Ha ha ha, the three major forces of the church, now actually want to join hands to a younger generation, is not too shameful?" Not far from the blood of the gods, issued a deafening laughter, hands formed an ancient God seal.


In an instant, in the deepest part of the entire dry magic battlefield, there was a horrific array of glory that had been quiet for hundreds of years, and suddenly it worked, making the momentum of this great battlefield change, just like a do not move Xianshan, let alone A powerful attack can't be broken.

The battlefield of the dry demon is the cloth of the dry demon gods. Even if the power is not as good as it used to be, the catastrophe is running, blocking the time of the three gods, it is more than enough.

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