Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2245: Reincarnation of the Cang (middle and lower)

"How can this be!"

Yong Tian Tian Zun, Huang Yun, and Li Yusheng, the giants of the various forces, all showed their smudges on their faces, and could not believe their eyes.

You must know that Qinnan is the reincarnation of Zhou Di!

Nowadays, there are enough two unsuccessful people to reincarnate in Qinnan.

More crucially, everyone knows that between Zhou Di and Cang, there is no way to resolve the hatred of the great enemies that have been unable to describe them with words!

When the ancient war broke out that year, most of the reason was because of Zhou Di and Cang!

How can such two unrequited gods reincarnate on one person?

"Wu... I... I... Lord?"

The sounds of the ancient taboos are trembling, and the figure is also shaking. The impact of this scene on the scene is even greater than that of the three funeral beads and the other two beads.

It did not think of it anyway. It dreamed of killing people. It took countless means. The person who had fallen to the deity and wiped it out, now it has become a tens of thousands of people waiting for it. The owner of the year!

"Teacher... Master...this..."

The hidden magic of the hidden place, the voice is also shaking.

The evil spirits on his side were full of disappointment and did not hear any sound at all.

The same as them, there is also Zhou Zhidao sent to the depths of Qin Nan soul.

I have to say that the impact on this scene is really too big, and there are countless doubts in my mind!

They all know that Qin Nan is the reincarnation of Zhou Emperor and Emperor Huang, and now there is still one more Cang!

Three no gods, reincarnation on one's body?

In this way, is it that the four incompetent gods have to reincarnate in Qinnan?

In the relationship between Zhou Emperor and Cang, why did they reincarnate in Qinnan?

It’s hard to be done. These three people are not in the sky, and they all play a real game with Qin Nan’s body.

Or is it another mystery?

Moreover, who is now called Qinnan?

Compared with them, the only better one is the ‘Tang Qingshan’ and the flying female emperor.

‘Tang Qingshan’ has just appeared in this world. I don’t want to take care of the ancient taboos. So I don’t know much, just a little bit surprised. I didn’t expect the young man he had just killed to become his master.

Of course, he still has a bit of a puzzle. The reaction of these giants seems to be a little too fussed. I have never seen the world before?

Unlike him, the flying female emperor quickly reacted from the initial shock. In a pair of pale blue eyes, there was no fluctuation, and it was still cold and faint, if there was no emotion.

For her, everything is simple.

No matter how many people are not in heaven, they will reincarnate in Qinnan. No matter what kind of planning they have, no matter who Qinnan will eventually become, in her eyes, Qinnan will always be Qinnan.

Only Qinnan, can let her do whatever it takes, use all the bans, and block in front of Qinnan, no regrets.

"Cang... Reincarnation is on me?"

Qin Nan realized that something was wrong and his face changed dramatically.

He has always regarded Cang as a big enemy. Now that Cang has reincarnate to him, the enemy he has to deal with is actually himself? Kill yourself?

At this time, Qin Nan’s Huanren suddenly and sharply shrank. He perceives that there is a blood in his own body. I don’t know where to come from, but it has emerged upwards and evolved into eight great characters.

If you are good at this print, you will be robbed!

This scene, Qin Nan has experienced, after he obtained the Jiuyin Seal of Kowloon, he was promoted to the crucial moment of the nine-day supreme, and was affected by the power of the robbery, exposed between the heavens and the earth.

He is the reincarnation of 'Zhou Xiao', the secret of 12 lessons, and it has been exposed to everyone, attracting all the supreme sects, and the advent of the ancient taboos, allowing the flying female emperor to ban the ban. One year left.

The occurrence of the road robbery had a huge impact on Qinnan.

Originally, Qin Nan thought that the road robbery had already passed, and when he entered the virtual zero heaven, it came out again.

Today, it is starting to break out.

"Don't it be because of the robbery that Cang was reincarnation to me?"

"No, according to the predecessors of the week, whoever will reincarnate to a person is completely determined by fate!"

"Not right, Zhou and Huangfu can reincarnate on me, they can at least be tied together!"

"But now..."

Qin Nan’s thoughts have become confused.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

At this moment, the five beads of the Emperor, who have not yet been taken away by the forces of the parties, have received some sort of command, and the rounded beads have ignited the light of the world and rushed into the clouds.

clang! clang! clang!

The bells of the road, from the midst of the silence, resounded.

With Qinnan as the center, countless lines of light quickly spread to the Quartet, and eventually became a mysterious pattern.

Four bells ring, eight dragons are now!

This is the only vision that can occur when you remember the memories of the past!

At the same time, in the ten rounds of the bright moon in the depths of the Scorpio, the ten seals of the imaginary figure of the great shores changed, and the shackles changed, and between a short break, they formed a total of 99,999. Nineteen!

At the next moment, their palms, while shooting toward the thirty-second small fairy field, a purple light, like a piece of ancient dragons, released from it, with lightning speed, and fell on the land Qin Nan's body.

In the blink of an eye, in the blood, the entire portrait of Qin Nan is covered with a set of ancient emperor clothes, the momentum and majesty emanating from the body, more like breaking through the seal of the ancient times, climbing at an incredibly amazing speed.

The whole person in Qinnan suddenly became very eye-catching and incomparably embarrassed. It was like everything in the whole upper bound, including rules, avenues, heaven and earth, etc., in front of him, he would be eclipsed and glory.

The body shape of ‘Tang Qingshan’ and Taiji’s taboos, like being thundered, is frozen.

This kind of pressure, this breath, although far less than that year, very thin, but they are too familiar.

"Congratulations to my Lord, returning to nine days!"

Tang Qingshan did not hesitate, and his head was in the void.

"Christine... Christine... Welcome... I... Lord!"

Compared with him, the ancient taboos have not yet come back, the voice is still shaking, but its body, instinctively toward Qinnan, swearing.

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