Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1561: Blood flies

The first thousand five hundred and sixty-one chapters are flying

"not good!"

The existence of the digital gods, suddenly noticed an astonishing danger, almost no hesitation, running the body of the magic, spread out around.


In this way, their body shape has also suffered an invisible blow, and the corners of the mouth overflowed with blood and suffered some trauma.

"What is this fairy?"

Even the existence of the peaks of the gods, seeing this scene, the scalp was numb, and a chill in his heart.

You must know that these gods can avoid it, purely because this person is not enough.

If this person is to be more powerful, then these people may not know what happened, they will be silently killed.

"Blood Dragons rise to heaven!"

The **** eyes seized the opportunity, the French and Indian photographed, countless blood dragons, roaring out from the depths of the sea, turned into many dragon arrays.

"Take him with scorpion!"

A peak of the earth, quickly reacted.

Brush it!

Between the time of the encounter, there were several monks who showed a powerful martial arts at the same time, and powerful enthusiasm, directly crossed the group of dragons called by the **** eyes, and attacked Qinnan.

"God of War!"

Deep in the eyes of Qin Nan, dazzling golden light, like a flame, burning and burning.

Numerous enthusiasm, gathered together, turned into an illusory knife figure, took out a note like a rainbow, and smashed these smashing.

"Is the power already solidified?"

Many monks' faces have changed.

It is necessary to condense the power into the essence, which has nothing to do with the power of cultivation.

Between the martial arts, it is also divided into layers, just like the emperor and the fairy.

"You five people, specifically to drag this person, it is best to trap him so that he can not interfere with the battle! Otherwise, we will be defeated today -"

When the face of a **** is changing, his face is changing.

He directly sent two two gods, and three other gods, dedicated to dealing with Qinnan.

In the current situation of the war, it will be extremely difficult to send so many monks and the rest of them to fight against the blood of the gods.

However, in the eyes of the **** of the earth, the blood-eyed **** is powerful, and it is only a powerful one. As long as it passes through the means, it can be well handled.

However, in front of this person, many of the means of display have an incredible power, and in some critical moments, it will inevitably have an extremely amazing effect.

"Across the sky!"

Unexpectedly, before they even acted, Qin Nan’s figure suddenly fell on one of their stone ships, and he took out a knives.

"This person--"

All the monks, all are stunned.

They did not expect that this person was so bold and dared to kill alone.

With this person's cultivation, even if there are many amazing means, there is no difference between this move and death.

"Hundred Saints Heaven!"

An old man who was at the peak of the earth **** reacted in an instant, and there were countless white light on his body. If he gathered in the body, he gathered hundreds of saints, and his body was immortal and hard.

"Good boy, dare to take the initiative to kill, no matter what plan you have, the old is not polite, the starry sky is dead!"

The old man sneered, the seal of the knot, countless light points, like the stars of the sky, Qi Qi flew to Qinnan.

"Breaking the field!"

Qin Nan's body flashes, and the body blooms innumerable black light.


Every light spot is like a supreme bomb, and the black light is gradually blown out. The rest of it is hit by Qin Nan.

Qin Nan’s body was shaken back gradually, overflowing countless blood.

Allowing him to be physically present, extremely extraordinary, and possessing terrible potential, but also suffered heavy losses, dying, without any fighting power.


The eyes of the **** eyes are ‘big’, and they are smothered and climbed to the extreme. Several different celestial techniques, all running, like madness, seem to be with the group of monks.

"First block him!"

The old gods of the earth gods glanced at each other, did not dare to neglect, and quickly made a sound, let all the monks shot together, and made a series of attacks.

"Three of you, after waiting for the two interest rates, when I showed him to block him, I shot it all out and completely suppressed the young man, or killed it."

The old man of the earth gods quickly passed the voice.

This young man, like a genius who has mastered the four poles, suddenly rushed to kill and die, apparently a bit unnormal, and certainly have a plot.

However, despite guessing this point, he still underestimated the means of Qinnan.

"Repair the injury!"

Between the electric and the flint, the Qinnan gods read the movement and communicated the crystals in their minds. The white and blue flowers in the crystals immediately rushed out of the mighty life.

He was injured and instantly recovered.

"Red gold armor, collapsed sword!"

Qin Nan suddenly violently swelled on the stone ship, and a long scream, the armor of his body, bursting out of the light of the red gold, the broken knife in his hand, also to the dozens of monks at the same time.

"how come--"

These dozens of monks have changed dramatically.

They originally thought that Qinnan was seriously injured, and there was no more fighting power. The vigilance in the heart relaxed a lot. I did not expect that Qinnan could suddenly explode such an amazing killing.


In a hurry, they quickly responded, but still slowed down, the technique, the symbol was defeated, and the body suffered a certain blow.

"Across the sky, 10,000 kills!"

Qin Nan’s attack did not stop at all. It was like a violent storm. All kinds of powerful killing techniques were used, and these stones were covered by countless swords.

A single monk can only help quickly resolve.

"Blood Dragon Scorpio Fairy!"

At this time, the blood-eyed **** also displayed a more amazing means, and the blood dragon that was first called out by the head was condensed into a weapon that suffocated and attacked everyone.


Some of the lower monks were too late to resist, and suddenly they made a scream, and the body was shot and fell into the sea.

Even the existence of the peaks of the gods has been greatly suppressed.

The entire battle, an instant reversal!

"let's go--"

The old man of the earth **** peak was white, and after hesitating, he quickly made a decision, screaming, urging the stone boat and flying to the distance.

Once the situation of the defeat of the battle is over, then, unless there is a counter-industry means, it can be reversed, otherwise it will be defeated.

If you leave now, you can save your life and some strength to compete for other holes.

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