Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1151: Discover Dragon Treasures

Chapter 1151 Discovering Dragon Treasures

Using the telescope, Jing Yunxiao, Xiaoxuan and Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo escaped perfectly.

"Master, you baby is just an escape artifact. Such a treasure is too few for me."

When Jing Yunxiao appeared in another area, Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo immediately took a rainbow fart.

"There shouldn't be any danger here. We are practicing here for a moment."

Jing Yunxiao is a serious authentic.

"Well, cultivation or something, Xiao Jiu likes it the most."

Jiu Jie Sheng Yuan Huo is simply a saying.

However, as it said before, with the Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo around, this ancient battlefield destined to add a lot of color.

The next three of them were immersed in cultivation.

Jing Yunxiao entered the Supreme Tower and began to refine and absorb soul spirits.

Xiao Xuan continued to devour the flesh and blood of the ancient giant crocodile, so the stiff and huge body was like Marshmallow in Xiao Xuan's mouth, and he just swallowed it casually.

The Nine Prison Sacred Fire is the evil spirit before continuing to refine.

The three figures were extremely quiet at the moment.

But the breath on them couldn't calm down.

All are rising.

Especially Xiao Xuan.

Like the ancient beast that was swallowed before, the martial art breath on it keeps rising.

Before it was just the third-order Beastmaster.

But soon became the fourth-tier Beastmaster.


Fifth-order Beastmaster.

Sixth-order Beastmaster.

Seventh-tier Beastmaster.

Eighth-order Beastmaster.

Eventually stayed at the Nine-tier Beastmaster.

It has been raised by six levels.

It seems to be worse than the previous few times after swallowing ancient monsters.

So Xiao Xuan doesn't seem very satisfied.

But this is actually normal.

The higher the level, the harder it is to break through.

Being able to break through six levels at a time is already a terrible thing.

Even the fire of Jiuyuan Shengyuan is dazzling.

Previously, Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo also said that Xiao Xuan was weak.

But now he knows that Xiao Xuan is by no means an idle monster.

However, Jing Yunxiao still promised Xiao Xuan, and then he gave him more ancient beasts, allowing him to continue to improve.

After the refining and absorbing the evil spirits, the Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo has also become more powerful.

But how much stronger it is, this is not known.

As for Jing Yunxiao.

In addition to giving Xiaoxuan and Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo one soul stone, the remaining thirteen soul stones were all absorbed by him at one time.

With the consumption of thirteen soul stones, Jing Yunxiao's martial arts practice finally broke through.

The breakthrough from the early stage of Shenwu Realm to the middle stage of Shenwu Realm.

"It's still a long way from the sixth level of Shenwu Realm."

Jing Yunxiao groaned from the bottom of his heart. He naturally hoped to break through the sixth level of Shenwu Realm as soon as possible, and then practice the fifth chapter of the dragon blood world of Emperor Dragon God Fire.

After a short break, Jing Yunxiao, Xiaoxuan, and Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo continued their journey.

"There is something."

During the journey, Jing Yunxiao's face sank and his body stopped.

Exactly what the Treasure Fox seems to have found.

After hovering around Jing Yunxiao for a moment, he flew in one direction.

"Come on."

Jing Yunxiao looked overjoyed.

Dragon Treasure ... This Tianbao fox should have discovered the Dragon Treasure.

The three figures turned into a cloud of smoke, and Xunji quickly followed.

Soon after.

Jing Yunxiao they came to a ruin.

There are ruins everywhere.

It can be seen that in ancient times, a certain race built a temporary palace here.

The palace is not big, but it is not small.

Jing Yunxiao they were not close.

He could obviously feel that this ruin gave a very strange feeling.

Here ... weird.

"Master, I used to help you explore the truth."

The Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo seems to be able to understand what Jing Yunxiao is thinking at the moment.

Is actively asking.

"Yes, you be careful. If you see something bad, you immediately pull out."

Jing Yunxiao reminded.

"Master, please rest assured, my fire is so hard, even if there is any accident, I will definitely retreat."

The fire of Jiuyuan Shengyuan is well-made.

Instantly turned into a firelight, rushed towards the ruins.

Jing Yunxiao and Xiao Xuan watched from afar, and they were ready to shoot at any time.


The Jiuyuan Shengyuan fire entered the ruins.

Just at the moment of entering the ruins.

The whole ruin suddenly changed.

Figures suddenly climbed out of the ruins.

The number is huge.

King Kong ant?

This kind of magic ant is regarded as some kind of abnormal creature.

Survive by eating away various souls and evil spirits.

If the soul has left the physical body, if it still exists in the world, except for the former master of fire, which is deposited by certain treasures, the rest of the souls that survived alone are roughly divided into souls, evil spirits, evil spirits, fierce spirits, and demons spirit.

The soul is undoubtedly the weakest.

At any time, it may be ashes.

But at the level of the evil spirit, it has a lot of attack power.

The evil spirit is already conscious.

Jing Yunxiao had already witnessed it before.

And when it comes to the fierce spirit, that often has already settled in the body of the soul, and began to slowly integrate with the soul.

As for the demon, the most terrifying.

As for how terrifying.

Jing Yunxiao has not met in past life or in this life.

As for the Jiuyuan Shengyuan fire.

It is not a remnant soul, but merely enhances its soul power by devouring various souls.

These diamond ants should be just ordinary ants in the beginning.

But by eating away all kinds of souls and evil spirits, they finally evolved into the current King Kong demons.

"Ah ... Master, help."

After the King Kong ant appeared, he wrapped the Jiuyuan Shengyuan Fire Regiment directly. Jiuyuan Shengyuan fire immediately released the infinite flame, and then shouted at Jing Yunxiao.

"Well, say goodbye?"

"Xiaoxuan, do it together."

Jing Yunxiao didn't have any delays.

One person, one tiger, stormed out.

Jing Yunxiao was holding the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, and the sword was powerful.

Xiaoxuan Tiger screamed in the mountains, boundless.

The two rushed to the rubble in an instant and then joined the battle.



Jing Yunxiao and Xiaoxuan fought all the way, and finally they met Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo together.

"Although these Diamond Ants are large in number, their fighting power is not weak. However, we are doing our best, and it is not impossible to fight. So don't hide.

"Both of you, in cooperation with my big team, we shot and we were happy."

Jing Yunxiao immediately ordered.


Both Xiaoxuan and Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo nodded.

All of a sudden, the three figures were all wary.

"A level nine attack on the spirit array, a thunderous strike."

"The Ninth level attacked the spirit array and burned the sky array."

Jing Yunxiao took out the dragon map, and the two big arrays were released without reservation.

The sky is loud and the sound is shaking in all directions.

Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo and Xiaoxuan also shot immediately.

One person, one tiger and one flame, the mighty, kill the Quartet!

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