Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2003: Going to the clothes

Qin Nan brow wrinkled.

How does he always encounter such a person who is a bit of a background, who does not know how to be tall and honest, and who is very mad?

"What are you doing here for me? Didn't you hear it clearly? Roll--"

When the young people saw Qin Nan, they did not move, and they sighed again.

Qin Nan is too lazy to speak, and directly slaps the past.


The monks on the whole street were shocked at the bottom of the heart. Then they saw that the young man made a scream, and his figure was like an arrow from the string. He flew out and squatted in the distance.

"How dare you -"

Several monks around the youth were glaring and wanted to do it. Qin Nan took a kick and squatted on their chests.

It was a few screams that rang.

These people's cultivation, the strongest is only the hegemony of the hegemony, Qin Nan slightly used some strength, it is enough to kill them.

Li Bai night saw Qin Nan, and he said, "Thank you."

Qin Nan waved his hand, Li Bai night no longer said anything, left this place.

Qinnan is like nothing happened. Under a gaze, walking toward the front, God quickly swept into the jade slip of Li Baiyue.

He is very interested in this supreme law.

"The seventy-two heaven and earth sanctuaries have nothing to say!"

In the first sentence, Qin Nan was attracted, and then completely sunk into it.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Nan only came back to God, and his eyes were different.

This Supreme Law, to be precise, is not a practice that becomes a nine-day supreme, but a feeling of Li Baiyue.

In the seventy-two heaven and earth sanctuary, Li Baiyue went in every time, and after he entered, he did not participate in any inheritance and quest for the treasure. He only carried out everything according to the rules of each heaven and earth sanctuary and carefully felt it.

Finally, he came to the dead zone, which confirmed his thoughts.

Any one of the peaks of the hegemonic hegemony, even if it is not in the seventy-two heavenly sanctuary, can be a nine-day supreme, but it will be very difficult.

The existence of the seventy-two heavenly sanctuary is to reduce this difficulty.

When the opportunity is said, it does not exist at all. If you want to board the Supreme, you must have enough accumulation to break through a critical point.

Although this idea seems to be relatively simple, many people can guess this, including Qinnan himself, but it is very difficult to prove it.

Most of the monks in the nine-day fairy tales are unlikely to spend such a long time to prove such an idea. They would rather believe in the ‘opportunity’.

"Li Bai night traveled to the seventy-two heaven and earth sanctuaries and spent thousands of years in the dead zone. It was not only to prove the idea but to practice the extraordinary way..."

Qin Nan’s heart is dark.

However, guessing this, Qin Nan did not have the idea of ​​inquiring.

For him, the more monks like Li Baiyue, the better, so that the future practice will be more interesting.

"Qinnan, we should leave here."

At this time, Meng Jiugong chased it up and looked red, obviously winning a lot.


Qin Nan nodded.

The effect of this mask can only last for one day, and now the time is almost up.

He didn't want to be exposed until he went to the mysterious depth that Turing said.

After the two flew out of the Supreme Mountain, they came to a forest at the edge of the land of the deer, laying a lot of hidden clouds.

After five days, the Zhuxian River opened, and the monks in the Supreme City will pass, and they will pass together.

Meng Jiugong seems to be unable to sit still, and he is still on the sidelines. Qin Nan will start to care for him. Later, he will decisively ignore it and sit down and practice.

After seeing it in Mengjiu Palace, after a few trials, he could only helplessly give up, and it was uninteresting.

"Right, Qin Nan restrained my body of good luck. If I am next to him, if I practice the body of the good luck, maybe it will be different..."

Meng Jiugong’s eyes lit up, sitting straight and calming his mind, and his body began to emit a faint red awn.

This kind of light is the air transport mentioned by countless monks.

"Sure enough, the speed of operation is ten times slower than usual!"

In the heart of Meng Jiugong, suddenly, his face was a glimpse.

Qin Nan’s eyes were also suddenly opened and looked at Meng Jiugong.

When Meng Jiugong practiced, he knew the eternal flower in the sea and even moved.

"Qin Nan, are you the existence of one of the ten ancient times?"

Meng Jiugong could not help but ask.

"Why do you ask?"

Qin Nan’s face is not moving.

"When I was practicing, I felt that there was an invisible power fluctuation in your body! It was this power fluctuation that suppressed my body of good fortune."

Meng Jiugong said: "The only thing that can do this step is the ancient ten, and at least it is the second-ranked devouring body..."

Having said that, his mind suddenly realized.

Although Qin Nan is not a body of bad luck, it must be the body of engulfing, which will always press him.

"You think too much, I am not what I swallow."

Qin Nan shook his head, but he understood very well that this is the flower of eternal, and he is restraining the body of the good fortune. After all, the former belongs to the first body of the ancient times.

"Hey? Isn't it? It's weird..."

Qin Nan saw Meng Jiugong frown and thought hard, and immediately opened the topic, saying: "Meng Jiugong, how much do you know about the law of the law?"

Meng Jiugong stunned, his brows opened, and his eyes showed a trace of awe. "I don't know much about this body, but I have checked many classics. Anyone with this body must be invincible in the same class!" ”

"And, in the old rumors, the law does not invade the Eucharist and can evolve and become an eternal body! Once this level is reached, it will not die, it is terrible!"

Qin Zhen in the heart of Qin Zhen.

The eternal body?

Can it be said that the flower of eternal is a key to the promotion of the law without invading the Eucharist?

Qin Nanyue thinks that the more likely it is, or the attitude of the animal skin to him, should not always send people to save his life.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore."

Qin Nan took a breath and shook his head.

Although he regarded the animal skin as a deadly enemy, he is far from the opponent of the latter. He must at least reach the level of the main territory to fight the latter.

The two chatted for a while and began to sit cross-legged and practice.

However, all of Qin Nan’s eyes were concentrated on the martyrdom and the mysterious depths, which led him to ignore a point. He knew the eternal flower in the sea and was emitting an invisible force. Affect this world.

In particular, most of the invisible forces, like the long river, did not enter the end of the scorpio above the land of the deer.

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