Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1560: Land grab battle

The first thousand five hundred and sixty chapters of the land grab

"That is... Qin Nan?"

There are three stone ships, which are from some of the inner-door disciples of the three hegemonic forces. Their eyes are gathered on Qinnan, and their hearts are moving together.

"Dear friends, first join forces to defeat them, let's fight for this island again!"

There was an inner disciple who made a decision and shouted loudly.

"Join together!"

Except for a stone ship leaving directly to compete for other holes in the heavens and blessings, the other monks were exposed in the eyes.

In the blink of an eye, they went to Qinnan and played a door.

They have been involved in the war for a long time, they have consumed a lot of symbols and magic weapons, and they have weakened their opponents a lot. If they leave now, they will lose a lot.

"We will join forces to hold Qin Nan and then leave this place directly."

These inner disciples, who passed each other and reached a consensus.

In Qinnan's body, there are secrets involving the six waste rocks. If they get it, it will be more beneficial to them than a hole in the sky.

"The blood fairy is coming!"

The **** eyes of the gods shot in an instant, a illusory blood shadow, covered in his body, so that his combat power surged, the countless blood of the fight, the dozens of monks who are more than eight gods are all stopped.

His figure also killed other stone ships.

On the stone ship where they are located, there is only one person in Qinnan.

Most of the remaining monks are ignoring Qin Nan, and despite the insufficiency of the gods, they are also shooting in the eyes of the blood.

"good chance!"

The eyes of these inner-door disciples saw this scene, and they were all bright, urging the stone ship to approach, and the body swelled up with amazing momentum and shocked all directions.

The cultivation of these inner disciples is generally stronger than the disciples of the Southern Kings who were met by Qin Nan before. They are all six in the earth.

There are two of them, reaching the top of the earth!

"Qin Nan, nonsense will not talk to you more, and teach you the secrets of the six wild rocks directly, we will not kill you, and leave this place -"

A disciple of the seven gods of the earth god, voiced and shouted.

"If you want, take it yourself."

When the voice fell, Qin Nan and the stone boat seemed to merge into one. At an astonishing speed, they rushed toward these inner disciples, and the broken knife in his hand also came out.

"Don't dare to take the initiative to contact us!"

These inner-door disciples have surfaced their anger.

In their view, they are willing to give Qinnan this opportunity, it is already very good, I did not expect this Qinnan, actually did not appreciate.

"Then let you teach us the means to teach us!"

The three inner disciples of the six gods, the first to sneer, the seal of the seal, the big hand a shot, there are all kinds of fairy techniques, interwoven in the top of Qinnan.

"Across the sky!"

The shape of Qin Nan disappeared directly in the same place, and they fell on the top of their heads. Under their incomprehensible gaze, they directly took out three knives.

"not good--"

The faces of these three inner disciples changed dramatically, and they quickly mobilized the symbols and magic weapons.


However, Qin Nan’s killings are not over yet, and there are countless collapses in his body, just like the three big mountains, the town is on the top of the three of them.

The three inner disciples can no longer resist and fall directly.

"No, he hides the cultivation, we spread out, pull the distance, attack him from two directions!"

Other inner disciples, their faces slightly dignified, did not dare to despise Qinnan, quickly disperse, open the distance, and sacrifice the magic.

The two gods and seven gods are the ones that have been printed and sealed.

"The wonderful words of the Xuan Xianjing!"

"Fist of Wenyu!"

"Too no--"

When the killings were completely laid out, the five inner-door disciples of the gods of the earth suddenly spurred the stone ship and sacrificed the strongest sacred sorcerer, so that if the five knives were in general, they would face the Qinnan.

"There is a day!"

Qin Nan slashed his sword, and the vastness of the heavens and the swords, swallowed these celestial techniques, and in his eyes, burst into the golden light.


On the murder of the two gods, they burned two golden flames and burned them into nothingness.


The terrible fighting power of Qinnan gradually revealed, and the momentum climbed up and down again, and the broken knife came out, like a peerless knife, and one of them.

"Brother, save -"

The man's face changed dramatically, his mouth was drunk, his voice had not yet fallen, and his chest was penetrated, and he died.

"Four ... four poles?"

The rest of the inner disciples, seeing this scene, are numb scalp, and countless chills in their hearts.

They never imagined that Qin Nan turned out to be a hidden genius, and they actually wanted to rob the genius of the world.


Under the fear of the imminent death, the remaining disciples quickly woke up and began to use all means to escape.

"I have already slashed, can you let me escape?"

Qinnan warfare, the body shape disappeared again, just like the gods and gods, fell on the top of the five disciples, a knife and kneel at the same time.


With the sound of screams, countless gods of blood, floating out, fell into the water.

"Next, it's two of you!"

Qin Nan flexed his finger and countless collapses. He bloomed from the air and turned into a huge prison. He trapped the two gods.

"Qin... Qinnan, I am an inner disciple under the slogan of Wenyu Xianwang. If you kill me, it will definitely attract a lot of trouble. It is better for me to give you..."

The inner disciple, forced to calm down, wants to give Qinnan benefits, let Qin Nan let him go.

"Breaking the sword!"

Qin Nan did not hesitate at all, and turned the power of the body to the extreme, and took the strongest knife and killed the two men.

No matter what is the disciple of the Emperor Xian, or the disciple of the Supreme Master, he will not be polite if he dares to shoot him.

Moreover, in this upstairs, the various forces are intricate. He is now just a small earth god. In order to avoid some troubles, he must get rid of the roots.

"All the disciples among these hegemonic forces have been killed?"

The group of monks who are gradually gaining the upper hand and fighting against the **** eyes, seeing this scene, their faces are changing together, and there is a bad feeling in their hearts.

Is this person a genius?

"The fourth form of God of War, the eternal kill!"

The action of Qin Nan did not stop. The Red Armor was on him, and it began to emerge one by one. The momentum of his body also climbed to the extreme, and he took out several knives against the people in front.

In order to compete for the good fortune here, the battle has just begun!

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