Peerless Divine Emperor

Chapter 1206: Jing Yunxiao they came here


Fighting in the air is unprecedented.

Endless storms are sweeping all directions.

It made everyone look thrilling and full of blood.

Because Jing Yunxiao desperately wants to know, is the ice in the flower sedan?

So there is almost nothing left.

Especially Jing Yunxiao, all kinds of powerful means, come out powerfully, without reservation, utterly angry.

And he aimed at Gu Jingtu, the leader of the ancient Wu family.

Although this ancient shock map is powerful.

But Jing Yunxiao had so many methods that he was not given any chance to breathe.

Frequently thrown out, like a broken bamboo.

At the beginning, Gu Jingtu was able to resist one or two, and even took the upper hand slightly, but as the battle continued, this kind of upper hand became less obvious.

Jing Yunxiao took advantage of the chase, causing Gu Jingtu to begin to fail.

At last.

Once the sword was killed, Gu Jingtu was directly beheaded by Jing Yunxiao.

After beating Gu Jingtu.

Jing Yunxiao assisted Jiuyu Shengyuanhuo, Xiaoxuan, and Bing Yuhan to solve the rest of the ancient Wu family, leaving only one or two living mouths.

"What? Am I right? They ... actually killed all the people from the ancient Wu family."

"Today is the day when Guwu family and Binggu family are overjoyed. How did this become a **** day?"

"What the **** happened? Isn't the Binggu family all the time attached to the Guwu family, with the help of the Guwu family? How suddenly became like this?

"It's going to change, the ancient family is going to change."

Those who saw the battle were all shocked.

But Jing Yunxiao did not care about these.

What they care about is whether the people in the flower sedan are icy.

So after solving the ancient Wu family, Jing Yunxiao rushed to the Huajiao almost immediately, and then opened the Huajiao directly.

After opening, Jing Yunxiao did not see Bing Ling.

I didn't even see any figure in the sedan chair.

Huajiao ... is empty.

"what happened?"

Bing Yuhan also saw the empty flower sedan, and even looked coldly at the living mouths of the ancient Wu family, yelling.

The people looked at each other and did not answer immediately.


Bing Yuhan punched with a punch.

One of them was killed on the spot.

"Do you say it or not?"

Bing Yuhan was very angry.

In addition, the two ancient Wu family members were terrified: "You ... your sister, she is not cooperating, and she insists on waiting for a while to get married, but Master Tianxiao was seriously injured in the ancient battlefield and is in danger. I'm afraid there isn't much time to wait. So our ancient Wu family directly forcibly took your younger sister away, and suddenly announced today's marriage. "

"However, in the case of Master Tianxiao, it is estimated that we ca n’t wait for the complicated matters of getting married today, so our ancient Wu family should let your sister and Tianxiao master round the house first. The patriarch said that only by this way of happiness can we save Living Master Xiaoxiao even made Master Tianxiao ’s future achievements even more limitless. And these of us are just instructed to walk around casually, so as not to provoke gossip. "

The man from the ancient Wu family returned to the trembling.

Slightly incoherent.

But Jing Yunxiao and Bing Yuhan also understood.

It's because I understand.

So Jing Yunxiao and Bing Yuhan instantly angered.

"Damn ancient Wu family."

"If you dare to move Bing Ling's hair, Ben Xiaohuang will need your entire ancient Wu family to die without burial."

Jing Yunxiao was so angry that he hit his heart.

next moment.

Without any delay, he took out the teleport mirror again and plundered in the direction of the ancient Wu family with the fastest speed.

Ancient Wu family.

On the surface, it looks very bright, and it is very lively.

But at this time.

Inside the ancient Wu family.

There are two rivalries.

One of the horses is a member of the ancient Wu family, sneering face to face, looking at the other side with contempt.

And the other party is the people of Binggu family.

Headed by the patriarch of the Binggu family, namely Bing Ling and Bing Yuhan's grandfather Bing Wanfeng.

"My Binggu family has promised to marry with your Guwu family, what is your Guwu family doing? Captive of my baby granddaughter? Forcing her to finish marriage earlier? Is this something that an ancient family should do? Go out, do you have a face in the ancient martial arts family? Quickly release my granddaughter. "

Bing Wanfeng was furious.

Bingling is the pearl on his palm. He sacrificed Bingling for his family's life and death, and promised to marry her to the ancient martial family. Bing Wanfeng had already blamed himself.

As a grandfather, as a patriarch, he has no ability to protect the clan, but ...

Whenever thinking of this, Bing Wanfeng, who was originally in poor health, was even more energetic.

But thinking of the great family of Guwu family, Gu Tianxiao's kid likes Bing Ling, Bing Ling married in the past, I am afraid the future life will also be good, so Bing Wanfeng also a little comfort, but I did not expect This time, the family actually took Bing Ling directly, and did not wait for their Bing Gu family to agree, they announced Bing Ling's marriage.

Where is this posture that will treat Bing Ling well.

This is clearly to make them Binggu family slaves.

The announcement of the marriage is just to show the prestige of the ancient Wu family, and to tell the world how the ancient Bing family fought the ancient Wu family, and later the Bing ancient family will also be part of the ancient Wu family.

So Bing Wanfeng was completely angry.

He had always thought about the fate of his family before, this time it was finally unbearable.

So he led the clan directly to the dignitaries of the ancient Wu family.

"Bing Wanfeng, you also said that Bing Ling's girl was already in love with Tianxiao and was already a member of my ancient Wu family. It's too awkward to say that the captive was away, but our ancient Wu family just received our ancient Wu It ’s just a daughter-in-law in the world. Are you so active? "

"But you came just right. Your Binggu family has become more and more disobedient. Our ancient Wu family is still thinking of ways to make you more obedient and obedient in the future. I didn't expect you to come to your door."

Among the ancient Wu family, an old man smiled indifferently.

This person is the acting patriarch of the ancient Wu family: Gu Yuan.

It's Gu Tianxiao's second grandpa.

"Gu Yuan, what do you mean?"

Bing Wanfeng's face sank.

The people of the Binggu family also all looked down.

"The meaning is very simple. Since you guys are here, don't leave. Let's be honest with our ancient Wu family. We will send someone to take care of the major issues of your Bing ancient family."

Gu Yuan sneered.

This remark made Bing Wanfeng more angry.

The implied meaning of Gu Yuan is already very clear.

The ancient Wu family wanted to ban Bing Wanfeng and others, and then use Bing Wanfeng's life to threaten the Bing Gu family to surrender their family rights, and then command the Bing Gu family.

What a wishful abacus.

"Gu Yuan, you ... dream."

"Today, if you don't let my granddaughter, then my Binggu family will die even this time, and they will also bring you the ancient Wu family to be buried."

Bing Wanfeng is also completely out.

So far, the ambitions of the ancient Wu family wolf sons have all been exposed.

Will Bing Wanfeng compromise?

of course not.

Even if it is dead, it will never be as good as the ancient Wu family.


Bing Wanfeng and others are all trying to get started.

Just as soon as he lifted his breath, Bing Wanfeng and others changed their looks.

Because at this moment, there was actually a force acting on them, and the cultivation of all of them was imprisoned.

"Hahaha, Bing Wanfeng, you didn't expect it. Our ancient martial arts family has a banned formation here. In the banned formation, you can't use too strong a means at all. So just obey it and just grab it ..."

Gu Yuan smiled.

Just laughter.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from the direction of the main entrance of the ancient Wu family.


It was ... Jing Yunxiao they came.

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