Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2063: Too disappointing me

Zhiguang Supreme is very appreciative, and he said: "The friends of Qinnan Dao are not bad, we will win the demon."

The other nine-day supremes agreed almost instantly, but they all rushed to the tokens in the storage bag and passed on them.

Regardless of the final, Qin Nan’s presence in this place is definitely a big news and must be spread out!

Although Qin Nan did not know their actions, Qin Nan had psychological preparations when he chose to take the shot.

After all, the paper can't contain the fire. When it is exposed, it will be exposed.

"A good one is going to the end, and it seems like you can still survive!"

The little girl’s body is running in the way of the law, and a mysterious and innocent way comes out: “This grandmother will kill you now!”

Her figure appeared in the upper part of Qinnan. On the palm of the two white hands, two runes were sketched out, and two peerless menacs burst out.

Qinnan's eyes have already penetrated the trajectory, and the body shape shook, directly avoiding it, causing Han Mang to break into the forest below, and immediately opened two incomparably huge gullies, showing the power.

"Hands!" Zhiguang Supreme screamed and rushed to the old man.

Not only intentionally or unintentionally, the other nine-day supremes, all locked in the old man, hit the killing trick.

"This is suffering me!" The old man shook his head, a pair of eyes, suddenly become extremely sharp, domineering: "So good, just use your blood, feed my son!"


The dense explosion of the sound echoed in all directions.

Even if there are some movements around the scene caused by Cang Yu Chong, the monks who are attracted to it, after feeling this amazing fluctuation, will leave with interest.

"The magic of the classics, one life two, two three, three things!"

The little girl opened her hands, and in the distant sea, there was a ray of light, and the little girls one after another emerged one after another until the hundred and three times.

Every breath is exactly the same, as if all are real, there is no difference between them.

"Great front field!"

Hundreds of little girls opened their mouths at the same time, their voices overlapped, and they also produced a French seal at the same time.

Taking Qinnan as the center, the surrounding scenes suddenly changed. All the seawater no longer existed. Instead, it was an independent small heaven and earth. In that nothingness, there were countless peerless cold men, without rules, washed away. It seems that I want to destroy everything and everything.

"The magic fairy turns back!"

The knife-cutting power of Qinnan suddenly changed. The meaning of a reincarnation, the meaning of psychedelic, swayed, either the reincarnation of the cold, or the trapping of the illusion, standing in the same place. Do not move.

There are also a very big advantage in the practice of the 12-question method, that is, the will of two to five questions can be arbitrarily combined and turned into a killing trick with extraordinary power.

"You have learned the method of stealing from school, and all of you have realized it deeply! I don't know if you will be too fascinating, and to what extent?"

The overlapping sounds are like a thunderous roll.

Suddenly, Qin Nan’s Huanren shrunk slightly.

He felt his figure and the knife he had pulled out, all of which were shrinking at an alarming rate. It was 30 times smaller than a short period of time.

When looking up, the fascinating coldness of that road is like the sacredness of the heavens. It is so vast that it seems to be drowning at any time.

"This is not a fantasy?"

There was a hint of color in Qin Nan’s eyes.

With his current strength, coupled with his cultivation of the Magic Fairy Tao, even if he is faced with a strong illusion, he will be able to detect one or two.

"Hehehe, practicing twelve, in the eyes of outsiders, it is extremely shocking! In my eyes, it is funny!"

When the voice fell, an incredible scene took place.

At the end of this big front field, the little girl's body shape emerged one after another, but now she has become extremely huge, a finger is ten times that of Qinnan. On the giant, with a cockroach ant.

"Every way to ask the way, how mysterious, one person can take one of them, fully comprehend, it is good, not to mention twelve!"

“More than perfect, flashy!”

"Today, I will let you know that it is too good to be true to the truth!"

The little girl bloomed in the light, like a **** of the Taikoo, majestic and mighty, and the heavens and the earth surrender.

"The trial of the gods!"

They all moved, some gave a punch, some popped a finger, some stabbed a sword, and some slashed a knife, each stroke is a powerful, terrifying.

"Twelve swords!"

Qinnan grew up and danced, not afraid, all the ideas, all merged, turned into a knives.

Even under this strange supernatural power, it is still very dazzling.

A peerless war, this is the beginning.

"not good!"

After the last thousand years, Zhiguang Supreme and so on, the eyes are sinking together.

In their eyes, Qin Nan and the hundreds of little girls are motionless, but their bodies are constantly erupting with a strong temperament.

Obviously, the little girl has already been laid out, and unconsciously, Qin Nan has been dragged into another special battle.

Although I can't know the status of this battle, Qin Nan's body is erratic and the pace is constantly retreating.

Judging from this detail, Qinnan is already at a disadvantage!

"Ha ha ha, this woman's technique of Tai Yan, even if it is the existence of the Supreme List, will be taboo, let alone, is it just Qin Nan in the initial realm?"

The old man gave a big laugh.

Time passes, war is sweeping!

In the field of Dafeng, the shape of Qinnan is like a boat in the storm, and it will be completely submerged at any time and place.

"Oh, I can hold it up now, it’s not bad for you!"

"Now, die!"

Hundreds of doors are printed, and at the same time, hundreds of door-to-door techniques will be blasted.

Qin Nan’s plain face suddenly ignited the curvature, only to see his figure, suddenly broke out of an incredible speed, turned into a peerless sword, and one of them was instantly transformed into a shadow. Two halves.

There is no blood, only countless rays of light are broken.

"Hmm?" The little girl gestured.

"Listen to your nonsense so much, and always let you make a move, if you are doing this, then you can..."

I saw that Qin Nan’s original insignificant figure suddenly swelled up.

Between the half interest, it is almost the same as the little girl!

After the break, he was ten times as big as the little girl, as if the body of an old demon appeared, with a pair of eyes, faintly overlooking hundreds of little girls.

"Too much disappointment."

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