Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 900: Fifteenth column


The ninth chapter of the fifteenth column incense

Just after Qin Nan walked into the 'door' household, he did not shoot, but instead looked at the three colored lotus ponds and thought about it. (Advertising) access:.

"That Wei Lin, I didn't say before, what kind of situation is reached, it is the first. Now it seems that I am afraid to see who has been in the Lancai pool for the longest time."

Qin Nan secretly said: "If this is the case, I might as well... ruin it!"

His eyes suddenly became sharp.

As early as the beginning, he used the left hand to observe the three colored lotus ponds. In the deepest part, he was a few terrible arrays of martial arts.

He has a left-handed war god, and others can't destroy it. It doesn't mean he can't do it.

More crucially, these three arrays of lotus ponds will re-adjust themselves according to the strength of each individual's Wuzu tree, which also makes Qinnan's chance of destroying it even bigger.

As for why Qin Nan wants to destroy it, it is because he considers the entire assessment. It is the shadow of the genius that wants to see the genius of the genius. For what reason, Qinnan does not know, but Qinnan can be sure. If the strength of his display is stronger, then the benefits will be greater.

"The tree of Wuzu, release!"

Qin Nan sang a low drink. He did not release the tree of the **** of war, but released the strongest one.


The three-colored lotus pond seemed to feel something, and it flashed a faint brilliance, and the terrible breath gradually began to fall.

"It's now!"

When the atmosphere of the three-colored lotus pond was completely stabilized, Qin Nan stepped on the footsteps and came to the top.


At this moment, the drama has become steep.

I saw only the lotus ponds in the calm lotus pond, and the lotus 'flower' fluttered out like a stunning rainbow. Not only that, but the surrounding lotus leaves swept out a terrible sharp edge. The pool of water violently boils, condensing into a respected hand and grabbing it. (ad)

Between the blink of an eye, the four sides of the killing, the heavens are not allowed, not into the ground.

However, Qin Nan’s image was early and the shape was suddenly changed.


With a long shout, Qin Nan waved his right arm and swallowed out an amazing knife. He smashed all the attacks, and when he was smashed, his figure changed slightly, his footsteps flashed, and he was actually behind him. , left and right attacks, all avoid.

In an instant, Qin Nan took control of the entire battle.


Qin Nan God read a movement, the body shape rushed, behind the many lotus 'flowers' lotus leaf water Qi Qi chasing, the tree of Wuzu on his head, suddenly with an amazing power, suppressed down, will all everything, all lived in the reads ;

Of course, this three-color lotus pond, the cockroach is the general, only to see the depths, popping up a blossoming lotus ‘flower’, heading upwards, flying quickly.

More and more killings, in this lotus pond, quickly wake up.

At the same time, within the hall.

Before agreeing to more than a dozen geniuses of Ren Fei and Broken Blade, I tried the power of San Cailian 'Flower' pool, then shook his head and gave up the assessment and walked out from it.

For them, this assessment will inevitably fail to get the first place. Despite the unhappy feelings, they will not choose to offend Ren Fei and Broken Blade.

In addition, Ren Fei also gave up the assessment.

He came here and was originally coming with the broken blade.

"The three guys are still evaluating."

"The strength of the broken blade is so strong, and the means are endless. The three of them, I don’t see much hope."

"That's not sure, I dare to fight with Ren Fei and the broken blade. Without certain strength, I can't do it."

"Let's wait here!"


After the dozens of monks smuggled the words 'private', they did not rush to leave, but instead waited here.

In fact, this is mainly due to the dark side of their inner yin, they admit defeat, Qin Nan they did not admit defeat, it seems that they seem very embarrassing. But they themselves think that admitting defeat is a smart choice, not at all, so I want to see if the three of them will be defeated.

If they are defeated, they will be very comfortable in their hearts.

When Ren Fei heard these remarks, he snorted and did not care. He looked at Wei Lin.

I have to say that Wei Lin’s ‘female’ is also very attractive.

"Wei Lin Shijie..." Ren Fei took a deep breath and smirked at the corner of his mouth, ready to go forward.

"go away."

Wei Lin didn't even look at him. The plain hand was impatiently placed, and a pair of beautiful eyes were still staring at Qin's ‘door’ household.

Ren Fei's face is 'color', and it is instantly green and purple. I did not expect that he was directly ignored by Wei Lin.

However, he did not know that Wei Lin at this moment was completely attracted by the fighting in Qinnan.

"A good and powerful Wuzu tree, there is such a tree of Wuzu, this person must be the level of self-wusheng, but also refining some kind of treasure." Wei Lin looked at it, in the beauty, 'show' It’s a slap in the face: “Not only that, his technique is very powerful, he can see through all attacks and can predict the avoidance...”

What surprised her most was the war of Qin Nan’s release.

This war is like a flame, with the battle, the burning is getting more and more fierce, and more and more vigorous.

Compared with Qinnan, what is the broken edge, it is still a little worse.

"However, this is also inaccurate. The means of breaking the blade are endless, and there are too many cards, and they are weak and weak. There is still no fixed number."

After Wei Lin returned to calm, she shook her head.

Time passed by.

However, for a long time, it was time for a fragrant incense. In the two big ‘doors’, Simakong and another young man who had reported Ren Fei’s were all bounced out.

This means that the two of them can no longer support it.

Sima Air was okay, and his face was leisurely. The face of the young man's face was extremely gray.

"Can't hold it!"

"The two guys can't hold it anymore!"

"Oh, it’s stupid. It’s not an opponent who is a broken edge. What do you have to do with the broken edge? It’s better to learn from us, to take the initiative to admit defeat, and not to sin!”

"That is to say!"

The geniuses around me are sneer.

Ren Fei’s gaze also looked at the young man and Simakong, and his mouth floated and smiled.

Still want to resist?

I really don't know how to live!

“See what?” Simakong perceives Ren Fei’s gaze and rolled his eyes. He didn’t have a good air. “Who are you laughing at? I’m not good at fighting, but I tell you that the broken blade will definitely be defeated. ""

"It must be defeated?"

Ren Fei’s pupils shrank.

Other geniuses are also a glimpse.

They never thought that Simakong would even dare to say such words.

"Oh, one must lose!"

Ren Feiqiang endured anger, cold and cold: "Three colored lotus ponds, supported by the three pillars of incense, is the standard of the shadow studio! Throughout the ages, the most supportive people, is twenty pillars, I may tell you, broken blade ... at least fifteen pillars!"

This statement is like a thunder.


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