Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1150: See you next time

Chapter One hundred and fifty-one chapters next time see you again

The ancient giant crocodile was swallowed by Xiao Xuan.

The evil spirits were swallowed up by the nine prisons.

Everything is as planned in the previous plan.

However, Jing Yunyi did not stop here.

Instead, they jumped straight into the pool.

This evil spirit hides in the water pool and lets the ancient giant crocodile sway on the side. There must be something in the water pool that is very useful for evil spirits.

Since Xiaoxuan and evil spirits have all benefited.

Jing Yunhao naturally does not want to be left behind.

So he would like to see what is in the pool.

When he entered the pool, he immediately wrapped his body with spiritual power and then sank to the bottom of the pool.

as expected.

At the bottom of the pool, there is no hole in the sky.

There is actually a cave house inside.

Dongfu and Tan Water are separated by an enchantment film.

There is a seal on the enchantment film.

These seals act as a barrier.

Rao is Jingyun, and if he does not break the barrier seal, he will not be able to enter the Dongfu.

The evil spirits before it were even more impossible.


These seals may be able to stump the rest of the people.

But it is absolutely impossible to stop Jing Yun.

A printed law swiftly broke out, and the same palm prints fell on the seals.


A muffled sound rang in the pool.

It caused a series of bubbles to appear in the entire pool, just like boiling up in an instant.

It was also in this movement that the seal was completely lifted.

Jing Yun’s leaping jumps across the layer of enchantment film and easily enters the cave house below.

The entire Dongfu government is not large. It should be an ancient period. Some people have dug up for the temporary hiding. However, there are many souls in this cave.

Jing Yun counted a few, a total of fifteen.

These souls are not ordinary things, it is always a treasure, even better than the general effect.

It not only nourishes the soul, but also contains a lot of fine elements in the stone.

The essence is very pure, and it is made up of the spiritual power of all things in heaven and earth.

It has great benefits for martial arts.

Before the evil spirits occupied this water pool, it should be just to use these souls to mix their own evil spirits!

After all, evil spirits are formed by a variety of souls.

"Compared to evil spirits, this soul stone is undoubtedly a big part of me. It can not only improve my soul, but also improve my martial arts. It is really a good thing. It is just There's not enough."

Jing Yun’s heart is at the bottom.

If you hear the dissatisfaction of Jing Yun, you will be shocked.

Fifteen souls are still rare?

Even if there is only one piece, it is definitely a priceless existence.

However, dissatisfaction was dissatisfied, Jing Yunyi was not wasted, and all the fifteen pieces of soul stone were directly collected in the bag. Then, if there was no other thing to be missed in Dongfu, they left the house, left the water pool, and returned to the jungle. Among them.

After returning to the jungle, Jing Yunzhen discovered that Xiaoxuan had already eroded the vast body of the ancient giant crocodile.

And the nine prisons of the Holy Fire seem to be too fast to hold on.

"come back."

With one fate, Xiao Xuan took the body of the remaining ancient giant crocodile back to Jing Yunhao.

The nine prisons and the sacred fires were instantly like a deflated ball, so that the sea of ​​fire that surrounded the North Lingzong began to shrink, and finally narrowed down to the size of the palm, and then returned to Jing Yunhao.

"what happened?"

The people of the North Lingzong are all one by one.

I had a good fight with evil spirits and ancient giant crocodile before, and after they made some cards, they obviously had an absolute advantage. Why did they suddenly appear the flames that attracted them to come here, and then They are trapped in it, and no matter how hard they try, they can't rush out of the flame, just like being locked in a flame cage.

And now.

When they struggled to break away from the flame cage, the strange flames suddenly disappeared.

Then they saw two figures standing in front of them as a winner.

"Oh... is it you?"

When I saw Jing Yunyu at night, I quickly recognized Jingyun, and I couldn’t help but be amazed.

"The night is gone, I don't see you for a while, do you miss me?"

Jing Yun's hands are environmentally friendly, and he smiles calmly and calmly.

"Father, it was the ancient imprint that he had robbed me before."

Night Cangsheng pointed to Jingyun, and he was angry and said to the man around him.

The man really was the night father who was born at night.

"The elders of the night, must have been this kid before. It is because he deliberately let us deal with the evil spirits and the ancient giant crocodile, so that he can take advantage of the profits. There must be some treasures here, but it has been given by this kid. The income is in the bag."

Another person from the North Lingzong guessed.

Still guessing it is correct.

"Hand over the things you got, then kneel down and apologize to my children. I am North Lingzong and you are not dead."

At night, I stared at Jingyun, and I seemed to want to scare Jingyun.

The scenery is not scared.

"Do you know why I am not in a hurry to escape, still here with you, this group of North Lingzong so-called stinky fish rotten shrimp nonsense?"

Jing Yun smiled.

When the words came out, people who were at night and so on could not help but be cautious.

I thought that Jing Yunyi still wanted to do something for them.

It’s just that Jing Yunhao didn’t do anything to them, but took out a mirror.

"Because I am giving me the means to escape, I will also look at the lost and angry faces of these people in North Lingzong."

Jing Yunxiao smiled gently, and did not put the North Lingzong people in his eyes.

"court death."

In the night, I screamed and screamed, no more nonsense, and I shot directly at Jing Yun.

? The fierce two punches are like the two mountains.

Go straight to Jingyun and Xiaoxuan.

The two punches are so powerful.

Wherever he went, he was so hard.

It’s just that these sounds should be enough to make Jing Yun’s complete defeat.

The eight-powerful strength of God's martial arts... really is not covered.


Jing Yunqi did not intend to compete with it.

The corner of his mouth smirked a smile: "Next time we will see you again. But next time, after you see me, it is best to take the initiative to hand over all the good things on you, and then kneel down to give a apology to Benedict. By the time Huang Yi is happy, maybe you can spare you not to die..."

The sound slowly started, but the mirror in Jing Yun's hand was very bright.

It’s just a moment, and the light is completely shrouded in Jing Yun’s, Xiao Xuan and Jiu Pang Sheng Yuan’s body.

The two fists of the night fell to Jing Yunxiao and Xiaoxuan.

But that's just two afterimages.

Jing Yunxiao, Xiao Xuan and Jiu Pang Sheng Yuan Huo have completely disappeared in the same place.

Left the night and the night, and so on, the North Lingzong people are furious.

When they dealt with evil spirits, they went all out and even took out their cards. Instead, they made a wedding dress for others.

And who is going to make a wedding dress?

It is for Jing Yun霄...

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