Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1161: Surprise and fright

Chapter 161st Surprises and Frights

Entering the tomb, the black atmosphere is getting richer and denser, and the arcs of lightning mixed in the black atmosphere are getting more and more.

Fortunately, all are in the scope that Jing Yunxiao can suppress, so walking among them is relatively easy.

"Even if you see any treasure, it is best not to act lightly. After all, I have to take care of everyone now. If anyone suddenly acts without permission and has corrupted his mind, then don't blame me."

Jing Yunxiao said ugly in front.

The meaning of this sentence is that the rest must obey Jing Yunxiao's arrangement. Even if he sees the treasure, Jing Yunxiao must first decide whether to take it.

Everyone dare to move, say something bad, and now their lives are all in Jing Yunxiao's hands.

Once Jing Yunxiao does not protect them, they may soon be eroded, so they have no choice at all.

After hearing Jing Yunxiao's words, he could only nod in agreement.

Continue to the depths of the grave, where some weapons and treasures have appeared, and some people are also interested in these treasures.

But Jing Yunxiao didn't intend to waste his energy on such treasures. As long as Jing Yunxiao didn't stop, they didn't dare to stop anymore, so they had to continue to follow.

So that some people have a little bit of opinion on Jing Yunxiao.

However, Jing Yunxiao didn't care about this either. It was difficult to adjust everyone's mouth. It was impossible to satisfy everyone.

What's more, he didn't know any other people except the divorce.

"Look, there's a lot of panacea there. Let's take a look."

Someone was pointing to the side of the tomb passage, where there were some elixir bottles, and the elixir of the elixir was floating inside.

"It's just some immortal elixir. It's not very useful."

King Yunxiao Road.

"Look, there's a pile of bones there, there's a good chance there is a treasure. Let's check it out."

Someone pointed at the other corner.

"Just ordinary bones, nothing to look at."

Jing Yunxiao said again.

"Look at it, that whole piece is actually a dragon stone, and a lot of dragon gas is infiltrated in the dragon stone. Let's go and mine that huge stone."

Someone pointed at a boulder road.

"It should just be that the dragons have left some dragons on it, not the dragon stones that are very useful. Let's look inside and talk about it."

Jing Yunxiao continued.

So that more and more people are dissatisfied with him.

But Jing Yunxiao didn't care.

What about dissatisfaction?

You don't have to follow yourself.

Take it if you have the ability.

Jing Yunxiao's Royal Demon Heart Sutra is not to say that it is cast, nor is it to consume no physical and spiritual power.

On the contrary, it consumes a bit more.

If you only take a look at all the treasures, then Jing Yunxiao hasn't found a treasure that can really catch your eyes, and you can't continue to display the Royal Demon Heart Sutra.

It will be bad by then.

Therefore, we must make the most correct choice within the limited time and energy.

Save time and energy.

Although what the rest of the people just pointed out is not bad, it is not worth Jing Yunxiao's waste of time.


Jing Yunxiao did not believe that there was no danger in the grave, and he must also save energy.

In short, Jing Yunxiao allowed them to be dissatisfied, and go their own way, let others follow their own.

Continued to walk a while, more people expressed dissatisfaction.

"This boy, the reason we helped you before was because I wanted to come in for treasure hunting, not to come here to watch it like a horse and a flower."

An elder at Emperor Yumen said.

"That is, we have also entered a period of time, and until now, we have found nothing, and it is not that we have not encountered treasures, but we have not encountered treasures, which is too much to say."

One of the 13 cases of Tian Gang also said.

The rest saw the two first-class forces speak, and complained as well.

These complaints suddenly turned the thirty people of solidarity into a pan of sand.

The whole quiet grave also became noisy.

"Continue to follow me if you don't want to die. The benefits are inevitable. If you have to give up the deep forest and the sea for the sake of small profits, then please help yourself."

"You're saying you want to die, and I can't stop it, right?"

Jing Yunxiao spread his hands and let them decide for themselves.

"You are not afraid that we will kill you."

The people at Emperor Yumen were upset.

I think Jing Yunxiao is too arrogant.

"Do you want to break with me? Do you think you can live here without my protection?"

"It takes a little bit of thought to do things. Don't think that you are first-class forces, everyone must listen to you."

"Although you helped me before, that was what I promised to bring you in. We cooperate fairly, not because I owe you. I hope you better understand this and don't think I owe you."

Jing Yunxiao had no fear and no compromise.

Not only is there no compromise, but it is also full of anger.

After Jing Yunxiao finished speaking, neither the Emperor Yumen nor the 13 Emperor Tian Gang said anything.

They didn't say anything, and the rest of them said nothing.

"I don't think you should complain. If there are really good treasures, do you think the Xiaohuang brother will be willing to miss it?"

"So stop being arrogant and restless, continue to go deep into the grave, and wait for a real good thing, this brother will definitely take it."

Li Jing did a peacemaker.

The rest have no intention of saying more.

"Go on."

Jing Yunxiao said to everyone.

Everyone did not hesitate, they followed Jing Yunxiao to move on.

that's it.

Walked a little longer.

The blackness is stronger and the thunder arc is more.

But Jing Yunxiao's footsteps stopped suddenly.

His brow frowned.

"Ambergris is the breath of ten thousand years of ambergris."

Jing Yunxiao was slightly happy.

Jing Yunxiao's previous life has seen many times in some Jedi, but it is generally decades, or hundreds of years.

Haven't even encountered it for more than a thousand years.

How precious is this 10,000 year old ambergris.

Jing Yunxiao is still familiar with ambergris, so although he has not seen it yet, he can probably know its existence by smelling the scent, and can also speculate about the approximate location of the amaryllis.

"Brother Xiaohuang, why?"

Li Jing wondered.

The rest were equally wondering.

"Surprise is coming. Come with me."

"But you'd better be psychologically prepared. When you are surprised, you tend to be frightened, so you get up to 12 points."

In addition to feeling Wannian Ambergris, Jing Yunxiao also felt that there was a crisis in the direction of that Wannian Ambergris.

This shows ... I'm afraid there is something intractable at that position.

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