Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1251: Ghost reappearance

In the middle of the chaotic domain, it became chaotic for a time. Under the envelope of the light of the gods, countless disciples even felt that they had to suffocate, and they slammed. ≧

"Yes, that Qin Shi, he succeeded? Is he really successful?"

"My God, five days, refining the charm, and it is still the top 50 list of beasts, this is too unbelievable?"

Even if the facts are in front of us, many people still can't believe the hard-eyed blink of an eye. They have always seen Jinmang slowly dissipate in the air. The golden charm is gently in the hands of Qin Shi, the mysterious charm. The dragon streaked the eyes and was deeply deterred in place.

Qin Shi’s success is really too unexpected. When I saw the end of the devil’s contest, only the last few hours were left. Some senior elders were sighing and sighing: “You don’t have to read it, the result is already clear.”

"You mean, Qin Shi won?"

Some people don't think so: "Not necessarily? Qin Shi is only in the curse domain after all, ghosts in the curse domain have been nearly a thousand years, the latter still has an absolute advantage in the manipulation of the soul, so even if it is true Xuan Bat Dragon, do not dare to say that you can win?"

"No, you look closely. Since Qin Shi led the light of the charm, the magic symbol in the ghost hand has lost its luster. It has always been exceptionally stunned. From this point, it is already clear that it is weak and weak."

The old man reached out and pointed out, and everyone looked up. This made the ghosts in the hands of ghosts tremble constantly, and the performance was extremely fearful.

"Is it true?" Under this, everyone is no objection.

For a time, the major domain owners also praised: "This is indeed extraordinary. If it is cultivated, the future will be infinite."

"Well, but the chaos, this time is really shameful, in the home of your own home, several times to find someone trouble, and finally was succeeded by others, it is estimated that at this moment, the enchanting is going crazy? "The wilderness, Jingcai smiled behind the ghost.

Kong Ghost gently nodded, he was a little eager to see, enchanting the face at this time, it is estimated that it has to be bombed, right?

Therefore, he turned his eyes, but suddenly he could not help but frown, the old eyes flashed a bit of incomprehensible, from the enchanting face not only did not see his expected anger, but actually revealed the smirk in expectation.

"How is this going to happen? Is he still trying to brush something?" Jing Cai was also surprised.

The hole ghosts squinted, and the bottom of my heart felt a little uneasy: "No, with a enchanting character, if there is not any backhand, it will never be so indifferent, Qin Shi's kid is dangerous."

At the thought of this, he subconsciously turned to the direction of Jianzong and Qing Xuezong, seeing Fang Qing and He Shuhan are prepared, and can not help but relax a few points.

Fang Qing and He Shuhan looked at each other and almost got up at the same time. They were blocked in front of the enchanting and Ling Mufeng to prevent the two from doing something despicable.

The enchanting faint smile: "Oh, the two domain owners, what is this to do? I am a messy domain domain master, can't I still hurt this little guy regardless of the rules?"

"Oh, if it is someone else, maybe not, but you may not, is there anything you can't do in this world?" Fang Qing has no sarcasm.

The enchanting mouth twitched, but he still shook his head indifferently: "Whatever you think about it, I just want to remind you that the contest is not over yet."

The two subconsciously condensed: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? There is nothing. It is a good reminder to you. If you have this energy to guard me, it would be better to leave the kid, don't be too big, so as not to overturn the ship in the gutter."


Fang Qing’s heart was slightly confused. She subconsciously turned her head and saw that the breeze was still rolling around the bark stone.

Just, suddenly, her eyes were cold, and a sense of crisis that couldn’t be said broke into her heart.

On the platform of the Eight Diagrams, the gods fell, Qin Shi played a circle, and he was calm now. At this time, the bottom of his heart is unbearable excitement. This is the charm, how many treasures that the magician has dreamed of for a lifetime, and the realm. .

This is also his first refining charm, and the pride of his thoughts will inevitably be a bit of a blame. He proudly looks at the ghosts, but also believes that he has won the bottom of his heart: "Lingsha, waiting, the contest is over, I The snow-capped cuckoo is sent to the refining field."

And Qin Shi confronted, ghosts and old eyes spurt fire, this time the devil contest, all his dignity was destroyed by Qin Shi, talkative, let him sweep the face in front of everyone in the eight domains, he almost shredded Qin Shi Hearts are there, and a few words are squeezed out of the teeth.

"Kid, do you really think that refining the rune, do you really win? Not so simple."


Qin Shi brows a wrinkle, and now this situation, he can not understand the ghosts can still have any intrigues, even if he finds a beast that is stronger than the real mysterious bat dragon, the remaining few hours, it is impossible to complete the refining Moreover, he has no chance to refine the magic.

However, in his incomprehension, the ghosts and hands gently lifted up each inch, and his space was a shock. The magical charm of the gods and mammoths was lifted up with the wind and suspended in him. Above the eyebrows.

His palms are constantly changing, and a cumbersome handprint is formed. For a time, the air seems to stop flowing, and suddenly the crystal green light is shot from the charm.

Seeing the green light, the audience was lost.

"He, what does he want to do?"

"I don't know, but look like this, it seems to be...I want to activate the rune?"

"Activating the Rune? What is the use? This third item is strictly forbidden. Is he angered by Qin Shi, wanting to break the rules and kill Qin Shi?"

"Impossible, Fang Qing and He Shuhan can all stare at it. At this time, it is not wise to start, not only can not kill Qin Shi, it is likely that even they will lose their lives."

"What is going on?" Everyone couldn't figure it out, and Qin Shi was the same. With his current soul power, he thought he was not under the ghost, but he still couldn't see the breath in the green light.

"This power... isn't it a mammoth?"

The only thing that can be determined is that it overflows in the charm, not the animal nature of the mammoth, but the power that Qin Shi has never seen before.

Fang Qing, He Shuhan, and the other major domains of the eight domains are frowning. Similarly, the green light, they can not see, Fang Qing suddenly thought of what turned back to the enchanting: "Hero, how is this back? thing?"

"What happened? Fang Qingzong, are you old confused? You ask me, how can I know?" After the enchanting unfolding, I laughed.

The more this is the case, the more the heart of Fang Qing is.

In a blink of an eye, the green light has already shot through the clouds, such as a thick cloud, blocking the entire gossip regiment. When everything is ready, the ghosts reveal a sinister face: "haha, hahaha, stinky, you really Do you think that you can win me with a magical character? Innocent, innocent, I tell you, you are too naive, now everything is late, everything is late, you can’t escape, haha, hahaha, today is You can't live out of this gossip in your death!"

Hearing the harsh smile, Qin Shi black scorpion has become severe, he sighed: "Old guy, what do you want to do? In this third fight, do you want to break the rules?"

"Rules? Hey, that's just the cage that the strong set up for the weak. The real strong is not bound by the rules. What's more, when did I say that I want to fight with you?" Ghost sneer: "Kid, I have to admit that your accomplishments in the soul are indeed extraordinary. You might have been able to break the imprisonment for thousands of years and break through to the legendary realm again. But now you have no chance, you have to blame, you can only Blame you too reluctantly! If you don’t come out of the cracks in the animal world, maybe you can live for another ten years, but you don’t cherish it, you don’t want to be happy, from the moment you leave the beast Since then, you have already laid the foundation for you to live this magical contest!"

The sound of the ghosts did not evade, so that everyone in the eight domains was cold.

"Ghost, if you come, I can't spare you!"

The sand is holding a giant sword and angry anger.

However, everything is late, and ghosts don't care about it. Hands are at the same time blending together.


Indifferent, a loud and loud noise, the loud noise is the foot and the shattered mountain river, a thousand feet of the gap from the void in the air.

From the crack, a huge and ferocious claw was struck out, tearing and tearing the gap, and a crouching ghost, slowly slid out of the gap.

Seeing the huge ghosts, Qin Shi and many of the contestants were shocked: "This ghost, is the ghost in the animal world?"

"Kids, not good, flashing away, this ghost has a ghost!" When the ghosts appeared, even the demon was a rare surprise.

Qin Shi’s gritted teeth, but his heart is feeling weak, I don’t know why, when the ghost **** appeared, his whole body seemed to be uncontrollable, and he could not move in one step.

"Oh, yes, this ghost, it was the ghost **** at the beginning, but, kid, don't worry, I won't kill you with this ghost, it just wants to get back what belongs to him." ”

"Retrieve what belongs to it?" Qin Shi’s heart-to-earth Ghostly nodded, and immediately he turned back and said: "Do it!"

Ghosts seem to have a sense of the mind, and their hands suddenly lifted overhead.


For a moment, on the gossip stone, it swayed violently, and even the unbreakable stone slabs were all broken like a spider web.

Suddenly, a huge suction force formed from the ghosts and gods. At the top of the ghosts and gods, a deep green vortex was rolled up. The vortex doubled every time the vortex was rotated.

What is even more amazing is that the suction that is so suffocating as it seems is only effective for many contestants. As for the rest, it has no effect. The gravel on the earth does not move.

Under the suction, Qin Shi was sore in the whole body. He was black and fierce, and the charm of his hand slowly rose into the air, uncontrollably drifting toward the ghost, and it was this moment that let He felt an unprecedented panic, because the one that was sucked in was not only the rune, but also the **** of pain in the sea.

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