Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1160: Enter the grave

How do you plan to die?

Speaking from Jing Yunxiao's mouth, these words seemed confident.

But everyone in Beilingzong sounded ridiculous.

"Who can't talk big, and you shouldn't run away like a dog like the last time you have a species."

Ye Cangsheng provoked deliberately.

He naturally did not want Jing Yunxiao to escape again.

"Really? Then I'm standing here this time, and won't move a bit. Then I can make all of you Bei Lingzong dead. You ... believe it?"

Jing Yunxiao smiled coldly, looking arrogant.

The Northern Lingzong frowned.

This kid ... why is this so obvious?

Could he have any hole cards?


Want them all dead without moving?

How funny it sounds!

"Eat more cowhide, after all, if you don't blow you now, you won't have the chance to blow it again."

Ye Cang sneered.

Does not take Jing Yunxiao's words just seriously.

"Do it."

Yegan intends to work directly with the rest of Bei Lingzong.

Just when it was time to start, Yegan felt a cold look.

These eyes did not come from Jing Yunxiao.

But from the rest of the forces around.

These people actually treat all of their Beiling ancestors as thorns in their eyes, making Yegan and others all look instantly dizzy.

"Everyone, this is the grievance between our Northern Lingzong and this mess. I hope you don't interfere too much."

Yegan murmured at the bottom of his heart, and immediately said it.

Jing Yunxiao also said: "You guys must have seen it just now. Only I can kill the six people easily. So only I can safely enter the grave, and I planned to bring some people. Go in together. But now I have a little trouble, someone wants to kill me, hey, I'm too difficult ... "

Some words suddenly stimulated the sensitive nerves of everyone around him.

"This little brother, rest assured, there is our first-class force Emperor Yumen, no one can kill you."

An elder of Emperor Yumen spoke directly.

"Friend, our ten concubines will not let anyone do anything to you."

The Thirteen Sects of Heaven should also be a first-class sect.

"We Tiechumen flatly will not let anyone bully you."

"Who dares to touch you, we at Tianhong Pavilion disagree first."

"Those who touch you, I will kill them."

The other forces also expressed their positions.

Among the graves.

There may be many treasures, and more importantly, there should be dragon treasures.

No one wants to miss it.

Now only Jing Yunxiao can enter, they will naturally have a good relationship with Jing Yunxiao, I hope Jing Yunxiao can take them into the tomb.

As for Li Jing and others like Lizong, they stood directly in front of Jing Yunxiao.

Tell Bei Lingzong by action that they will not let Bei Lingzong take action on Jing Yunxiao.

The attitudes and actions of these people thoroughly looked at the people of Beilingzong.

What's happening here?

Why are so many forces helping this kid?

And it seems that the help is a bit wrong.

More like ... please?

This boy, He De and He, let so many forces go to please him.

Even among them are the strength of Emperor Yumen, Thirteen Sects of Heaven, and Lizong Sect. They do not belong to Beiling Sect at all.

Can't figure it out.

Everyone at Beilingzong felt that their brains were a bit insufficient.

Ye Cangsheng is extremely dazed.

Just now Jing Yunxiao was impeccable, saying that he could let the people of Beilingzong die without burial place.

He also thought it was ridiculous.

Now he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because at this moment there is already a very bad feeling that has come to my mind.

"Everyone, although I have a way to enter the grave, after all, I can't take so many of you in by myself. I can only bring a small number of people with me. So I will not go with you "If anyone kills all the people in Beilingzong for me, then I will bring them in."

"And at the grave, as long as everyone doesn't mess around. We will try our best to ensure everyone's safety."

Jing Yunxiao smiled slightly.

The words were very understatement and careless.

But it caused Ye Cangsheng and Ye Qian to collapse.

Because after Jing Yunxiao finished speaking, all those influential people actually shot.

One after another rushed to kill them.

Let them startle and horrify.

"Run away!"

I screamed at night and wanted to use some escape means while going backwards.

"Well, don't you run away?"

"small fire!"

Jing Yunxiao had already taken precautions. With his shout, the holy fire of the nine prisons spread directly, covering everyone at the scene at once, and naturally covering everyone like Yegan and Beilingzong. In it.

After such shrouds, the night-dried escape methods have all temporarily failed.

At this moment, Yegan et al. Changed their looks.

No way.

Can only struggle to resist.

But ... they have better forces on each other, especially the three first-rate forces of Emperor Yumen, Thirteen Sects of Lichen and Lizong Sect. The strength of them is similar to them. Now they work together on their Bei Lingzong. How can their Bei Lingzong survive? , Even if all the cards were thrown out, the result continued to defeat.

At this moment, the people of the Northern Spirit Sect, such as Yegan and Ye Cangsheng, regretted how much they regretted.

Myself ... why did you provoke Jing Yunxiao?

But everything is too late.

The Northern Lingzong people fell down one after another.

In the end, Ye Gan and Ye Cangsheng, who was desperately protecting him, remained.


Yegan and Ye Cangsheng both knelt down.

This kind of kneeling naturally kneels towards Jing Yunxiao.

"Before, my Bei Lingzong was wrong. My Bei Lingzong gave you a **** and apologized."

Yegan felt that he could bend and stretch, and that his life was important.

But Jing Yunxiao laughed and laughed: "When you tried to kill me again and again, that's not what you said. Moreover, if the **** apology is useful, what else is Xiu Wu doing?"

As soon as these words came out, the major forces knew Jing Yunxiao's thoughts.

None stayed.

Various offensives raged.

Even if Yegan and Ye Cangsheng tried their best, they were helpless!

In the end, he shouted, farewell to the world between repentance and unwillingness.

Jing Yunxiao released the Emperor's Fire, and refined the martial arts essence of all the people in the Bei Lingzong, so that his breath was improved a lot.

Although there is no breakthrough, it is a step further from the breakthrough.

Jing Yunxiao didn't pay attention to these, but looked at the major forces in the hands, first thanked them, and then selected a few people from each of them. These people were powerful and entered the tomb. It should help a lot.

"Let's go in with me."

"Imperial Heart Sutra, Kai!"

Jing Yunxiao opened the Royal Demon Heart Sutra, and a flash of thunder flashed on him. The thunder shrouded and soon covered the remaining thirty people he picked out.

Jing Yunxiao immediately walked towards the tomb, and when he entered the black area, but showed no signs of erosion at all, the rest of them just walked along with Jing Yunxiao toward the entrance to the tomb, Then he followed Jing Yunxiao and completely entered the tomb.

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