Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 899: Three colored lotus pond


Eighty-nine ninety-nine chapter three color lotus pond

At the place, the face of the person 'color' has changed. Read the full text of the latest chapter. More recent chapter visits: ww.

They are not ordinary people, they all have a certain origin, they are so threatened, and they are naturally uncomfortable.

"These two guys are really arrogant!" Sima air snorted, and in the eyes, ‘show’ was wiped out.

He hasn't threatened anyone yet. These two guys actually started to threaten?

The ‘color’ in Qinnan is unchanged, and it is not moved by these words.

"Don't everyone who is present want to be an enemy of us?" Ren Feimei's 'Mao' picks his eyes from Qinnan, and glances over them one by one, saying: "Then I have to ask people, everyone. The identity is checked one by one, and wait until later..."

Having said that, the meaning is self-evident.

Everyone present at the scene, a lot of people are breathing a stagnation, then bite their teeth and hit a god.

Ren Fei’s eyes lit up and his eyes swept over a dozen monks. He said: “Yes, you are very good, very smart. After the end of this assessment, I will give you benefits. But... how many of you? ”

Ren Fei looked at Qin Nan, Sima Kong, and a monk.

"The son of the fourth elder of the phantom studio, the inner 'door' disciple of Tiandao Zong, a small assessment, actually have to unite to threaten others? Oh, how do you threaten, anyway, this assessment, I am participating Set it!" The monk looked firm and did not regress.

Sima snorted and smirked.

As for Qin Nan, I didn’t even say a word.


Ren Fei’s face ‘color’ is slightly stiff and ugly.

Today, the reason why he threatens everyone, mainly wants to show off in front of the broken blade, let the broken blade know that he is flying in this shadow studio, it is an extraordinary position, but I did not expect that these three guys, I heard His name is not in his heart. (ad)

In the eyes of the broken blade, it also flashed through the cold.

When he came over this time, there is indeed something to be done. This special token is very important to him. Of course, he is not not confident in himself, just saying that he wants to solve it more easily.

Just then, a fragrant wind blew, and a faint voice rang out.

"Everyone, I am your appraisal officer. You can call me Wei Lin."

A ‘female’ child who looks like a wild ‘sexual’ appears in front of everyone, and is extremely powerful. It is actually a strong martial artist!

"I have seen Wei Lin's sister!" Ren Fei, who was on the side, said quickly.

This Wei Lin, who is not weak in the shadow studio, is still the person around the lady, he naturally does not dare to neglect.

"Wei Lin Shijie!" Just then, the monk who just refuted Ren Fei suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Before the assessment, I have something to say, just now, Ren Fei and this broken blade threaten the whole Field, want to use the power, let us take the initiative to withdraw from the assessment!"

As soon as this was said, Ren Fei and Broken Blade’s face ‘color’ changed instantly. This bastard, dare to do so, isn’t it afraid to completely irritate both of them?

Wei Lin’s face was 'color' as usual, and she didn’t look at Ren Fei’s eyes. It’s just a faint saying: “This is also an assessment, no need to complain.”

The young man immediately stunned, and the other disciples who promised Ren Fei and others to withdraw from the assessment were shocked.

Ren Fei and the broken blade sighed, and then looked at the monk coldly.

When the assessment is over, you will not be able to spare him!

"Now the assessment begins, come with me."

Wei Lin turned and led the crowd. She immediately left the temple and went to a large hall in the depths of the first floor.

Inside the hall, it is very empty. There are only 20 closed bronze 'doors'. Each of the 'doors' houses are covered with a piece of crystal. The crystal is 'plugged' and 'plugged' with the three pillars. Fragrant.

"Well, this is..."

Qin Nan glanced at the ten ‘door’ households, and in the eyes, ‘show’ had a stunned ‘color’.

I saw that the ten 'doors' indoors turned out to be a room with more than 30 feet. There is a pool of ten feet in the center. In which pool of water, a plant is growing. The flower 'Lotus Leaf', 'Flower' petals have three kinds of color 'color', gathered together, quite beautiful.

However, Qin Nan is under this beauty and feels an astonishing danger.

"This assessment is very fair. You are behind this 'door' indoors. It is a three-color lotus pond. There is a crisis inside. What you have to do is to enter the three-color lotus pond and kill it. The time is the longest. Even if it wins."

Wei Lin said with no expression: "Remember a little, enter the 'door' puzzle, release your own Wuzu tree, Sancai Lotus Pool will adjust the power according to your Wuzu tree."

"It turns out!"

Qin Nan suddenly got it.

This game seems to be very fair. In fact, the original intention of the shadow studio is to test everyone's combat power.

"Now the assessment begins, go in."

Wei Lin didn't seem to want to say anything more, and put the ‘Jade’ hand directly.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The monks who were present did not hesitate to step into the ‘door’ household.

Just in Qinnan and Simakong, when they just stepped into the 'door' room, a cold voice of 'yin' resounded in the minds of the two: "You two, really ignorant, this assessment must be I am victorious, but I have to resist with me and make my heart unhappy!"

Qin Nan and Sima Kong turned to look.

I saw Ren Fei and the broken blade, all looking at him with a sneer.

"Is it sick?"

Sima turned over and rolled his eyes. The two ‘mixed’ **** actually dared to blame him for being ignorant.

"Do you dare to marry me?"

The pupils of Ren Fei and the broken blade are slightly shrunk. Obviously, it is not expected that this fat man is so bold.

"Dip drop? It is you!!, a broken elder son, a guy who is more than 900 in the emperor's list, dare to arrogate, let you see my grandfather's identity..." Sima Kong has a temper, ready now Show his purple 'color' token.

At this time, Wei Lin’s voice rang out.

"Enough, don't say more, give me in, otherwise, the assessment fails!"

When Simakong heard this sentence, he immediately died down. He didn't care. He couldn't even be tired of Qinnan.

"Okay, let's go."

Qin Nan smiled and said that he was too lazy to say that he was the first to enter the ‘door’ household.

Ren Fei and Broken Blade's face 'color' became ugly. I didn't expect this fat man to dare to scream with them. Is this fat man, what is the big reason?

If you come bigger than them, how come you can take this kind of assessment?

"Wait to check his identity!"

The two looked at each other and immediately snorted and stepped into the 'door' room.

Twenty ‘door’ households have all been full.

However, this game has just begun, and the dozens of monks who had been confiscated before, are ready to withdraw.

"No interest."

Wei Lin looked at this scene and had two words in her mouth.

Because in her opinion, what Ren Fei, what is the broken blade, the fat man and others, are not enough, although they can get a special token, but far from enough.

Then she sighed and knew that, I will not come to be the appraisal officer today.

Even so, Wei Lin is still showing her skills and looking at the 20 ‘door’ households. This is her duty.

However, from this point of view, her eyelashes 'hair' shook.



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