Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1584: Accidental invitation

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-four chapters of accidental invitation

I don't know if it happened by chance, or because of fate. When the white boy looked at it, there was a burst of Qing dynasty.

In his gaze, Qin Nan played a vast amount of divine power, blended with Daoguang and three mysterious atmospheres, and grabbed forward.

Just like the rumors, there is a force of 70% sanctification, which was directly captured by Qin Nan.

After all, he is now physically stronger, and the confrontation in the past five days has made his means a lot stronger, so he can catch 70%.

"Just just the peak of the gods, actually entered the realm?"

Rao is a white-haired boy, and his eyes can't help but reveal a stun.

You know, even if it is him, it is only a small path.

"There are three breaths just now, what is going on in the end? How can we absorb the power of the sanctuary and take it away?"

The white boy was shocked and suspicious. For a moment, he couldn’t think of an answer.


Qinnan, located in the wing of the room, naturally did not notice anything.

However, Qin Nan discovered his body and began to tighten himself. His hair was upright, like a man on his back, as if he were in the middle of it, someone was staring at him.


Qin Nan’s face was a sigh, and he snorted.

His body, integrated into the body of the **** of war, although not completely awakened the latter's power, but it will never change inexplicably.

"You made me even more surprised. I can find myself being stared at. This is impossible even if I step into the Tao."

A white boy, who evolved in front of Qinnan, had a faint smile on his face and looked up at Qinnan.

"Who are you?"

The Qinnan heart suddenly became tight, and a layer of fine sweat appeared on the forehead.

Although he could not see the cultivation of this white boy, he instinctively told him that this person is definitely stronger than the elder Yang Long, and it is not just a little stronger.

"Everyone else calls me a floating king."

The white boy said with a smile.

His breath, although not released in the slightest, did not use any fairy tales, but when the words were spoken, the whole space seemed to solidify.

"Floating fairy king?"

Qinnan’s face suddenly showed a faint color.

The King of Floating Life is the master of the floating heaven here, one of the hegemony of the nine days of Xiantian.

"Dare to ask a little friend, where is the teacher?"

The floating fairy king is curious.

"Predecessors, in the Qinnan, under the guidance of the Qinglong Lord."

Qin Nan quickly calmed down and held his fists.

Although he did not know why he was so eager to see him, he would suddenly come here, but he could feel that there was nothing malicious about this floating king.

Not to mention the King of the Floating King, even if the celestial beings, the immortals, and the immortals of his majesty, he is more than enough to take him, and he does not have to come in person.

"The Qinglong Holy Lord? Is this the other overlord in the Xiaoxian domain? Or is it a hidden nine-day supreme?"

The floating king is more confused.

He has been the hegemon of the world for thousands of years, and he is almost all aware of the overbearing hegemony and the nine-day supreme in the entire nine-day fairy field.

However, the name of Qinglong Shengzhu, he has never heard of it.

"No, my master is a monk in the mainland of the lower bounds."

Qin Nan shook his head.

"Second lower bound?"

After a glimpse of the floating king, he immediately laughed and said: "Qinnan Xiaoyou, if you have taboos, you can't report to the teacher's door. Just say it, you don't need to find this reason to smother me."

Not to mention him, anyone must not believe, a person who only peaks in the gods, has entered the realm of the world, can be called the existence of peerless genius, the master is only a character in the lower bound.

Qinnan heard nothing to say.

Of course, he can't say the **** of war, or the fifth person of the cents.

"I came here this time, mainly because you can take 70% of the power of sanctification between the same products, no malicious, you don't have to worry about the other."

The floating king will close the folding fan and say: "Qinnan Xiaoyou, if you don't mind, can you let me see the strange atmosphere?"

Qin Nan thought about it and played a khaki atmosphere.

Without the existence of the master map, he must not be able to tell the floating king, only to give a breath to see, this is nothing.

Maybe, through the floating king, I know some other information.

"Beyond my imagination, I have to be a lot more strange. What is the essence of this breath, even I don't know."

"But this kind of breath has an essential attraction to the power that the world has nurtured."

In the eyes of the floating king, the color is getting thicker and thicker. Suddenly, he seems to have discovered something. He can’t help but scream: “Is this what it is”

Having said that, his voice stopped short.

Qin Nan’s heart moved and asked: “Predecessors, have you found anything?”

The floating king will return to Qinnan with a yellowish breath, and his eyes will be in doubt. "I have a guess, but I just guess, is it true, I am not sure."

After saying this, what he thought of, faintly said: "Qinnan Xiaoyou, if you are also curious, may you go with me to a place?"

"You can rest assured that in that place, it is definitely better than the space in this holy space."

Qin Nan heard this and nodded directly: "There is a senior."

A Gai hegemon, to take him to a better place, of course he will not refuse.

"Remember to keep your heart."

The king of the floating fairy, he reached out and grabbed it on the shoulder of Qin Nan, and took him directly to the place.

After the interest rate, the figure of the two people emerged in another space.

At the moment of appearance, Qin Nan’s body trembled slightly, only to feel that there were invisible impacts in all directions, impacting his heart.

If he is not prepared, even if it is his mind, I am afraid that it will be broken by the impact and fall into a short period of sluggishness.

"this is……"

Qinnan runs the **** of war, looking forward.

From this point of view, his face suddenly showed a shock.

I saw that both the sky and the earth are blue.

Countless Dao is more than a hundred times of horrible power, and between these heavens and the earth, it constantly rolls over and continually collides.

If you look at it from afar, it is like having many powerful angels. They are using their means to kill each other. The whole scene is extremely shocking.

"This place is the depth of the floating world." The floating king pointed at the bottom and smiled faintly: "Going forward is the deepest part of the whole floating life."

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