Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2246: Reincarnation of the Cang (below)


With Qinnan as the center, the world of 100,000 miles of chaos has been dyed with incomparably rich purple, and it is like a huge whirlpool, and it starts to rotate at an alarming speed.

Numerous pieces of amethyst fragments of different sizes, which continually floated out, turned into a ray of light, rushed into the mind of Qinnan and condensed together.

Qin Nan Huanren, once again shrinking.

This amethyst fragment, he is most familiar with it, this is the memory of Cang!


At this moment, the new force in the Qinnan body, which was formed by the law of non-invasion of the Eucharist, immortality of the devil, and the law of the twelve doors, began to operate autonomously.

And, the speed of operation, between the blink of an eye, climbed to the extreme.


Suddenly, this new force is completely split.

On the left side of his body, the shining light of the eye is shining for the law, the right side of his body, the resonance of the hole, the shadow of the shadow, the rule of the upper devil, the world of the devil, hanging behind him, the magical sky, is For the immortal magic!

"Well? Caused them to resist?"

Flying over the female emperor, I saw the clues.

However, what she did not expect was that with the two loud noises, Qin Nan’s left and right sides had a completely different horror atmosphere, which swept out of the world in all directions.

Two illusory figures have also emerged!

At the moment when they appeared, everything in the world was also eclipsed. Compared with Qin Nan’s beginning to put on the purple light coat, the pressure released by it, etc., is not weaker than a trace.


A deafening explosion sounded immediately.

The physiques, exercises, and will of the Emperor Zhou and the Emperor of the Kings broke out with a strong resistance to resist the amethyst fragments that came from the source.

The appearance of this scene is reasonable!

However, the timing of this scene is too clever, and everything that Qin Nan and others have been concealing is completely exposed, just like a peerless light, breaking through everything between heaven and earth!


The Yongyao Tianzun, who had already been slightly calmed down, and the giants of all major forces, saw this scene in front of them, and immediately set off the waves of the sky.

Even the soul trembled for it.

"how come?"

If ‘Tang Qingshan’ feels, look up and look at it.

Rao is his mind, at this moment, it is impossible to keep calm!

"The law does not invade the Eucharist, the immortality of the devil, the will of the Zhou Emperor, the imperial will of the imperial concubine! Before the reincarnation of my Lord, Zhou Emperor and Emperor Huang, even turned to the young man?"

Tang Qingshan was full of hair and was erected.

The scene of this scene is really shocking!

This is a full three heavens!

In that era, three of the top-ranking giants stood at the top!

"Difficult... It’s no wonder that the wolf dominates the two devils... I will help Qinnan before... It’s no wonder that the sixth man of the Zhuxian went in person and was defeated by Qinnan... No wonder Qinnan will be in the Tongtiandao tree. , to get the things left by the emperor..."

"The three no gods are reincarnation... This is the reincarnation of the three heavenly gods... If I can get it, then..."

The mind of Yong Zun Tian Zun was trembled fiercely. Many of the previous doubts were solved. At the same time, he thought of some possibility. Now he is completely unclear whether he is excited, or frightened and shocked.

Brush it!

Numerous Amethyst fragments, although they were extremely resisted, they still stubbornly resisted and rushed into Qinnan’s mind.

After the count, all of them rushed in. In the mind of Qin Nan, a prismatic purple crystal was condensed, and a crack appeared on it, ready to be broken!

In addition, in the purple chaotic vortex around Qin Nan, suddenly counted a number of electric lights, a palm-sized, mysterious symbol, from which they continually floated out toward the Qinnan body.


The law does not invade the Eucharist, the immortality of the devil, and the illusory figures of the Emperor Zhou and the Emperor, all burst out with even more radiant light, as if they resisted the extremes of these symbols, and they could not accept it at all!


A different battle has been opened.

The power involved in this war is not so powerful, but the collision in it is still like a hurricane, sweeping into the whole world, causing many visions.

In the hearts of many giants, they are all shocked.


Qin Nan, in the middle of all of this, felt only an unprecedented tear, which made his will become chaotic and sent out a heartbreaking cry.

Soon, the ancient mysterious symbols broke out with a strong force, attracting all the thunder around them, forming a ray of lightning and hitting them.

The sky is falling apart, and the sun and the moon are dull.

The illusory figures of the Emperor Zhou and the Emperor, as well as the invincibility of the Holy Spirit and the immortality of the devil, all suffered a huge blow, the former trembled, the latter bleak, apparently they have been unable to stop!

"These symbols are fully integrated, and Qinnan is completely reincarnation."

Flying over the female emperor looked at the scene, said in my heart.

However, just in the midst of this millennium, Qin Nan’s body suddenly made a big change.

The horror of the ancient horror erupted from his soul, and I felt a guilty conscience when I had not yet returned to the week.

I saw that the slate of the Kowloon dynasty, which had been silent, unleashed unprecedented brilliance. It was very immature, but full of anger, filled with the sound of infinite power, like a thunder.

"By the power of the robbery, I want to force the reincarnation on him?"



A force that can't be described in words at all, from the soul of Qinnan, like the tsunami that has been silent for tens of thousands of years, completely broke out!

Then, an incredible scene appeared.

I saw only the purple crystal fragments in the mind of Qin Nan, the layer of purple light clothes on the body, have been shocked out!

The purple thunder whirlpool around Qinnan’s body also rises up, and the myriad mysterious symbols floating inside are all recovered, no longer flocking to Qinnan!


Zhou seeks, ink evil, no gods, "Tang Qingshan", all the giants present, all stunned.

How is this going?

Is Qinnan not awakening in the past?

Not only that, the **** light that gathered in Qinnan, after violent tremors for dozens of times, finally broke away from Qinnan's body and re-entered another person with lightning speed.

This man has a long skirt, no face, Fanghua, and once again stunning the upper bound, creating countless miracles.

The first fairy, more than 5,000 years ago, flew over the female emperor!

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