Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2061: Cang Yu Chong

Ten days later, the sea of ​​the sea of ​​abandonment, in a dark crack.

I saw that Qin Nan was sitting cross-legged, incomparably vast and powerful, pouring into his body, making it sound like a thunderous sound, a terrible momentum, sweeping in all directions.

This state, after a full half-column time, everything is calm.

Qin Nan’s eyes slowly opened.

"The power of supreme power in the body has improved a lot."

Qin Nan’s eyes showed a sense of satisfaction.

Since this time, in addition to absorbing the demon, he has almost no stop, and he is smothering with Cang Yu all the time. Until now, he has killed five peaks of the peak of Cang Yu, the supreme In the early days of Dacheng and Supreme, at least 20 were broken.

"carry on."

Qinnan did not stop any time, picked up the broken knife that had been dyed into a blood red color, and formed a rainbow of light.


After about a hundred moments of time, Qin Nan’s eyes revealed a trace of doubt.

This way down, why didn't you encounter a Cang Yu?

As usual, he now has to meet at least ten heads.

"It seems that something should have happened."

Qinnan speeds up, and at the same time, the **** of war is promoted to the extreme.

Soon, he saw that there were numerous tiny faint rays in the sea in front of it, like a silk thread that was spread, and if it was not powerful, it could not be detected.

"Their source should come from there."

Qin Nan carefully observed for a while and then turned the direction.

"That is……"

After a while, Qin Nan's figure stopped.

I saw only a distant forest in front of you. Every tree was as tall as a thousand feet, shining like a golden blue light, just like a giant mountain.

At the end of the forest, there is a huge whirlpool of hundreds of thousands of feet. There are countless winds and lightnings flashing around. Even if it is far away, Qinnan can perceive the terrorist power contained in it.

Even the monks of the supreme Dacheng are caught in the whirlpool, I am afraid they will be smashed.

At the peak of the Supreme, you can only barely save your life.

Qin Nan immediately converges on the whole body and slows down the speed. After he entered the forest outside, he flashed a trace of color.

He clearly perceives that among the various corners of the forest ahead, there are ten supreme Dacheng, and two peaks are supreme!

Not only that, under the vortex, there is a very terrifying power, it seems that the birth is slowly, making Qinnan's heart have a touch of oppression.

With the cultivation of Qinnan today, the supreme supreme can not give him a sense of oppression, only the strongest of the main can do it.

"Do you say that there is a peak of the highest level of Cang Yu, is hitting the main territory?"

Qin Nan’s eyes are slightly stunned.

If it is a monk, if you want to attack the main territory, then at least in a very grand scene, the momentum will be very large.

Only the unique and unique monsters of this kind of land can only rely on this to attack.

"This friend, you must have guessed that a Cang Yu is attacking the main territory."

At this moment, a full-fledged voice was introduced into the mind of Qin Nan: "As everyone knows, Cang Yu is never possible to become the master. That is to say, the Cang Yu will be defeated."

"However, unlike the monks, after the failure of Cang Yu's impact on the main territory, only life will be lost, and the flesh will not be damaged."

Qin Nan's face is not moving, faintly said: "You want to say, join hands together, and the two peaks supreme, fight for the demon of this Cang Yu?"

Although this Cang Yu will eventually fail, it has not completely become the main territory, but in the process of impact, its flesh and demon, must have been completely transformed.

Compared with the demon of the peak of Cangyu, it is like the earth and the sky, the gap is huge.

Moreover, such a situation is extremely difficult.

"Yes! These two peaks are supreme, from the Tai Yan no life and the Yi family, the record is very good, if we do not join hands, there is absolutely no chance!"

This voice came again: "The other Supreme presentes who have been present have promised that after the event, we are all dependent on each other. Even if the final friend fails to get this demon, I may promise to the Taoist two. The demon level at the peak level."

When Qin Nan thought about it, he nodded and agreed.

Although with his current combat power, he can not be afraid of the two peaks, but other Dacheng Supreme is also very difficult to deal with when he is eyeing him. He may join hands.

"Daoyou really is a clear person!" The voice complimented one sentence and said: "Don't be a friend, don't move first, I said when we started, we are together."

Qin Nan should have a voice, the voice will not ring.

Time passed, I don’t know how long it took, the huge and terrible whirlpool, suddenly burst into a thunderous sound, directly dissipated, turned into more than thirty ancient visions, shining in the forest of Noda on.

Countless black clouds do not know where to come from, completely ignoring the existence of sea water, gathering together, like a huge black curtain.

A horrible atmosphere, like a storm, is rolled up across the vast forest.

Surrounded by sea water, the earth under the feet, violently boiling and shaking.

"Get started!"

Qinnan eyes look awkward.

In the next moment, I only listened to a giant python, a huge figure, shining with colorful radiance, suddenly rushing from the forest, waving claws, accumulating infinite power, slamming in the middle of the dark clouds At the office.


Countless lines, waves spread out.

Under such a terrible attack, the black cloud did not have any influence at all, but every supreme presence felt in it, and it seemed to be broken into a huge gap.

Immediately, a doorless door with numerous ancient lines and countless mysterious words was slowly coming down from the gap.

Qin Nan only felt a boring chest and suffered a huge pressure.

The entire sea area seems to have been pressed by this door.

However, when this door is halfway up, it will stop and stop moving.

In the eyes of the cockroaches, the anger of the sky broke out, and the power of the body broke out completely, and it went to the door of the singularity.


For a time, the sea was chaotic, the vision was broken, the clouds were broken, and the forest was sinking!

Brush it!

Rao is the two peaks that are closer together, and there are several survivors of the supreme Dacheng. Their faces are also neat and tidy. The body shines brightly and quickly recedes, so as not to spread.

All of this is like not attacking the main territory, but coming to a catastrophe!

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