Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1204: Bing Ling married

The time is in a hurry, and three days are fleeting.

Seeing that it is not far from the Binggu family.

But it was at this time.

There was a turmoil around the world.

It can be seen that the surrounding void is constantly breaking apart.

One figure after another stepped out of the void.

Surrounding Jing Yunxiao and others.

These people are not others.

It is the people of the ancient Wu family.

The head of the martial arts is at least the pinnacle of the final stage of the nineth layer of Shenwu Realm!

The strength is strong, just one stop there, it gives people a sense of coercion like mountains.

This level of characters is considered to be the top group of characters in the entire Baizu domain.

Only one step away can reach the realm above the Divine Martial Realm.

Above the Divine Martial Realm is the Wu Zun Realm.

When Wu Zun reached the extreme, it was the realm of the emperor.

Above the emperor is the emperor, above the emperor is the emperor.

There is no warrior in the realm of the entire emperor.

The warriors of Wu Zunjing are also few.

This is mainly related to the large number of people in the Bai ethnic group, but the relative lack of martial arts resources.

Beyond the Bai nationality is the real martial art world!

"Bing Mo, your courageous courage, dare to betray my Binggu family, causing our Binggu family's ancient system and Master Tianxiao and others to be hit hard."

The old man at the pinnacle of Shenwujing's late Jiuzhong looked at Bing Mo and other people in the Bing ancient family and sneered.

"They are not dead?"

Bing Yuhan couldn't help saying.

Even Jing Yunxiao was a little surprised.

I thought they might have difficulty escaping the devil's claws, they should have become demon puppets, but they didn't expect them to just be hit hard?

And it seems that he has left the ancient battlefield and returned to the ancient Wu family.

"Bing Yuhan, what do you mean by juniors? You ca n’t wait for the people of our ancient martial arts family to die, right? Although they did n’t die, the spirit of the demon has already penetrated into the body, which has had a major impact on them, but you ice ancient family , But betrayed us when our ancient martial arts family needed you the most. Thanks to us for so many years, we have been sheltering you from the ice ancient family, you are really terrible! "

The old man scolded.

There was even a trace of killing intent on him.

"Ha ha? Asylum? Old Gu Lei, you also have to say it. Is your Gu Wu family really sheltering our Bing Gu family? You just want our Bing Gu family to become your slaves. If not Bing Ling's girl hasn't crossed the door yet. I'm afraid you have already torn your face and threatened our Binggu family with various means. "

"No. Over the years, you have been threatening my Binggu family and my sister Bingling to marry your ancient Wu family."

"What other faces do you say here that our Binggu family betrayed!"

Bing Yuhan was also angry.

The other party is coming aggressively, obviously the comer is bad.

Even if Bing Yuhan et al swallowed, the other party would give good fruit.

Obviously not.

Not only will it not give good fruit, but it will probably get worse.

Instead of continuing to whisper.

It's better to let it go completely.

Anyway, the anger at the bottom of my heart has been backed up for a long time, and I want to explode long ago, so Bing Yuhan is also completely out at the moment.

"good, very good, excellent."

"A dog should have been cooked for so long. I didn't expect that the dog of your Binggu family will never be cooked."

"But this is not important anymore."

"Because the role of your Binggu family is almost over."

The old man called Gu Lei sneered again and again.

But his words made the faces of all the ice ancient families extremely cold.


In the eyes of the ancient Wu family, the Bing ancient family is just one of their dogs.

"Gu Lei, what do you mean by that last sentence?"

Bing Mo is also full of unhappy faces.

What is the role of the Binggu family almost coming to an end?

"You Binggu family betrayed our ancient Wu family, this matter is known to our ancient Wu family. So in order to prevent the Bing ancient family from being directly destroyed by my ancient Wu family, the girl of Bing Ling has agreed to marry our ancient Wu family, And they are married today. "

"Just after they are married, they can be happy for Master Tianxiao. At the same time, they may also help Bingling's girl Binggu to help Master Tianxiao repair his body and even strengthen his body."

Gu Leiyin sneered.

This remark came out.

The people of Bing Yuhan and Binggu family are extremely ugly.

The same is true of Jing Yunxiao.

Bing Ling ... To marry the ancient Wu family today?

This is never allowed.

"Then what do you want us to do now?"

Bing Mo shouted.

"It's very simple, just in case, just grab those of you, and then it's impossible for Bingling girl to want to repent. And when Bingling girl and us laugh at Master's cave, they also avoid you ice The people of the ancient family run away. You can rest assured that when the time comes, we will start with a knife and kill you with pleasure. "

Gu Leiyin was authentic.

The people of Bing Yuhan and Binggu family are extremely gloomy.

This ancient Wu family had never thought of it ... Be kind to them.

"Your ancient Wu family will not succeed."

Bing Yuhan stared angrily.

"Haha, is it still the case now, is your Binggu family still whimsical? If you don't have the heart of betrayal, maybe our ancient Wu family will open up to you, but you Binggu family will not know what to do, then don't blame me ancient The Wu Family is welcome. "

Gu Lei smiled.

"Emperor Xiao, what do you know about my sister's temperament. Even if she promised to marry, if Gu Tianxiao just touched her, even if she died, she would never let Gu Tian laugh."

Bing Yuhan looked at Jing Yunxiao with concern.

He was helpless.

In front of the mountain of the ancient Wu family, their already-declined Binggu family no longer has much dominance.

"I promised Bing Ling and would never let him marry someone else. I must have done it."

"You take me to the ancient Wu family, as for the rest of the Bing ancient family here to deal with it."

Jing Yunxiao quickly made a decision and took out the telescope.

There are only a few people who can be taken away by the teleport mirror. Jing Yunxiao cannot take away all the people from the Binggu family, so he only takes Bing Yuhan and let Bing Yuhan lead him.

"But ... can we really save Bing Ling?"

Bing Yuhan couldn't believe it.

Even their entire Binggu family is powerless.

He and Jing Yunxiao alone, as well as Xiao Xuan and Jiu Yu Sheng Yuanhuo beside Jing Yunxiao, how could it be possible.

"There is nothing impossible, everything is possible."

"Whether there is a sea of ​​swords ahead, I must go."

"No one can stop the people I want to save."

"Who dares to stop, kill!"

Jing Yunxiao was in full swing.

Immediately the spiritual power was poured into the transmission mirror, and a light curtain was wrapped around the bodies of Jing Yunxiao, Bing Yuhan, Xiaoxuan, and Jiuyu Shengyuanhuo. In place.

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