Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1252: 8 domain game

It’s not just Qin Shi that has this feeling. Many contestants are like this. The magical powers of refining and refining are not flying, and the sea is a sting of the heart, leaving them uncontrolled hands. Scratching his head, painful mourning.

"Amount! It hurts, kill me, kill me!"

"My head is going to blow up, save me, who will come to save me!"

Everyone in the peripheral view is full of incomprehensible colors, and each domain is also worried about the competitors of their domain: "This, what is going on here? What are they doing? Isn't it just fine?"

"It should be the ghost of the old ghost, you look at the ghost behind him!"

Behind the ghosts, the giant ghosts and palms of the palms, the green swirls between the hands, the strong suction caused by the numerous contestants could not resist.

Qin Shi is good. His soul is strong enough. At this time, he is still able to stay awake. He is staring at the ghosts behind the ghosts. His heart sinks: "Old dog, what are you doing?"

"What? Oh, nothing, think back to what I just said." Ghostly laughter.

Qin Shi’s clenched fist: “What did you just say?”

Qin Shi tried to control the mind without being eroded by pain, careful recall, contemplation, and suddenly, he was black and big, and he thought about what he liked.

"Where is it, where is it!"

He constantly searched in the sea, and suddenly his vision was fixed and fell into a very dark corner. In that corner, there was a ghost of a virtual dragon, the dragon is the soul of a true dragon. The refining magic symbol itself is the connection between the magician and the soul of the beast.

"Found it!" Find the soul of the real Xuan bat dragon, Qin Shi Yuan Xun is close, and the closer to the soul of the real Xuan bat dragon, the stronger the pain of the heart, so strong that he suffocated.

"Sure enough, it's a ghost here!"

The more this, the more Qin Shi determined the thoughts in his heart.

Step by step to the soul of the real Xuan bat dragon, the soul of the true batosaurus has festered at this time, and the whole body has a disgusting stench.

At this time, the demon suddenly shouted: "This power is the group?"

"溟 group?" Qin Shi slightly glimpsed.

The demon nodded affirmatively: "Well, I can't be wrong. I used to feel strange in the cracks of the animal world. In this old guy, I always feel a force that is very resistant to disgust. Now I see this real black dragon. I figured out that this power is the ban of the scorpion group, the demon curse!"

"Dement of the Soul?" Qin Shi is very strange to this.

"Well, the Demon Soul is one of the most vicious martial arts in the scorpion group. Once it is displayed, it will be hidden in the soul of the beast without reaction, but once activated, the soul will burn and become ashes."

Speaking of this, the demon suddenly paused and suddenly realized: "It turned out to be the case, it turned out to be like this, I want to understand!"

"what happened?"

Qin Shi hurriedly asked, at this time, the more and more the freak of the real batosaurus, the less time he has left. Once this true battalion is completely festering, then the demon chanting will inevitably flow to him. In the soul, we must seize the time.

"The ghost god, it is not martial arts at all, but to cover up the illusion of the dementor. Previously, this old guy had shot thousands of demon souls in the cracks of the animal world, and then in the final fight against the mammoth It is logical to display this ghost **** martial arts, in order to activate thousands of demon souls, thousands of demon soul curses, enough to cover all the beasts in the entire animal world, so that many contestants are involved in the beasts, refining The characters are connected to each other, and now the soul is retracted, and the poisonous gas will spread quickly among many participants."

"That is to say, at the beginning of the second item, Ghost is ready to kill all the contestants?"

"No, thousands of demon soul curses, fifteen days is never possible, even if it is a troll that is good at the demon curse, I think if there is nothing wrong, before the second item. This ghost should have entered the animal world."

"What? This, is this impossible?" Qin Shi was slightly surprised. To know that it is necessary to open the gap between the beasts, it is not simple, even if it is a enchanting one, it is impossible, and it is necessary for the eight major domain owners to join hands.

"Nothing is impossible, don't forget the existence of the group."

Hearing, Qin Shi nodded and thought. If it was the participation of the squad, it would not be impossible to open the gap between the beasts.

At this time, the demon laughed with a cold smile: "And, killing all the contestants is fake, I think they really want to kill, it should be only you."

Qin Shi’s heart sank and suddenly recalled the enchanting face change. He said: “No wonder, I just failed. This guy is not happy, but it’s a bit unfortunate and unwilling.”

"Of course, as long as you don't refine the devil, this demon spell will have no effect on you!"

"Hey, hey, in order to kill me, it’s really painstaking." Understand the situation, the more intense the anger in Qin Shi’s heart, but suddenly, he knows the pain of the sea, and the demon curse has begun to spread towards his knowledge. opened.

"Damn!" Qin Shi’s painful drink.

"Qin Shi!" Fang Qing saw the shape, the jade eyes flashed anxiously.

Immediately, her jade hand kneaded, and the scorpion sword slammed out, slamming the ghosts.


At this time, the enchanting big hand and a grip, a void crack spread and open, the fierce sword light swallowed into the void.

The enchanting mouth scorned a smile: "Oh, Fang Qingzong, now the contest is not over yet, do you have some damage rules?"

"It's ghost destruction first!"

"Oh? Is there? This third item is indeed a rule of rigorous play, but in my opinion, he has not done anything wrong with ghosts. Who have you seen him hurt?"

"You...!" Fang Qing was speechless, and the ghosts were only using martial arts alone, and they were not malicious.

The rest of the eight domains are squinting and nervous.

Fang Qing gritted her teeth, she can only hope that time will pass faster, let the contest end soon.

Numerous contestants are unhappy, of course, including the wind domain, the wind domain itself is the soul of the domain, of which more than 50% of the participants are from the wind.

Ling Mufeng’s painful temper is low: “Women, ghosts, what exactly is he doing? Why are my domain entrants doing this?”

"Ling brother, into a big event, informal, want to become a major event, must have some sacrifices, can you not open this point?" The enchanting screamed at Ling Mufeng.


"Don't forget, that power promises us. As long as we can fulfill their demands, then the whole world is the two brothers of you and me, but it is a good disciple of several souls, compared with the whole world. Don't you see the weight? What do you want? Just a life domain master?" Do not give Ling Mufeng the opportunity to open the enchanting.

For a time, Ling Mu Fengyu stuffed, he clenched his fists and looked at the painful appearance of many wind domain contestants. He turned his head in his heart.

When I saw it, I was satisfied and laughed: "Haha, I didn't choose the wrong one at the beginning. Ling brother is the one who really does something big."

"Less nonsense, enchanting me and telling you that if you dare to play with me, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost."

"Haha, Ling brother, although you can rest assured, are you still not worried about me? For a while, the end of the contest, Fang Qing and He Shuhan two crazy women will definitely make a big noise, when I need Ling brother to help me."

"It’s just that they are both good to say, but I’m afraid it’s not just them?” Ling Mufeng’s yin and yang are cold and cold.

The enchanting does not matter, he naturally understands that Ling Mufeng said that at this time, the practice of ghosting has already angered the eight domains, and the banned domain is not friendly gaze.

"This is not to worry about the brothers, I have their own way, you only have to do what you should do." The enchanting arrogant snoring.

Ling Mufeng frowned, he hated the enchanting tone, but hesitated, he did not say much, nodded.

When he returned to the wind, several elders with deep qualifications came forward: "Do you want to listen to the enchanting?"

"Hey, listen to him? I just let him know first. Now he has a direct connection with the group, but don't give me the chance. Once I have the chance, I must live this stinky boy!" Ling Mufeng angry anger drink.

Time passed slowly, and the evening fell, and the countdown began to begin.

Fang Qingyu's hand is pinching tightly, and He Shuhan is also leaping up. The coldness of the whole body makes the air freeze and the snow falls.

Among the gossip slabs, many of the contestants were suffering. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen disciples could not keep going. They were destroyed by the demon curse and completely lost their lives.

Qin Shi is still strong, and several attempts to break the Demon Soul, however, all failed.


This is, a loud bang, the enchantment of the gossip stone squad, can be regarded as the end of the eight-field magic game, the contest, the end is the end.

call out!

Almost at the same time, a golden sword light straddles the sky, and the scorpion sword smashes the ghosts behind the ghosts.


On the other side, a light of mysterious light, ghosts and shadows, and a grip of a big hand, a strong pressure, fiercely imprisoned the sword.

"The enchanting, the contest is over, you stop me, I will blame me for the eight-domain friendship!" Fang Qingyu's feet are lightly stepped, and the body is turned, lightly shot, and one hand grabs the sword and slams the enchanting force. Your majesty.

"Oh, Fang Qingzong, I haven’t tried it for a long time. Let’s try it today."

"I want to compare, try to count me." He Shuhan's legacy is An iceberg takes off.

"He Zongzhu, let me be your opponent!"

Ling Mufeng rolled the hurricane around the body, blocking the way to He Shuhan.

He Shuhan’s eyes are sinking: “It seems that you are prepared early today, is it prepared to ignore the balance of the eight-year millennium?”

"That wouldn't dare, but for the time being, no one is allowed to be close to the Eight Diagrams Stone Terrace. If it is forcible, then it is not a rule, and there is no way." The enchanting smile.

"Hero, I don't care about the grudges between you, let the entrants of my domain leave!"

Forbidden domain domain master, standing out.

"Since everyone is not ready to maintain balance, then count the old man." Kong ghost stood out of the sky.

For a time, the eight domain domain masters, split the sky, the unprecedented chaos above the heavens, even the heavens and the earth were dumped, and everyone present was shocked.

In the millennium, the eight-domain domain dominates the game.

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