Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1112: Taowu City Unrest

The first one hundred and twelve chapters of the Wucheng turmoil

Daowu City, Nie Clan.

Today's Nie clan.

It can be described as overcast.

These clouds are naturally not the weather.

It refers to the form of the Nie clan.

Because the Nie clan has been surrounded by the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

The person who led the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce is called Yin Zongba.

If Jing Yun is here, he naturally does not know this person.

But another young figure next to this person.

Jing Yunxiao must know.

That figure is Yin Zhi around the old man.

Yin Zhi is the son of Yin Zongba.

Yin Zongba is one of the four elders of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

"You Nie's clan do not want to make unnecessary struggles anymore. Your Nie Clan family girl Nie Yunfei betrayed us at the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce. Together with the thief, the emperor, colluded with Xiu Niang and others, and stole the important treasures of our Fengyun Chamber of Commerce. The Nie clan has only one dead end this time."

"But if you hand over Nie Yunfei and Sui Huang all over, we will probably open a side to you, and leave you a few livelihoods so that your Nie clan will not be followed."

Yin Zongba rushes to the patriarch of the Nie clan, which is Nie Xiaofei’s grandfather Nie Xiaodao.

at this time.

Nie Xiao and others looked dignified.

All were surrounded by the front door of the Nie clan.

"Feier will never betray the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce. This adult, are you mistaken. Or is there any misunderstanding?"

Nie Xiao could not believe the authenticity.

"Do you think we are joking with you?"

"Take me the speed at a speed. Or tell us where they are. Otherwise, you don't want to live alone."

Yin Zongba angered.

As I said, there was a strong martial arts atmosphere on my body.

It is the six early warriors of the gods!

Feel the atmosphere of Yin Zongba, and everyone in the Nie clan is even more changed.


This person is too strong.

They are an ant in front of this person.

Even the ants are not counted.

Seeing that Nie Xiao and others did not speak, Yin Zongba directly issued an order: "All Fengyun warriors listened to the orders, and the Nie clan patriarchs, as well as those who had close ties with Nie Yunfei and Suihuang, arrested the rest. Kill. Don't leave a live mouth."


Five hundred Feng Yunwei have led their lives.

"What did Mayfair and the kid named Yuhuang do?"

Nie Yunfei’s father Nie Haizong did not know.

The rest of the Nie Xiao and Nie clan also looked blank.

Those who see the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce will start to work. They are filled with desperate colors.


It is also at this time.

The void in the sky above the Nie clan was turbulent.

A few figures stepped out of the void.

It is Ziqin, Yishang, Du Jian, Xiu Jiu Niang, Nie Yunfei and six thousand people.

After the six people were separated from Jing Yunqi, they had already returned to the Nie clan with the fastest speed.

But the location of the martial arts house, the distance from the Nie clan, is farther away from the Nile clan than the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce headquarters, plus there are other reasons, which led to the people at the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce headquarters. Also have to come to the Nie clan first.

"Grandpa, father, you are fine."

Nie Yunfei jumped and fell to the side of Nie Xiao and Nie Haizong.

"Fairchild, we are fine, what is going on here."

Nie Xiao saw that Nie Yunfei was a happy first, and then he immediately asked.

"Grandpa, these things will be told to you later. Ziqin elders, the safety of our Nie clan can depend on you."

Nie Yunfei will look forward to Zi Qin.

"Reassure, since we have promised the Emperor, we will do it."

Ziqin nodded.

The people of the Nie clan are still worried.

The Fengyun Chamber of Commerce has about 500 people.

They only have a few people.

The strength of the two sides is too great.

"Haha, there are roads in heaven, you don't go, there is no door to hell. You are going to be jealous. Are you the jumbled together with the kid who is called the emperor? You dare to throw yourself into the net. You think that just a few of you can Fighting against us? It’s really crazy.”

"Everyone listens to the order, grabs all these sinners, and kills the rest."

Yin Zongba saw Ziqin and others, and could not help but laugh.

"Yin Zongba, who told you that we have only a few people."

Zi Qin investigated the people of Fengyun Chamber of Commerce and naturally knew Yin Zongba.

Ziqin and others are also considered to be the old rivers and lakes on the tip of the knife.

The ability to handle things is naturally much better than the average person.

They have already expected the situation today.

So I made some other preparations on the way.

Just after Ziqin’s words were finished, there was a emptiness in the sky above the Nie’s clan.

Then there was another figure appearing in the Nie clan.

In the end, there were more than two hundred figures.

Although the number is still two or three hundred fewer than the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

But everyone is magnificent and condensed into a whole, and the momentum is not lost to the people of the Chamber of Commerce.

These people are the people of the rest of the martial arts in the West Wind State.

Before Ziqin and others rushed to the way back from the Nie clan, it took some time to go to the rest of the martial arts, and then all the people of the strongholds were gathered together, all of them rushed to the Nie clan.

And this is just one of them.

Ziqin also informed the high-level martial arts, the high-level martial arts should have sent the rest of the martial arts strongmen from the rest of the state.

At most one day, I can almost go to the Nie clan.

Therefore, Zi Qin they are not the opponents of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

But as long as they can hold on for a day.

When the rest of the martial arts are coming, everything should be solved.

"Haha, do you think that you have called some bags of wine bags, is it our opponent?"

"Today, let you know how much it is to offend our Chamber of Commerce."


Yin Zongba smiled coldly, but he still did not put Ziqin and others in his eyes.


With a "kill" word resounding through the whole road, Yin Zongba led everyone to the warriors to kill Zi Qin and others.




All kinds of battles sounded in front of the house of the Nie clan.

The rest of the Taowu City heard these movements, all of them were terrified.

Almost everyone believes that this time the Nie clan is over.

In their eyes, Fengyun Chamber of Commerce is the existence of the hegemonic level.

Offended the Chamber of Commerce, it is doomed to have nothing to end.

Even some people related to the Nie clan directly took all the family members and escaped from the Taowu City. They were afraid that after the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce had solved the Nie clan, they would kill them all.

So that the entire Taowu City is in turmoil.

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