Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2159: 视视眈眈(上)

At this moment, the seventh restricted area. Lee

Ji, Mo Xiaoli, Yi Shi, Cheng Mu, etc., those who have not participated in the main situation, from the initial shock, have already retreated to the edge, while symbolic shots, while showing various means, watching White is abusing the lords.

Originally, they wanted to do this. Looking at these tens of thousands of years, the biggest storm in the nine days of Xianyu kicked off, but it didn’t take long for them to feel chill and feel the horror of not far away. Had to approach the middle.

Nothing is also noticed. The above-mentioned gods and devils pattern shines fiercely. The power of a rule, like the big net, spreads over the edge of the entire seventh restricted area.

As for the middle, the sound of the killing of the clouds has ceased to exist. Instead, there is a chanting of the chanting, without any crying and screaming. If

It’s just listening to the sound, it only makes people feel calm and calm.

However, when you see the moment of the scene, you will be stunned, and every inch of the void is covered with a big horror. White

After the indulgence shows the real cultivation, in order to squander the tens of thousands of years of boring in one heart, he vents it all. He does not speed up, but with the ninety-nine 'parts', no hurry. Slowly forced to the Lords.

Blood knife enters, blood knife out.

A giant who was famous in the middle of the week, and the countless people were frightened, paid the most painful price and regretted it.


The top giants, such as the Sword Lord, the Lord of the Path, and so on, made a final attempt and found that it was still meaningless. The mind was completely wrapped in fear and turned into various kinds of light, flying in all directions.

What are the secrets of Godless, the tenth and the tenth, and so on, all thrown away by them! "

Just leaving, it’s a bit unreasonable, right? How can I tell my lord? Moreover, I have read three pages in this thick book. ”

White sighs with a sigh of relief, the long sword comes out, nailed in the void. boom

! One

The power of the striking rules of the stock broke out from it, and it became a reddish illusory chain. With the thunder and lightning, the world of millions of miles was completely shrouded. "

All of you, your friends, are desperate, don’t hide your shackles, have any cards, and show them all! ”

The Sword God, the Heavenly Lord, and so on have all made a loud cry. "

Give me broken! ”

All kinds of majestic atmosphere, immediately skyrocketing, shaking the eight wild. no

A few rays of light slammed into the sky and made a deafening explosion. Of course

However, the chain of that strip is like a avenue, and it is not affected by the force. "

Fortunately, the Buddha’s letter is my true testimony, and I’m willing to do what I want. "that

A gentle chanting sounded in the distance not far behind them.

At this time, flying behind the female emperor, there was a vision, a fairy guiding the way, a mysterious figure waving a sword, and a group of ancient purple light, which flashed and disappeared.

The invisible fluctuations of a stock, from the beginning of the first few, quickly expanded to the range of five miles, until the expansion of the ten-mile range, an invisible wind began to blow up to the four sides. versus

When the ordinary wind is different, this wind blows on the human body, and it will bring people a feeling of heaven and earth, and the mysterious feelings of all beings.

"This is the wind of rules!" Xu

The opposite and other serious insults, the face of a happy, looked up. fruit

Unexpectedly, the sky filled with the blue light and the golden light, began to float a dark cloud, exuding a breath of robbery. fly

The more the female emperor, has already taken the crucial one, and then as long as the time is enough, it will be able to become the dominant powerhouse!

"All this depends on him..."

Xu Xiangsheng looked at Qinnan. From beginning to end, this man was not moving, even if he had already died a lot of the main territory, his anger and murder have not been reduced.

Presumably, Bai Zhisheng does not kill these people. Flying over the female emperor does not completely become the master. His anger may not drop a little.

Xu Xiangsheng sighed, he did not admire Qin Nan’s horrible past life, but envied the fate between him and the female emperor. Roar


Suddenly, a few horrible roars rang in the entire forbidden zone, disrupting all the thoughts of Xu Xiangsheng. no

The captain of the captain suddenly trembled and released a full-fledged golden phoenix with hundreds of thousands of feet and a domineering.

They made a loud, long sound, spread out, and flew in all directions, swaying infinite pressure. "

What happened? "Xu

The opposites and other subjects immediately applied the ancient means to follow the phoenix. At first glance, their faces changed dramatically.

I saw only the edge of the entire seventh restricted area, standing with a huge figure, some are fierce beasts, some are embarrassing, some are artifacts. although

However, they are all grotesque, but the breath that comes out is extremely magnificent.

The most important thing is that there are two ancient beasts, and the cold claws of the forest have been opened into the seventh restricted zone.

This little move has already shown their attitude! Want

I know that since the establishment of the Centennial Covenant and the Battle of the Lord, there have not been any mysterious beings of the dominating level, and they have entered the place where they are held. This

It was their first exception, and they showed their fangs to the singularity! suddenly

However, Xu Xiangsheng saw that in the far-flung places where many mysterious existences existed, there were three worlds of tens of thousands of prescriptions, which were quietly shattered. Two

An old man, a young girl, walked out of it. Xu

The coix seed that is born is sharply shrinking. Make

For the patriarch of Xu Jiashao, the three of them of course knew that they existed in the nine days of Xiantian for more than 5,000 years, and now they are the masters of the big forces! "

I am afraid this is just the beginning. "Xu

The students realized that the problem was serious and they took a breath.

"However, fortunately, the ancestors of that year, in order to avoid the centennial covenant and the battle of the Lord, were greatly disturbed, so that all the monks stepped into the main territory, one of the main oaths, one of them, in both Do not enter before the end."

Xu Xiangsheng is in the dark. only

There are eternal nights, and these mysterious beings have not yet been bound by these. Wait


It’s a cold.

Originally, he was thinking, after the flight over the female emperor became the master, when he was in the seventh restricted area, he realized a more terrible problem.

What if I stayed in the night? Light

Can you stop it with a no-failed order?

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