Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1113: Benjamin’s defiance

The first one hundred and thirteen chapters

Outside the Taowu City, there is a mountain peak.

At this point, there is a newly established stronghold at the top of the peak.

Among the tents, an old man is meditating.

I can feel that the breath on his body is still not stable. It should be a minor injury. At this moment, efforts are being made to adjust the body.

If the people of Jingyunyu and Fengyun Chamber of Commerce are here, they will be able to recognize this person at a glance.

He is the vice president of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce: Mu Qingye.

"Father, the battle in Daowu City has already started. Yin Tianba has been fighting with those embers, but those embers don't know where to call a lot of good people, actually let Yin Tianba not ask for a little bit. The benefits, the two sides are still in full swing, and it is difficult to separate the winners and losers in a short period of time."

A middle-aged man walked into the tent and told the animal husbandry.

He is the son of Makino: shepherd.

Makino nodded, and thoughtfully: "It seems that the old man I guessed well before, those people may not be ordinary. Can gather so many people in such a short period of time, and the strength is not weak, and those People sneak into our Chamber of Commerce, and only to steal things related to the reincarnation of the Great, which means that those people are likely to be the organization."

"If it is really the person who organized it, then I am afraid that it will be better."

She did not seem to understand the words of Makino, but he did not ask, but instead asked: "Father, then we are here waiting to stop?"

"What anxious. The more this time, the more you have to hold your breath. Is it true that the old man has led the rest of Fengyunwei and the Fengyun Warriors to the Wucheng City?"

Makino first waved his hand and then asked.

"Yes. They didn't catch up with the kid, so I plan to come directly to Wucheng. It is supposed to use the Nie clan to force the emperor to appear."

I replied.

Then added: "Father, you told me before, let me spread the news that the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce will start the work of the Nie clan, and I have already spread it. The kid who is called the Emperor of the Emperor should still know as long as he is still in the West Wind State. But I just don't know, after he heard the news, will he risk rushing back to Daocheng."

"He will come back."

Makino’s eyes are deep and deep: “Next, let’s wait and see the show.”

"Fengyun proudly sat in the position of president for so many years, it should be over."

"We only need to take advantage of the profits."


Daowu City, Nie Clan.

The whole half-day time has passed.

But the fighting between the two sides has not stopped.

On the side of Ziqin, the most powerful and easy to kill is entangled in the strongest Yin Zongba of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

Ziqin and the rest of the people are fighting with the rest of Fengyunwei and Fengyun Warriors.

The war is full of fire.

So that both sides have died.

And everyone on both sides has also spent a lot of spiritual and physical strength.

But even so.

The two sides still have no plans to stop.

keep fighting.

Continue to die.

Until someone appeared in the Nie clan.

The two sides only temporarily stopped.

The person who appeared this time is still the person of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

It is the president of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, and the rest of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

Their arrival will undoubtedly make the balance of both sides tilt.

The people who led to the Ziqin and Nie clan were completely cold.

Fengyun proudly saw that they had suffered a lot of deaths and injuries. They could not help but be a bit surprised. In Xifeng, there is still no power to compete with their Fengyun Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

This Nie clan has no more contending capital.

"What the **** are you?"

Fengyun arrogantly stared at Ziqin and others, asked cold and cold.

Although Ziqin looked gloomy, but he was not scared by this, he still looked very calm and firmly said: "It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is that the Nie clan is not something that you can move."

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, if you dare to continue to move the Nie clan today, then we will definitely let you Fengyun Chamber of Commerce regret for life."

"So I advise you to know the best time, and honestly get out of your way."


The momentum cannot be lost.

If you lose even the momentum.

Then they really can only be a knife and squid.

"Ha ha ha. Let us regret the Chamber of Commerce? Just rely on you? I don't care who you are? Dare to steal things from my Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, and kill so many people in the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, you have no living capital."

"So honestly tell me who you are, and then hand over the chop and the things he stole from our Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, and we will probably leave you a whole body."

Feng Yun Ao can be the head of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce Headquarters, and naturally it is not scared.

After that, he looked cold, and the martial arts breath of the six-fold late peak of Shenwujing was instantly poured out like a flash flood. The shackles became a huge palm print, and then they rushed toward Ziqin.

I plan to kill chickens and monkeys and give everyone a chance.

"not good."

Zi Qin face changed dramatically.

It was only that palm print did not fall on him.

Instead, they were resisted by the strongest killing among them.

But although it has withstood it.

The easy-to-kill was also seriously injured, and the blood continued to spurt out of his mouth.

The state of the whole person has been worse than before.

"I don't see the coffin without tears? If so, then no matter who you are, don't want to live today."

Before the wind and arrogance, it was originally because of Jingyun’s reunion, and finally was angered by Jing Yun’s escape.

Seeing these people now, I can still suppress the anger in my heart.

Immediately, I don’t plan to go on with them again.

Because he knows that even if they talk nonsense, these people will not be arrogant.

Not in the air?

Then hit you!

No more.

Then kill!

In the meantime, Feng Yun proudly smothered his body and his body breathped again.

Yin Zongba and other people from the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce saw that they were all idle, and once again mobilized their own martial arts atmosphere, they must follow the Fengyun proud to open a killing.

"It’s over, this time it’s really finished."

Feeling the horrible atmosphere of Fengyun, the people who saw the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce were still in a state of momentum, and the people of Nie Clan and other Nie clan were once again in despair.


It seems to be very close to them.


at last.

Feng Yun proudly issued the final order.

They... started it.

"I said that the wind is arrogant, and your Fengyun Chamber of Commerce is too junk. Especially your president. I have waited for you for so long, you have not chased me, I am really disappointed with you. And let me even more The disappointment is that if you can't catch up with me, you will come here to bully the weak, which is too shameful?"

"The people of Benjamin on behalf of the whole dragon domain despise you."

Just then, a very familiar voice suddenly sounded in the air.

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