Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1585: Change

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-five chapters

The Qinnan heart shook.

In the depths of the floating world, there is already such a powerful force, so what is the amazing scene in this deepest place?

He originally thought that he had a certain understanding of the fairy tales, and now it seems that he still has a small flaw.

"You practice here, and then I can know the origin of that breath."

As the king of the floating fairy said, he flexed his fingers and in the void in front, suddenly there were countless pure forces, gathered together and condensed into a Taoist platform.

The power of rolling in this deep space is too majestic, not to mention Qin Nan, even if it is a land fairy, I am afraid I can not afford it.

It is necessary to use the Taoist platform to isolate it in order to practice safely.

"President, thank you."

Qin Nan did not quit and stepped into the Taoist platform.

After all, practicing here is at least tens of times higher than in the Qing dynasty.

However, he left a heart and quietly motivated the body.

If there is something hidden among the forces he absorbs, he can resolve it through the light, or suppress it.

Although so far, this floating king, did not show the slightest malice, but the heart of the people is indispensable.

"Right, my predecessors, I am not suitable for cultivation here. I have a foreign body on my body. As long as I practice in a place like Dongtianfu, it will bring about various changes."

Qin Nan suddenly thought of something, looked surprised and said quickly.

He almost forgot the white and blue flowers in his body.

You must know that in the early days of the six deserts, because of this flower, let all kinds of adventures appear, and let the anti-theft door appear in advance.

Like in the Qing Shengda space, the fight for the power of the sanctuary, this may be safe, but really want to start practicing here, will bring changes, then it is not allowed.

"Haha, you don't have to worry, it's impossible to live in a fairyland. If you want to influence it, it's impossible."

The floating king smiled and waved his hand.

Not to mention a foreign object, even if it is a Gai hegemon, practicing here, there is no change at all.

"makes sense."

Qin Nan thought about it, dispelled the concerns of his heart, and simultaneously mobilized the divine power and the earthy atmosphere to evolve a big hand and grab the distance.


Along with a dull sound, the vast force of the Qing dynasty, like a kind of attraction, all gathered together and directly fell into Qinnan's body.

This time in Qinnan, it was also a three-dimensional scent.

It’s just that the power of sanctification is far more than the position of Jiu Qing Qing San, which is three times that of the latter.

"It seems that I guessed it right ago. This kind of earthy atmosphere has a will to the beginning of all things."

The floating fairy king looked different, then shook his head, and his face was a pity, saying: "It is just the will of the origin of all things, it is too weak."

If the will of all things is inherently pure and pure, even if it is his hegemonic hegemony, it will gain a lot of benefits.

“What is the origin of everything?”

Qin Nan is full of doubts.

"Everything starts, this involves the field of the hegemonic hegemony, and you will know it later." The floating king did not talk much, but asked: "How much more do you have?"

Qin Nan glanced at Dan Tian and said: "There are more than fifty."

The floating fairy king slightly decapitated, faintly said: "Qinnan, you will give me more than 50 breaths, I will let you practice here for half a month, and then give you a person, how?"

After he finished, he added: "This symbol is made by me personally. As long as I push it, I can release a fairy magic. The power is comparable to that of a human being."

When Qin Nan thought about it, he nodded and promised to play the khaki atmosphere.

After practicing for half a month here, I can completely resolve my heart. The one person is a symbol, and he stays on the body. At the crucial time, he can also be a life-saving card.

"I didn't expect this kind of breath, the value is still so amazing, but unfortunately I can't push the leaderless map now, otherwise..."

Qin Nan’s thoughts flashed, no longer thinking about it, sitting cross-legged and practicing.

It’s not bad to have a master map in a critical time, and it’s not bad.

"Well? Is it a bad temper? Is it related to the counter-tooth?"

The floating king was just about to leave, suddenly found something, a light smile, said: "Qin Nan, I will give you a few big arrays, which should be of great help to you."

His sleeves and gowns, all kinds of fairy tales, instantly condensed under the road, making the entire road, filled with a pure sense of immortality.

These immortal meanings make the counterintuitive print on the heart of the counter-tooth avoidance faster.

If it is an ordinary person, he will not have this attitude, but Qin Nan is young, he has reached this level, may wish to build a good relationship.

Qin Nan just wanted to thank him and found that the former had left the space, and he had to wholeheartedly sink into the cultivation.

Time passed by a little.

In the space of the Qing dynasty, many monks quickly discovered that the mysterious monk in Jiu Qing Qing Sheng was gone.

This little thing has also sparked a debate.

In particular, Xiaopeng Wang Wanqi and Miaoyin Prince, their faces are faintly green.

It’s not long before they changed to the Eight-Pinity Sanctuary. The mysterious monk left. Isn’t that playing them?

Soon, time passed five days.

The heart of Qinnan has been halved.

During this period, he was relieved that the white-blue flower did not seem to have any interest in the power of the sanctuary, and did not absorb it.

However, he did not know that there was a lot of change in the darkness of the whole life.

“Returning to the elders, the ancient jade roads, the lake of the gods, and the stone of Wuxian, have begun to change!”

In a large hall, a disciple hurried forward and handed it over.

The ancient jade road, the lake of the gods, the stone of Wuxian, this is the three treasures of their entire floating life, quite famous, not open to foreign monks.

Under normal circumstances, they are all outside the door and inner disciple of the Emperor of the Floating King.

"These three treasures have not been abnormal for hundreds of years. How can they become like this today? Then, let me go and let the disciples enter the cultivation in advance."

An elder, his brow wrinkled, thought about a half-sound, and waved his hand.

These three treasures, in the realm of floating life, are not the most critical places, and it does not matter if there is a change, as long as the Sanqing Ancient Temple and the Dragon Blood Field are unaffected.

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