Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1162: Follow Xiaohuang to eat meat

Chapter 1162 There is Meat to Eat with the Emperor Xiaohuang

Jing Yunxiao's words made everyone suspicion.

However, when they saw Jing Yunxiao looking at one of the passages in the tomb, everyone did not hesitate, and they all followed.

As Jing Yunxiao continued to move forward, everyone also slowly sensed the existence of ten thousand years of ambergris.

This surprised everyone.

At the same time, everyone was more vigilant.

Jing Yunxiao also said just now that surprises are often accompanied by fright.

And they also felt a sense of coercion.

After a while.

They came to a cave house among the tombs. The cave house is quite spacious, but in the corner of the cave house, there is a pool. The pool is covered with ambergris, and there are hundreds of plants.

The sight of such ambergris was glowing.

this moment.

Only then did they know that they were wrong about Jing Yunxiao.

The so-called treasures previously discovered by the rest of the world are not worth mentioning in the presence of the amaryllis.

It was just that such hot colors had just started, and the sudden appearance of all the figures suddenly made all of them look cold and solemn.

It's a skeleton.

More than a dozen.

And different forms.

Some are of the Tiger family, some are of the python family, and some are of the crane family ...

Each one is wrapped in a large amount of black breath and Thunder Fox.

Jing Yunxiao's face sank. The skeletons themselves should have been powerful before, so their souls did not dissipate after death, and then their souls were eroded by extraterrestrial beings. Now they are equivalent to the puppets of the demons.

When these skeletons saw Jing Yunxiao, they rushed towards Jing Yunxiao.

Powerful, more powerful than the six men who had been corroded.

"Let's do it together!"

The crowd was not too alarmed.

Anyway, they are people who have seen many scenes.

There is still such calmness in the face of danger.

Seeing the skeletons attacking the crowd, the crowd did not hesitate to fight.


Fighting sounds continued throughout the passage.

Jing Yunxiao continued to use the black breath of the Royal Demon Heart Sutra and the influence of Thunder Fox on the mind, and then let the rest go.

I have to say that Jing Yunxiao took them into the tomb, which is definitely a wise choice.

If you only rely on Jing Yunxiao, Xiaoxuan, and Jiuyuan Shengyuanhuo, it is estimated that it will be enough to deal with these skeletons.

With the help of these people, things are different.

Jing Yunxiao only needed to cast the Royal Demon Heart Sutra, and he didn't need to do anything else. Those skeletons were defeated one by one by others.

of course.

The others also realized the importance of Jing Yunxiao. Without Jing Yunxiao, they would not dare to shoot these skeletons with confidence.

Complement each other and work together!

It didn't take long for all those skeletons to be solved.

"There are more than a hundred millennia ambergris here, and each of us can get four plants. Since everyone is a whole, it is distributed fairly. Do you have any comments?"

Jing Yunxiao asked in advance in order to avoid the other people's internal disturbance for this ten thousand years of ambergris.

After all, this is the long-term ambergris.

Not ordinary.

"That's natural."

Li Jing laughed first.

The others nodded.

Now that a consensus is reached, it is easy to handle, and soon everyone will distribute all the ambergris.

Because Jing Yunxiao also had a black red tiger by his side, after receiving four ambergris per person, there were still several ambergris, and everyone agreed to give it to Jing Yunxiao.

Jing Yunxiao was not polite to them. If he wanted to, he would get all the tens of ambergris in his hands, and these people would not be wrong with him.

"Go ahead."

Jing Yunxiao they did not stay.

After this time, everyone complained about Jing Yunxiao a lot, so they followed behind Jing Yunxiao obediently.

Then Jing Yunxiao encountered many dangers again.

Skull skeleton.

Evil remnants.

Weird foreign object.

and many more.

But they were all resolved by Jing Yunxiao and they worked together.

of course.

Everyone also got a lot of good things.

Treasure wares, dragon stones with a high concentration of dragon gas, some ancient space bags left by major races, some orbs and precious elixir, and even some things that depict ancient runes, etc thing.

Everyone was overjoyed.

One by one can be described as fruitful.

And most of these things were found by Jing Yunxiao.

So they are even more grateful for Jing Yunxiao.

Sure enough, Xiaoxiao had meat to eat.

If there are many treasures, they will even actively give up a large amount of treasure to Jing Yunxiao.

that's it.

It has been half a day since entering the grave.

Jing Yunxiao They finally reached the deepest point of the grave after being in danger again and again.

There is only one passage left at the deepest point.

The passage was a bit verbose at first glance.

But it doesn't matter.

Importantly, this passage is covered with bones.

The number of bones is endless, and you can imagine how horrible the number of people who died here.

Some of these bones have a little strength from ancient times to the present.

But most of them are completely decayed, and they turn to ashes when you step on them.

And at the end of this bone tunnel, there are cyan flames.

The cyan flame is sometimes bright and sometimes extinguished.

At the end, it seemed chilling from afar.


Not only that.

Jing Yunxiao they could obviously feel that there was an extreme coercion at the end.

Even though there was a long passage, the coercion still caused Jing Yunxiao and they could not help but have a little fear.

"I always feel terrible there. Should we go in?"

Someone asked.

"Why not go in. You have already come here. The more weird it is, the more precious the treasure there is. If you don't take a look, are you willing?"

Someone immediately retorted.

"Nice. Now that you have entered the grave, what are you afraid of? If you are really scared, you might as well go home early to play in the mud. Anyway, I must go in and see, I just want to see how terrible it is. "

Others argued against the retort.

"Brother Xiaohuang, do you say we can't get in?"

Li Jing asked Jing Yunxiao at this time.

"Come in!"

Simply one word, said from Jing Yunxiao mouth.

Decisive and decisive.

Although Jing Yunxiao also felt there was a terrifying atmosphere there.

But Jing Yunxiao was also sure there was what he wanted.

They come, the security.

There is no reason for shrinking and cowardice in my military.

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