Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2158: The power of one person (below)

"The night sword!"

Sword God reacted in an instant, decisively burned his life again, and released the swordsmanship, suddenly becoming dark, like an endless night.

This sword is also created by the Yongtian Tianzun. It is different from other swords. It is illusory and has no substance. It specializes in the soul of the monk. "

Luoshen Town Demon Tower! "pole

The masters of the Tao and other peak powerhouses also quickly began to display other means. on

For example, the demon tower of the Luoshen Town, which is displayed by the Lord of the Path, is a piece of the sacred Tianzun. After the outbreak of the operation, the monk’s knowledge of the sea can be tightly held and finally crushed. boom

Bang! One

The sound of the explosion of the road rang again and again.

When the sword is dissipated, the moment when the waves calm down, the masters of the sword, the Lord of the Road, and so on, the face of the strong, all face changes.

"How can this be -"

In their hearts, they all set off an amazing chill and went straight to the head. because

For the white deity, and the ‘divided’, they have not been hurt by the slightest! in

The main players in the field have experienced battles of all sizes, countless times, but they are the first to encounter such a weird scene!

White, can you ignore all attacks?

How can this be!

Even if it is the first person in the world to stay in the night, it is impossible to do so! can

What is going on here?

"No! Since he can ignore all attacks, why should he use a powerful method to avoid a doormanship? Could it be?"

A thought, suddenly rises in the heart of the sword, so that he is full of sweat and hair, the first time in his eyes revealed the color of horror. he

We all think that one person in the area of ​​Bai Zengsheng District, they will certainly be able to take it down, white life will die!

Maybe, in the eyes of white, they are cockroaches, even if there are a large number of people, it is just a little more ants!

Why go to cast a way to avoid? White

I haven’t shot for a long time, and now I can finally kill it. How can he kill all the ants in an instant?

Of course, take your time and enjoy the whole process!

I have to say that God of Heavenly Sword once again guessed it. Bai Zengsheng looked at the look of this powerful person in the main position. He sighed and did not continue to recite the chanting. Instead, he said: "After all, let you discover This is a lot less fun."

Anyway, this also blames me, Dahengbu has not yet reached the extreme, let you find out in advance. ”

After saying this, his face once again came out with a gentle smile. "

The ten parties come to life, the heart is clear and clean, and it has arrived in China, and it is happy and quiet. "he

Blooming in the Buddha's glory, walked toward the strong people in the sky.

At this moment, there is a void in the distance. "

Hey! "no

Tianmojun sighed a long time, a little reluctant to say: "In that year's big battle, Bai Zengsheng was hit hard, it is too big, I did not expect to hold the week of the dead mountain for so many years, can only do so."

The other side of the dark city, who was shocked by the outside, and others, all had doubts about whether they had got it wrong. White

Indulgence shows such incredible power, even they can't do it, actually it is still very bad? "

Yes, now, he is only a situation where no one can be hurt under Tianzun. "ink

Evil also sighed with emotion. "

Under the heavens... no one can hurt? ”

The mood of the dark city masters and other people, already do not know how to describe it, especially the word that has been extremely dazzling for these masters.

"It's a pity. If the white man was not hurt so badly in the past, he would certainly be able to reach the point where no one can be hurt, and the repair can also reach the rule. If so, we can see him before. Going to destroy the Yongtian Tianzun completely, at least it can be badly wounded."

"For us, that is a good thing."

Evil shook his head. black

The dark city masters and other people are all silent, dead and dead, and at the same time secretly make up their minds, and will never sneak into the evil spirits.

At the same time, the entire nine days of Xianyu! Time

All the things that happened on behalf of the battlefield, under the voice of other powerful powers who have not yet participated in the battle, are like an ancient flood, and finally poured into the major forces.

At this moment, the seven great heavenly family, the martyrdom, the tomb gate, the 14th National Supreme Court, the other ancient Baizu, some of the powers that dominated the powerful themselves, without exception, all sensational. Such as

The patriarchs, gatekeepers, and lords of these forces today have almost no hesitation, and all the giants who are in retreat and sleep are awakened!

The foundations of the major forces also came to the surface at this moment. Except for some ancient ancients, the Tianzun family, the major Supreme Dao, the Shudao family, and the tomb gate all dominated the town! "

The battle of the Lord, once launched, it will last for one month! However, if you successfully promote to the master, you can leave early! According to intelligence, the first person of Zhuxian appeared, and the flying female emperor is likely to be promoted in these two days! ""

Once promoted, they must leave, so we must rush quickly! ""

The secret of the gods, we must succeed! ”

"Now there is no reincarnation in the world, and no one will be able to sit still, and immediately pass on to other families. Be sure to join hands at the fastest speed and get it together!"

"Now the road has been united with many forces and is besieging the first celestial beings. We are taking the lead in this matter and must not miss it!"

The forces involved in this participation will be extremely numerous, and we hope that it will be very embarrassing, but such a grand event must be involved! ""

Er waited to go with me, first wait and see what happened, this son has a lot of relationship with us, before everything has been fixed, don't shoot easily, completely opposite! ”

Almost just a short period of time, there is a very horrible momentum, and Qi Qi has not entered the void.

This is the real storm! fly

Compared with the storm that the female emperor had previously faced, it was like a little witch. This

Everything is because the outbreak of the war in ancient times has caused them to be too declining in this era. The giants of all major forces have also been shackled for too long. Now

In the absence of God's reincarnation, it is likely that they are the key to breaking the deadlock!

Also at this time, above a fairy island that is independent. suddenly

Between them, a horrible atmosphere spread out, and the boundless sky turned into a darkness. No matter what kind of cultivation the monks on the island had, including the dominant level, the heart was a shudder. One

The existence of Zunwei shore suddenly opened his eyes. "

Hehehe, very good, very good, I really did not guess wrong, among the four adults, at least two or three people successfully reincarnate! Now, let me wait! ”

The words are like thunder, and the sound is loud. Say

The person of words is the first person in the upper bounds, the deity of the eternal night!

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