Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1205: Snatch

Hundreds of nations, Central Turkey.

Today is very lively.

As everyone knows, today is a day of great joy for the ancient Wu family and the Bing ancient family among the top ten ancient families.

Gu Tianxiao, the genius young man of the ancient Wu family, married Bing Ling, the pearl of the ancient Bing family who looked like a fairy.

This is a good story for the rest of the Baizu domain!

after all.

They don't know the truth.

It's not enough for the ancient family.

At this time, the Central Turkish Prefecture, the ancient martial arts family, Zhang Deng garnished, finally lively.

A big red flower sedan, towed by eight fairy cranes, was flying towards the ancient Wu family.

Behind the flower sedan, many people from the ancient Wu family followed.

The guard was stern and majestic.

Wherever they passed, many forces saw them, and were all amazed.

"The marriage of powerful people is the true marriage, like we can only be considered a coincidence."

"This is too dreamy. I also hope that one day, my wishful Langjun will have such a battle to marry me."

"People are really angry than people. I really envy me. If I were given this opportunity, I would be willing to live a few decades less."

"Human story, this kind of thing can only happen to others."

There was a lot of discussion.

Almost all envy and jealousy.

It is under such envy.

Suddenly, there was a turmoil in the void.

An endless prestige suddenly enveloped the sky.

Let everyone on the scene look dull.


I saw several figures coming out of the void.

Stopped that flower sedan directly.

Two young figures, a tiger and a beast and a flame.

There are a total of four figures, each of which is full of vigour, appearing angrily, burning with anger, reflecting the whole world.

"Who are they? Even the ancient Wu family's welcoming family car dare to block, and live impatiently?"

"Isn't that person Bing Yuhan, the Shaodong family of Binggu family? Why did he stop Yingqin Huajiao? What's going on?"

"Is it that Bing Ling's family did not intend to let Bing Ling marry the ancient Wu family?"

"How is this possible? The Binggu family has taken the initiative to befriend the ancient Wu family in recent years, and let Bingling marry in the past, which will do no harm to the Binggu family."

"Don't guess it, just wait and see. According to my estimation, this time we may have a good show in Baizuyu."

Everyone said differently.

But since they have nothing to do with them, they are purely melon-eating people, so this moment is also full of interest.

After all, I'm never afraid of big things when looking at the fun.

"Bingling, is it you? Sorry, I'm late."

Stopping the sedan chair, Jing Yunxiao looked at the sedan chair, throbbing with heart.

But there was no response.

In the sedan chair ... nothing happened.

"what happened?"

Jing Yunxiao and Bing Yuhan both became more nervous.

Bing Ling heard Jing Yunxiao's voice, it is absolutely impossible to be silent.

Jing Yunxiao directly released a powerful soul to explore the situation in the flower sedan, but was blocked by a strong breath.

"Your courage is so dare to stop even the sedan chair of my ancient Wu family. If you let my ancient Wu family miss the best time to get married, you must be dead."

An icy voice sounded suddenly.

Immediately, an old man's figure swept directly to the front of the sedan chair, blocking Jing Yunxiao and Bing Yuhan in front.

"Bing Yuhan, it turns out to be you. Could it be that you are here to send your sister to marry. Since it is to send your sister to marry, then obediently follow along."

After seeing Bing Yuhan, the old man even recognized Bing Yuhan. Although he was a little surprised why Bing Yuhan appeared here, he did not take Bing Yuhan too seriously.

"Gu Jingtu, how did you treat my sister?"

Bing Yuhan is more worried about Bing Ling's safety.

"Your sister is already a member of my family of ancient martial arts, and we will treat her kindly. Go away quickly, don't delay the auspicious time."

Gu Jingtu seems to be very unhappy about Bing Yuhan's direct call to his name.

"I want to see her!"

Bing Yuhan wants to confirm whether Bing Ling is here.

According to common sense, when Bing Ling marries, the people of the Bing ancient family will also accompany the left and right to the ancient Wu family.

But there are no people from the Binggu family here.

This made Bing Yuhan slightly surprised.

"The bride should not show up before the door. You should also know this custom."

Gu Jingtu sneered coldly.

"It's okay not to see my sister, but I asked to hear her voice, which is okay. There is no rule in the customs that does not let the bride speak?"

Bing Yuhan felt more and more strange.


The people of this ancient martial family look majestic.

But the strength of these people is average.

Even the ancient startled picture of the leader is nothing more than the beginning and middle of Shenwu Realm.

This kind of guard ... is just like pulling out some people casually.

Even if the ancient Wu family does not pay attention to the Bing ancient family, it will definitely pay attention to the Bing Ling with the Bing ancient **** body.

"Stop talking nonsense, get away."

Gu Jingtu did not satisfy Bing Yuhan's request.

"Bingling ... only belongs to me."

"Everyone will want to get involved."

"Whoever has such a mind, die!"

"So ... do it."

Jing Yunxiao does not intend to waste time.

Direct hands, one hundred.

As soon as the words came out, Jing Yunxiao had already brought out his treasure, and then directly killed Gu Gutu.

"Not self-restrained."

Seeing Jing Yunxiao's hands, Gu Jingtu flicked the corners of his mouth, and also shot.

"That kid is crazy? How dare he go directly to the people of the ancient Wu family?"

Everyone was surprised.

They all think that Jing Yunxiao is looking for death.

Bang Bang.



Jing Yunxiao and Gu Jingtu fought together.

This kind of battle is beyond everyone's expectations.

Everyone thought that Jing Yunxiao didn't even have the qualification to lift shoes for Gu Jingtu.

But they were very wrong.

Jing Yunxiao's extraordinary fighting ability, after confronting Gu Jingtu, nothing fell in the wind.

Not only did it not fall downwind, but even more upwind.

"Who is that kid? Why haven't I seen it before? It's so powerful at a young age."

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.


Even Gu Jingtu was shocked.

Seeing Jing Yunxiao hands-on, Bing Yuhan, Jiulu Shengyuanhuo and Xiaoxuan also all did not delay, and all threw their own means frequently.

Between heaven and earth, the war was on the verge.

The rest of the people around were shocking.

"Is it not that Bing Ling of Bing Gu Family and Gu Tian of Gu Wu Family are happy to be married? What's the matter?"

"The Binggu family seems not willing to marry Bingling to the ancient Wu family. And the kid who didn't know the history just said that Bingling belongs to him alone."

"Could it be that this is to grab a kiss? It seems that this time there is really a good show."

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