Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1441: Who is it?

Who is the first thousand four hundred forty-one chapter?

"not good!"

The three major teachings have changed slightly.

With their cultivation, of course, they can see the mystery at a glance.

"Imperial operation!"

The three old people of Zixu were both dead and hesitant, and they did not hesitate. They quickly mobilized the imaginary charms and so on, causing a celestial light to fall down and the figure disappeared in place.

"Breaking the prison, sealing the sky!"

Qin Nan seems to have already expected this scene, lightning-like shots, a vast expanse of meaning, the meaning of God of War, from the depths of the day, down, the illusion has become a terrorist giant, the three of them The shape is hard and trapped.

Although they are motivated by the immortality, their current strength can only be used to a maximum of 10%.

In addition to the current Qinnan, touched the threshold of the realm, the body also gave birth to the blue gold rune, his power of the **** of war, naturally is a small, lock the power of this fairy, completely without words.

"Brother, save me!"

The face of the three old people with purple illusion, stunned, became very pale and lost all the square inches.

"Qiu Hong! This battlefield of drought, at most can only support the time of two hundred interest! After two hundred interest, even if you have the help of the gods, it is impossible to escape! Now we quickly surrender to our three forces, we Can also spare you a life"

The three great masters of the majestic voice, blasting in the sky, the magic in their hands, did not stop completely, but successively hit, hit the entire battlefield.

On the surface, though, they have no intention of letting Qiu Hong go.

They do this, just to slow down the plan.

"Submerge to your three major forces?"

In the eyes of Qin Nan, there was a smear of disdain.

In his life, there is no surrender.

Not to mention them, even if the gods are coming.

"Across the sky!"

The shape of Qin Nan suddenly disappeared into the original place, just like an ancient demon god, descending on the face of the three old people of the purple illusion, under the horror of the three people, a terrible knife, successively broke into Among their bodies.

"This knife is for the two predecessors!"

"This knife is for you."

"This knife"

Between the time, in the eyes of countless scattered repairs, the three old people of the illusory purple illusion issued a scream of screams, screaming on the body, full of blood, wolf-stricken, without any demeanor.

At this moment, the shaking of the entire battlefield began to become extremely fierce, and the shining light of the road began to dim.

Obviously, this battlefield cannot continue to support.


Qinnan's sleeves glanced, three more horrible swords, straight down.

"Qiu Hong, Dare"

The roar of the three major masters has just sounded, and has not yet completely fallen. The three old people of Zixu, under the endless fear, have been crushed.

"He actually did it!"

Not far from the group of scattered people, could not help but breathe in the air.

If they change to be them and give them ten courage, they will never dare to do this under such circumstances.

"One style is shocked, pure yuan fairy!"

The pure fairy palace's teaching, the scorpion smashed, and suddenly there was a red-red ancient Thunder, which condensed together, as if it had become a pure Yuan Xianguang, suddenly hit.


On the battlefield of Nuo Da, there was a huge gap immediately. The horror of the three powerful gods, like the turbulent waves of the road, swept through the battlefield.

"let's go!"

The blood-seeking gods have long been prepared, and the gods have once again concluded. Numerous gods, like the head of the world, have flew from the whole broken battlefield and landed on him and Qin Nan.

This is also one of the means of the Dry Devils, which allows them to leave their place.

"Now want to go? No way!"

The pure fairy palace teaches, the soul teaches to teach, and the moments of the shot, making a terrible light, shining above their heads.


The **** eyes shouted, and in the eyes, an ancient blood light bloomed, and the two powerful gods were directly sealed.

Although his cultivation is not the opponent of the three major masters, but it is completely no problem to block their killings.

As long as they can hold on to this interest, they will be able to leave safely.

However, the faces of the two major teachers did not show any disappointment. Instead, they sneered at the sneering, so that the blood-eyed demon **** gave a slight glimpse. The next moment, suddenly realized what was happening, and his face changed dramatically.

"not good!"

I saw only that in front of Qin Nan, there was no sign, and there was an ancient sword with a ghost-like appearance, slamming against his figure.

Even if Qin Nan’s current cultivation is done, it is impossible to avoid it.

"Nothing is born, soul sword is broken, Qiu Hong, Qiu Hong, give me to die!"

The swordless school is full of cold face.

Although in order to blind the eyes of the gods, he suppressed the power of this move to the point where it is comparable to the human god, but this sword is not an ordinary sword, but a godhead in the body of Qinnan.

The gods are broken, and Qiu Hong will be degraded as a waste man like Han Mingli and others.

"The symbol of the green gold, full operation, collapse the sword, destroy thousands of ways!"

On the occasion of a thousand miles, Qin Nan shouted, a divine power, running to the extreme, a horrible collapse of the knife, but also slammed down.

"There is no meaning, my sword, invisible and inferior, any attack, can not hurt it, unless you say that you have mastered"

The sword-free sect was scornful, but his words had not been finished yet. He only heard a loud bang, and this ghostly old sword was actually crushed by hard life.

"what happened?"

The three major masters have been stunned.

They are very clear about the power of this sword and so on.

“Do you say that you have mastered the four poles in the legend?”

The three major masters quickly thought of something. In their eyes, they suddenly showed the horror of the past few hundred years.

That sword, unless it is the **** of the earth, the powerful fairy help, or only master the four poles of the legend, in order to crush it!

"The four or four poles?"

Not far from the major scattered people, the brain is even more banging, full of blanks.

The situation of the three poles is already an unreachable existence for them, let alone this is the four poles.

"You are not Qiu Hong, not Qiu Hong! Qiu Hong did not even master the third pole of the four poles a month ago! Who are you?"

Pure Xiangong taught, suddenly realized what.

"Who am I?"

In Qinnan, the head of the god, like the demon god, has completely condensed into an ancient transmission god, the power of transmission, stirred up.

His long hair, dancing with the wind, seems to appear again in the eyes of the old man with a white eyebrow like a sword.

"Do not change the name, do not change the surname, the sky is also Qiu Hong is also!"

As soon as the voice fell, his figure disappeared into place.

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