Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1530: Golden body

"Several artifacts on the list of gods?"

Qin Shi eyelids beating? No wonder people are jealous. ┡Ω81中文网

"The smell I feel is this, look for it carefully! Here, there must be a baby!" Demon Road.

Hearing that Qin Shi hesitated, he always felt that it was not a good thing to dig a grave.

"Idiot! This sea king's tomb has long been stolen, or do you think that good things will be left to you? I said the baby, should be left behind here."

Qin Shi licked his mouth, and this time he nodded.

Immediately, he closed the black scorpion, and his mind went out from the sea of ​​knowledge. Like an invisible net, the whole burial cave was covered. In an instant, a map was formed in the sea of ​​Qin Shi. He began to search for an inch and a inch. Even the underground penetrates into.

But half an hour passed, Qin Shi was still unreal, which made him frown.

"Are you sure it is here?"

"I can't be wrong! If I didn't guess wrong, it should be a fetish."

"The gods?" A bite, a heart, Qin Shi once again explore.

The power of the gods, he has seen it, it is not an ordinary thing.

Suddenly, the demon stunned: "Kids! Back!"

"Well?" Qin Shi stunned, and he had not yet turned back, and the earth under his feet suddenly swayed.


Suddenly, a huge cymbal, I saw that the entire tomb was actually collapsed at this time, the ground cracked countless rift, depression, bulge, the entire crust seems to have been turned up.


When Qin Shi was returning to the gods, the entire tomb was no longer there. His whole person was raised by a giant behemoth. The giant object was 10,000 meters high. The tombs that piled up into mountains were smashed into pieces.

boom! At this time, a giant hand suddenly came out from the ground, and immediately, it was a huge body. Qin Shi suddenly jumped up, volleyed, and hurriedly, when he opened the distance with the giant, he saw the giant When the object looks like a heart sinks.

I saw that the giant object was a huge scorpion with more than 10,000 meters, but although it was a scorpion, the whole body was full of aura. In the two empty eye holes, there was a faint light blue fluorescence, which kept turning and eventually , fiercely fell on Qin Shi.

"This is a different kind of?"

Qin Shi’s surprised Zhang Dazui... This alien species is more exaggerated than the magnet king he had seen in Changshengling.

This is the real situation. The most frightening thing is the huge body. It seems that as long as you wave your hand at random, you can crush Qin Shi.

"Well, those zombies that were supposed to be called by him."

"Damn! I didn't expect that there is such a heterogeneity in this abyss of blood?"

In the current state of Qin Shi, it is obviously not suitable for confrontation with this kind of stranger. What he can think of first is to run!

But suddenly, the demon said: "The kid! It is it! That god, it is on this alien!"


Qin Shi’s black scorpion sank, which he did not expect, but even if it is a fetish, it is more important than his life.

To this end, Qin Shi still has to run.

"Idiot! Where can you run? If you let this kind of alienation, regardless of the group of mountains, you want to trap it? He will break out sooner or later, and then the Tuoba Palace will be destroyed. Once."

"That can't stay here and die."

"Don't worry, can you show your sword now?"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi heart nodded and calculated: "It should be."

"That's it, I will shoot it for a while, drag this shackle, you will see the opportunity to make a move!" Demon Road.

"You shot?" Qin Shi frowned.

"Reassured, this abyss is rich in spirit and blood, as long as I control it, it will not be made." The demon laughed.

Qin Shi was relieved, and he immediately decided to look at it.

call out!

At this time, Qin Shi’s arm raised his suffocating air, such as a entangled black dragon that forced the cloud, and eventually, turned into a black nine-eyed unicorn. During the period, the six eyes were pressing, and the teeth were sharp and the body was no smaller than that. The demon laughed: "Small things, some treasures, you can't use them!"


That screaming, he is not a murderer, not oppressed by the evil spirits, slamming, leaping up, like a giant mountain beating, the punch is a punch.

"Oh, this ability, but also dare to make this time with the devil?" The demon is proud of the world, the **** flash of light.

"Swallow the world!"

boom! Six blood, immediately penetrated the bones.

"The fierce land!"

"Swallow the sky!"


Three cumbersome handprints were immediately shaken by demons like cannonballs.


Suddenly, the huge madness retreats and is seriously injured by three giant forces. The three forces hit the shackles and quickly turned into a shackles, such as a dragon in a row, entwined in the body, and the dragonm bites the dragon tail into a A rope is generally, huge cockroaches are directly imprisoned in place.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shi was slightly surprised, this is the time when he saw the demon use such a swallow.

"No way, this guy is too big. If I swallow him all into the sky, the suffocation that is needed will surely break through the abyss and the sea is perceived by the outside world. However, this is enough to force him to stay for a while, The space around him was swallowed up by me in batches, now! Kid, use the glare of the sword to cast the sword!" The demon shouted.

Qin Shi nodded his head, and his arms were also bulging, and the blood was drained by his hands to his hands. At the same time, he held the glare sword and lifted it high.


Suddenly, on the blade of the glare sword, a huge sword light was formed, and the sharp corners of the four corners slammed into it.


The sword was in the middle of the sigh, and after a loud bang, the light shone, and suddenly it was a painful embarrassment.

"Is it successful?" Qin Shiyi looked up and looked at the layers of wolf smoke.

The demon was silent for a moment, but suddenly he frowned: "No, the boy is going to flash!"

Qin Shi was shocked, and the subconscious tumbling backwards.


Suddenly, a huge scorpion fist took a huge deep pit from where he had just been.

Qin Shi is so condensed, looking up in the direction of the sly...

"This, how is this possible?"

I saw that it was so intact.

"With the sword of the sacred light sword, even the power of the realm can not be blocked!"

"It is there!"

Suddenly, the demon reached out and pointed out that Qin Shi was only present. At the forehead of the donkey, there was actually a golden skeleton. The golden bone was very thorough, with colorful glare flowing above it, and there was enough aura near the golden bone.

"Is it a golden body?"

"Golden body bones? What is it?"

"Oh, I said, what kind of baby can give such a thorough atmosphere, it turned out to be this thing!"

"This golden body is the 30th **** in the list of the gods. It is a golden skeleton. It can be embedded in the human body and transform the human skeleton. Since then, it has reached the body of King Kong. Moreover, this bone It has the magical effect of absorbing the aura of the heavens and the earth. If the body is embedded in this fairy bone, it does not need to be deliberately vomited, and the heaven and earth aura will be inhaled into the body by itself."

"So amazing?" Qin Shi slightly screamed.

"Of course, kid, this time you have gotten baby, if you can use this golden body to create the body, then your second body will be extremely powerful!"

Hearing the words, Qin Shi black and white is very thorough, and since he is useful to him, he will naturally be polite.

"Kid, I am trapping him, you will take this bone, as long as you don't have this bone, it will be much easier to kill this!"

Qin Shi nodded, then he leaped and leaped, and a bang burst into the forehead.

Almost at the same time, the demon handprint was hit, and it was three empty chains, which would hold the shackles firmly.


At this time, Qin Shi fell on the golden body of the forehead, and immediately he smashed the sacred light sword, and immediately took the arm to force the bones out.


At the moment when the bones were taken down by Qin Shi, the roar of the strange kind: "Bad boy! Dare to win my bones! I want you to die!"

In the hands of Qin Shi, the celestial bones were measured, and the surrounding aura was merged into a warm stream. He couldn’t help but admire himself as a baby. Immediately, he stepped on his foot and jumped into the sky. His finger glared the sword and pointed to him: “Want to kill me. You may not have this chance!"


boom! It was also the road to the sword, and pierced into the skull of the skull.

boom! Losing the blessing of the bones, the dragonfly smashed in an instant.

"Is it solved?" Qin Shi landed, and this nodded with satisfaction.

"Kids, this fairy bone, the five points, the frontal bones, the chest ribs, and the hands and feet, what you get now, just the frontal bone, you have to find the way to get the other four, so you cast the body The intensity will increase several times."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi smiles: "The rest of the four? You want me to find a needle in a haystack?"

"Don't worry, this fairy bone is the same as each Once there are other fairy bones nearby, this fairy bone will shine out, and the rest of the four pieces should be in the seven thousand sea palaces. Otherwise, this fairy bone will not be this color. Once the bones are separated too far, this fairy bone will be dull and lose its original effect."

"Is it all in this seven thousand sea palace?"

Qin Shizhen began to look at it. If that is the case, he should find it. Otherwise, when he returns to the human world, this fairy bone will also lose its effect.

"It seems that in this seven thousand sea palace, there will be less things to do."

"Well, the same solution. Since the treasure is found, first find a place to rest, first absorb the three million sea spirit Dan, and consider the next question."

Qin Shi patted the dust on his hands, and then he jumped from the bones scattered into the ground. At this time, his eyebrows moved, and the volley looked over the blood of the abyss. It seemed to be just the giant force, let the group There was a crack in the mountain array, and his soul force came out from it. He felt a nervous face and made him warm. He smiled and said: "Almost, you should report a peace first."

Thinking of this, he waved his hand and broke the current with a force, like a sword with a scabbard.

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