Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2062: Melee

As for Qinnan, he did not move, looked up and carefully observed the half of the door.

The opportunity is rare, he just can look at the impact of the main territory, what kind of mystery.

This battle has become more and more horrible. The whole half of the door that has not been exposed to the door has begun to be shredded by the layers of the peony. Every time it is shredded, the huge body of this **** has soared. The breath that comes out of the body is even more amazing.

After the passage of time, after nearly half a column of incense, the cang feathers completely shredded the half of the door, and the colorful light shining on it instantly turned into nine colors, among the eyes, there was infinite morality. Condensed.


The avenue in the midst of it seems to tremble.

Then, a very terrible breath, released from the body of Cang Yu, swayed the pressure, so that Qin Nan and the nine-day Supreme presence, the body is subconsciously tightened.

At this moment, the Cang Yu is like the same sun, the sun shines, shines on the sea, everything in the world can not be compared with it.

Nine days of supreme, still bound in the complex rules of the nine days of the fairyland, and after reaching the main territory, you can override these rules!

Cang Yu’s screaming and murderous, it seems that he feels that he has succeeded.

However, at this moment, Qin Nan has other nine-day supremes, and Qi Ren is shrinking.

I saw only the top of this sacred feather, a very incomparable, but incomparably big hand, with the power of lightning, carrying the power of the earth and the trembling, and grabbed it.

This is already the Cang Yu, who exists in the main territory. Even though he still reacted in the future, he was caught in this big hand. The body suddenly trembled, and the light in the scorpion was suddenly gone, and there was no trace of breath.

The big hand was quickly recovered, disappeared without a trace, and the huge body of the **** was squatting in the forest below the gully and smashing out a huge pit.

The whole process is not a short break!

"That big hand... Is it the place to ask, and there are the same leaders as the holy regions of the world?"

Qin Nan gently took a breath, he just clearly perceive it, in the fuzzy black hand, there is a trace of life fluctuations.

In other words, it is not a killing, prohibition, or rule, but a strange existence with life.

"If it is as I think, then what is the so-called executive, how is it done? Is everything in this place clear?"

Qin Nan’s mind can’t help but come up with a puzzle.

At this time, the two weather conditions rushed together.

The two peaks of supreme, almost at the same time reacted, rushed toward the body of the Cang Yu, a scared face, dressed in an ancient, rusted armor, and a Momo Ten years old, with a pair of shackles, the little girl who is carving the jade.

"Old guy, dare to grab a grandmother, auntie will abolish you today!"

The little girl snorted, and the little hand slammed, and the three doors were not on the road. It was like a lotus flower. It bursted up and attacked the old man.

The old man was so cold that he took out a **** knife and murdered it.

Numerous explosions sounded immediately, and the two men's figures, like two peerless electric lights, collided at an astonishing speed, and every time they collided, they must sway terrible fluctuations.

Qinnan also had the supreme Dacheng who were present, but they did not move and watched quietly.

These two peaks are supreme, as if they were not found, they are directly ignored.

After about eighty years of time, the little girl suddenly woke up and raised another hand. The voice just now sounded in Qinnan’s mind: "Daoyou, now, together!"

Brush it!

One of the most supreme Dacheng people broke out with amazing momentum, and turned into a ray of light, straight into the little girl and the old man, a doorway technique, like a downpour.

The shape of Qin Nan is also a move. At the same time, when the light is swept away, these supreme Dacheng will be scanned again.

One of the black-haired shoulders, dressed in a white robe, a middle-aged man with a bamboo fan, the atmosphere of the body, very strange, Qin Nan can not peek into one or two.

"My grandmother thought that this group of people would be naive to be a oriole!"

The little girl licked her mouth, and her body shape suddenly turned to face these Dacheng Supreme. The old man seemed to have discussed with her in advance, and also dealt with a few people.

These two peaks are certainly not stupid. They have long guessed that these great Supreme will join forces, so they have reached a consensus in private, and then solve these people first.

"Hey? Are you the Li Zhi's Zhiguang Supreme?"

The old man's gaze fell on the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man smiled faintly, and did not deny that the bamboo fan came out of his hand, but it turned out to be thousands of stunned and sharp, and shrouded toward the two.

"Shock knife!"

At this time, Qin Nan also killed, urging all the power of supreme, the body has run four ways to ask the way, condensed the supreme knife, shrouded the old man and the little girl.

"A strong knife!"

The old man and the little girl, as well as the Zhiguang Supreme, and other supreme Dacheng people, their hearts are all in the dark, and the light is swept away, and when they are swept away, they will be stunned.

"Qin... Qinnan?"

No one thought that the famous Qin Nan would appear here.

Qin Nan shrugged and no longer hides. The other eight methods of asking for the road, while working in the body, made him an imposing manner, reaching a level of incomparable grandeur, no bigger than the old and the little girl. gap.

"Is this the legendary practice of twelve?"

The old man took the lead in reacting and showed his admiration, saying: "Sure enough, only in the early realm of the district, there is such a momentum, and it is worthy of the reincarnation of the son of Supreme God!"

The old man is a member of the Yi family. Although they have suppressed Qinnan in their families and obtained secret orders from Qinnan, there is no festival between their family and Qinnan.

"Qin Nan, my grandmother can find you very hard!"

The little girl’s mouth smirked.

In the law of Qin Nan’s stealing school, there are people who are too devoid of life. Nowadays, this matter has been regarded as a shame by them.

Regardless of the identity of Qinnan, it will kill!

Zhiguang Supreme and other supreme Dacheng people also reacted at the same time. In the eyes of the former and several people, there was a glimmer of color. For the rest of the people, the dawn was a little cold.

Obviously, the forces they are in are the forces of Qin Nan’s sin!

"You, regardless of whether you have enemies with your forces before, the most urgent task is to repel the two peaks and achieve these two demon. When you want to settle accounts, I will go with the Qinnan."

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