Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2004: Xianlu came to the world

Two days later, Meng Jiugong got the news of the exquisite fairy lamp from some of the Jiugong Jinxianzong disciples who had entered the dead zone, and was about to be born in the first day.

After Qin Nan heard it, there was no interest.

Before he got the thing that Turing said, no matter what kind of treasure he was born, he would not pay attention to it, not to mention the fact that he still had several wonderful fruits in his hand.

Although it is not like the exquisite fairy lamp, it can be absolutely perfect, but as long as it is on the Dacheng Dacheng, there is enough accumulation, and taking one can also impact success.


Suddenly, Qin Nan opened his eyes and looked straight ahead at the sky.

"What's wrong?" asked Meng Jiugong.

The white fire in Qinnan’s eyes ignited, saying: “I just realized that the mysterious void above the land of the deer has begun to have a subtle reaction.”

Meng Jiugong looked surprised and carefully perceived for a while, then smiled: "Qin Nan, I think you are too nervous? I have already inquired, the next time the deer is born, it will take at least three months. ......"

When the words have not been finished, his eyes are wide and wide, and he blurs out and is thick: "The trough!"

I saw that there was a golden light in the mysterious void, and it was swept away by hundreds of thousands of miles.

Not only that, every fairy grass on the earth has no wind and dance, but also a faint brilliance.

Although the vision in front of you is not so amazing, but it appears in this land of competition, the meaning is very obvious!

At the time of the shock of Meng Jiugong, the countless monks of the entire Supreme Mountain also shook, and they all flew out from various entrances.

“It’s really golden light, fairy grass dance!”

"What is going on here? Don't you have to wait three months?"

"Fast, quickly tell everyone about them here!"

Hundreds of monks, seeing this scene in front of them, all exposed the stunned color, then reacted, picked up a block of tokens, and passed away a thought.

Qin Nan simply no longer cultivates, looking at this scene.

He has no idea for the deer in these camps, but it is ok to see it with his own eyes.

Soon, three hours passed.

The golden light in the sky has become more and more, and the grass on the ground has become brighter and brighter.

Subsequently, a song, a piano, a snoring, and so on, rang in the whole world.

From the beginning, if there is nothing, it will become louder and louder at the end.


Qinnan gave a low drink.


A thrilling sound of the explosion sounded, and the mysterious void was like a supreme blow. It broke through a huge hole and burst into a pure white fairy light.

All the monks breathed and held together.

The whole world and the sky have suddenly become silent, as if time and space are fixed here.

I am resting, ten interest, and a hundred interest... I don’t know how long it has passed, a light blue animal hoof, stepping out from the sky and stepping on the fairy light.

The hoof hooves a few times, it seems that it is confirmed that this fairy light is not secure, and after discovering it, it will slowly come out from the inside.

The head of the deer is five feet high, the eyes are purple, the double angles are black, the body is covered with light blue, and the back is covered with a gold pattern, which does not emit any momentum.

"Good eccentric breath!"

The flash of light in Qinnan’s eyes flashed.

This fairy deer does not have a little bit of repair, but its body seems to have nothing. If it is the use of Taoism, immortality, it must not hit it.

After the first deer appeared, he quickly walked to the grass. It seemed that he did not notice the countless monks on the Supreme Mountain. He looked at the position and looked down. He bowed his head and took a bite of the grass.

Its face suddenly showed the expression of wiping enjoyment, and finally issued a weird humming sound.

Brush it!

The deer, one after the other, flew out from the gap and landed on the grass. There were more than seventy heads in less than a short time.

Finally, when it reaches 100 heads, the broken void is slowly closed.

"Hundreds of deer!"

"At least for five hundred years, there have not been so many deer in one go!"

"Ha ha ha, I am a chance to be supreme, finally come!"

A monk in the Supreme Mountain, after a shock of his heart, immediately appeared on his face, and his body burst into a shocking weather, turning into a variety of fairy light, straight into the grass.

The four squares are empty, and they all oscillate.

"I rely!"

Meng Jiugong was shocked.

Because this scene in front of us is really spectacular, it is like there is a supreme army, which emerges from the mountains of the Supreme, dense and numerous, to crush everything in front.

Like the scene of the last battle for the wonderful results of the heavens and the earth, compared with the current scene, it is also a small witch, the difference is huge.

Moreover, this is the reason why Xianlu suddenly came to the world. If it appeared after two or three months according to the law, what a grand scene would it be?


In less than a short period of time, a deafening sound of the sound of the deafening sounded, and countless doors of Taoism, immortality, and collisions, stirred up numerous insults.

The entire land of the deer is reflected by the light of these monks.

Under the war of this scale, even the existence of some peerless geniuses is not particularly conspicuous.

"Qin Nan, the opportunity is rare, you really don't plan to get the next one?"

While Meng Jiugong asked, he was eager to try.

It is a pity that his cultivation is too low. If he has the realm of the early hegemony, he must have rushed in.

"Forget it, it's better to look at it here."

Qin Nan shook his head and calmed down the blood in the body.

He just looked at it and saw a lot of strong people. He has mastered the cultivation of the hegemonic master and mastered the Dacheng Dacheng.


Qin Nan’s eyes showed a strange look.

He knows the eternal flower in the sea, how does it shine on its own?

As he was thinking about it, he felt a strange feeling in his heart. He immediately looked up and looked at the left front.

The line of sight crossed a doorway, a monk, and finally Qin Nan’s gaze, and the eyes of a fairy deer.

Moreover, Qin Nan is still very clear to see, among the pair of purple beasts, a kind of emotion called hot.

The southern brow of Qinnan was slightly wrinkled, and then saw it again. In addition, the three-headed deer, not far away, had been eating the grass, and suddenly looked up, and the light was moved and stared at Qinnan.

At the bottom of my eyes, I also passed a fiery mood.

In the heart of Qin Nan, there is a feeling of badness.

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