Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1529: Calculate to death

It can be seen that Tuobao is very jealous of this abyss, because the channel can only be opened for three seconds, Qin Shi thought, it should be three seconds later, this method is difficult to suppress the violent abyss, That way, it will cause great losses to the Tuogong Palace. In this case, Qin Shi will not be embarrassed. He slowly walks forward, and for a moment, determines the position of the eye, and opens several points of the passage. Condensed into the Thunder Dragon, the shoes are inserted into the wings of the double-running thunder, let him reach the best state of the degree, before returning to the body, the top of the rushing madness: "Miyazor, can. 81 Zhongyu Wenwang"

In a few short movements, the Tuoba madman is really shocked and stunned. The position of Qin Shi’s station is exactly the array of mountains and mountains. The entrances of those passages are also completely correct. If you change to a mage, It’s all right, but Qin Shi is not.

"Don't this little Qin Shi have an accomplishment in the formation?"

At the thought of this, Tuoba’s mad heart lifted a thousand layers of waves. Qin Shi’s body has taken on several important roles, such as the magician and the domain monk. If you add a mages, it’s too enchanting?

But when they get along with each other, he gradually gets used to it. He knows that Qin Shi has hidden many secrets. He is not a pool. He is a dragon and a phoenix. For this reason, he did not ask much. He nodded: "Well, that little friend, old aging." Array!"

Qin Shi Wen Yi smiled, and the eyebrows were still in the air.

It seems that this world is rarely able to cause waves.

"The Qiankun moves, the sky is carrying things, the mountains are moving!"

Tuoba madly took out a delicate scepter and embed a red cinnabar gemstone on the scepter. When the scepter came out, the mountains and tussocks became illusory, dreamlike, between the mountains, and suddenly foggy. Overlooking the sky, it will appear, this fog circling along the ridge, and eventually become a Xianglong, dragon, mouth with Dragon Ball, is where Qin Shi is.


At this time, the smog, faded blue, Qin Shi brows wrinkled, in front of him in the flashing strange, the air suddenly split, covered by a fissure of fire, and then the crack cracked open A heat wave hits the surface and becomes a burning fire door.

"That's it?"

Qin Shi secretly sounded, and immediately he returned, indicating Tuo mad, this will wrap the black robe, a flash jump into the fire.

Three seconds, the mountains changed again, and the peaks were interlaced, sealing the fire door layer.

But in just three seconds, the temperature of the Tuoba Palace was increased several times, and it was vaguely wrapped in a layer of blood.

At this time, the public invincible jumped down and laughed at the top of the Tuoba madness: "Is that kid, did you go in?"

"Well, I don't know how long he can stay in the blood of this abyss. Don't make any difference." Tuoba madly nodded.

"Haha, don't worry, this kid will bring us miracles, maybe, this abyss is bloody, is prepared for him." The public sentiment must be laughed.

"Prepare for him?"

"You can still remember that person at the beginning?"

Suddenly, Tuoba’s face changed dramatically, and his look immediately became tense. He looked around for a week and saw no one. He was alert: “You mean, the original Fufeng predecessor?”

The public lost his hatred and smiled and nodded: "Well, if I didn't have him at the beginning, I could wait for the birth from the grass roots, jump into the dragon gate, and transform into a look of today? Perhaps, you and I are only a little disciple of a sea palace, even The fishermen."

It is said that Tuoba’s face is slightly changed, and it is also caught in a long-term recollection.

"Yeah, at the beginning, you and I were still guided by him before embarking on this cultivation. It was also guided by him. Only then stepped out of the Zhonghai Palace and created the Tuoba Palace today. It’s just a thousand years old, no matter what. I didn’t hear the whereabouts of Fufeng’s predecessors. I don’t know if he is okay now.”

"A thousand years, who can say the standard, but you can remember, the last kit of the predecessors?"

"You mean, the one who created the site of the Tuo Palace?"

"Well, at the beginning, I chose here to dig out the blood of this abyss. Isn’t that the content of the kit? The above said, this abyss is bloody, staying for a thousand years, naturally there will be people who can use it, once that person appears, Let me wait for it?"

Fierce, Takuya mad face: "You mean, this kid, is the person in the kit?"

"Not sure, but immediately, it will be revealed." The public lost his head and shook his head, and immediately looked at the blood of the abyss.

At this time, Takuya was eccentric, and he was shocked.


Qin Shi at this time, I do not know the extension of the two people said, or it is estimated that they will jump and scream, this life is really calculated to death.

Entering the hot sea of ​​abyss, the current currents are boiling.

The temperature here is extremely high, even Qin Shi is out of sweat, he will take out the explosion of beads, the temperature will come down.

"The concentration of spiritual power here is indeed very rich, and it is a hundred times more than the outside world. However, if there is no such explosive bead, it is really difficult to stay here for a long time."

Qin Shi thought, and immediately opened his mouth and said: "Oh, look at this, this abyss of blood, but it is tailor-made for me."

Of course, he didn't know that this was indeed for him... and even more helpless, even his slap in the face of the explosion of Yan Zhu was obviously also helped by the wind. That is to say, at the beginning, Qin Shijin’s volcano was blasting. All of this is being calculated, but think about it... The jade in the book is given by the help of the wind, and this is also said.

"Kids, this abyss of blood, is made up of countless skeleton bones, which have been precipitated for thousands of years. The deeper the depth, the more intense it is."

Qin Shi nodded: "Then go down."

When he got up, Qin Shi went deep into the blood of the abyss. After falling tens of thousands of meters, he couldn't help but sigh at the bright red rocks and hot sea. "Where, it is like sea water, it is like a magma mouth."

At this point, the seawater is already reddish, plus the hot temperature, which is quite similar to underground magma.

It is tens of thousands of meters, Qin Shi only saw the end of the blood of the abyss.

On the ground, there are tusks, the scene is very impressive, and the surrounding is full of strong corrosiveness, making it difficult for ordinary people to practice here.

"The kid, the bones here are all in the domain, and the degree of the boundary, so many masters are falling here at the same time, here is the ancient battlefield, it should be a treasure of the world, and then go deeper, look See if you can find any clues." At this time, the demon road.

Qin Shi nodded, and he also had this intention.


Suddenly, a giant cymbal sounded from behind Qin Shi, and immediately, just below the corpse, a rancid zombie suddenly climbed up, and there were sharp fangs in his mouth, screaming at Qin Shi.

"This is, heterogeneous?" Qin Shi smashed.

"Well, heterogeneous, is a unique creature that is generated according to the environment. Here, it is surrounded by death all the year round. It is normal to generate this kind of alienation."

"The domain is small? The strength is normal, the green level, just to the hunger of the little guy, these days in the sea palace, ill-treated to him a lot, at the beginning of Changshengling, if not for him, I can not escape."

In other words, Qin Shimei’s heart flashed the sword-shaped ancient pattern, and the sound of the sword demon screamed out.


Qin Shi smiled lightly.

The baby of the sword demon hummed, and immediately ambushed through the zombie.


The Sword Devil's Infant is now jumping into the Blue level, very close to the Purple level, and it is extremely easy to deal with this zombie.

boom! boom!

Soon, the zombie was swallowed by the sword's baby.


Unexpectedly, a zombie was killed. The countless skeletons were trembling. Immediately, one after another, the zombies climbed out of the bones and looked around. There were nearly a thousand.

At this time, Qin Shi did not frown easily.

"Zombie group?"

"Kids, these zombies, seems to have been summoned by something, here to the sword magic baby, go forward, I have already felt the breath, I am an amazing thing." The demon voice excited.

Hearing the sound, Qin Shi is slightly surprised. There are not many things that can make the evil spirits move in these years. It seems that it is really a baby.

At the thought of this, Qin Shi strode over the meteor and leapt in the direction of the demon.

"This is it!"

Soon, the demon suddenly stopped calling. At this time, in front of Qin Shi, it was a huge cave built from hustle and bustle.

"In this cave?"

Qin Shi blinked, and immediately he looked serious. The strength of the whole body was running at this moment. The palms stretched out and a shroud of light shone. In the palm of Qin Shi, a beautiful sword was stabbed.

Undoubtedly, this Excalibur is the sacred sword.

Here, Qin Shi does not have to hide, of course, how to do it safely.

When everything is ready, Qin Shi will enter the cave.

The grotto is not very deep, and a few kilometers will come to an end. At the end of the grotto is a huge open space. On the open space, there are thousands of tombstones. Each tombstone is 100 meters high and is made of black iron. All recorded are ancient Sanskrit, and at the end of these tombstones is a huge tombstone with a height of 10,000 meters.

On the huge tombstone, there is an inscription on the grass.

The tomb of the sea king I was born in the world, is the endless sea, I died here, is the king of the deep sea!

Seeing the inscription above, Qin Shi is shocked.

"What do you want to live like when you are reborn, can you leave such a strong inscription?"


At this time, the demon is slightly surprised: "Extusely, is that guy's tomb?"

"Demon, do you know him?"

"Well, this sea king is a rare master in the ancient times, when he was in the chaos of the world. When he was in charge of the sea, during the period, the group made a big attack on his sea, and several times he suffered a big loss in his hand. His original strength. Second only to me and the sun, under the three people, is called the sea king, but I have not had much contact with him, but I did not expect that he actually fell here."

Suddenly, the demon paused: "This is not surprising. Why did it form a battlefield here? At the beginning, there were a few artifacts on the list of gods."

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