Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2737: Bihai Yinsha City

Chapter 2737 Bihai Yinsha City

Chapter 2735 Bihai Silver Sand City

"Then go!"

Ding Hao once again stood on the back of the holy beast, and the holy beast moved on!

Soon after they left, several groups of golden light and fog flew from a certain direction in the wilderness, and these groups of golden light and fog flew very fast.

Coming to the corpse of this golden strong man, several groups of golden light mist suddenly exploded, and several tall strong figures came out.

"Herda is dead! Killed by someone!"

One of these tall and powerful men came to the deceased and held the huge head that was beheaded by the holy beast in his hands, tears shed in his eyes.

A strong man walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Heru, don't be sad! We will help your brother get revenge!"

It turns out that this golden type powerhouse who was beheaded by Ding Hao and the holy beast was the younger brother named Helu!

Helu gritted his teeth and said, "It must have been killed by those silver scum, Hawkeye, help me check it out, who is it that killed my brother?"

The one called Hawkeye was a tall and thin guy with a golden halo around his eyes. He walked up and asked, "Heru, I'm not sure if I can see it, but I can see some clues! And, I It may destroy your brother's body!"

Helu put down his brother's head and said, "Everyone is dead, what's the importance of the remains? You can check it for me!"

This strong man named Hawkeye immediately walked up and used his fingers to depict on the body of the deceased, writing one rune after another, and perhaps even a lot of strange runes were added to the head of the messenger!

When he finished writing a lot of runes, he took out another spar, his golden eyeballs with bright apertures, looked out through the spar.

As he watched it, he said to himself, "It should be two people who do it! One of them is definitely a silver scum! And the other, a bit peculiar, I can't tell which color it belongs to! But this person It should be an outsider, not long after entering Tingyu..."

While Hawkeye was talking about clues, Helu, who was standing next to him, looked more and more gloomy, "This should be easy to find. Since it is an outsider, look for a crack in the nearby passage to see which world's arrogant person is. Domain kills our people!"

At this moment, Hawkeye suddenly shouted again, "Asshole, I know why these silver scum can kill the mighty Hatta because they use the cursed evil crystal!"

"What!" Helu was taken aback for a moment, and then a glow of hatred appeared in their eyes, "These silver scums can't beat my brother at all. They use this kind of despicable method! The evil that the entire Ting Domain is forbidden to use. Crystal! This incident seems far beyond our imagination, we must go back and report to the patriarch!"

"Yes, we must go back and report!" another strong man asked again, "Hawkeye, what else can you see?"

Hawkeye took the spar in his hand and watched it for a while, then shook his head and said, "That's all, I can't see the others!" You

"Enough!" Helu came out and said, "Using evil crystals, he is a person who has just arrived in Tingyu, and he is with a silver scum! With these three conditions, I think we will soon I can find this person! Go back and report to the patriarch first!"


Helu collected his brother's body, and several people turned into a few golden mists and flew to the distance in the wilderness.


Ding Hao stood on the back of the sacred beast and flew for a long time before he saw that there was a silver city in the middle of the plain in the distance. Beside this city, there was a huge blue sea!

The holy beast said with emotion, "This is the main city of the silver powers in the Tingyu Region. The scenery here is called the blue sea silver sand, which is very spectacular! Our silver powers are very good. It's easy to socialize. Master, you are here, you are right!"

Ding Hao smiled, "If this is the best, then let's go into the city!"

Ding Hao stepped down from the body of the holy beast, and the two walked into the city one after another.

Entering the city, you can see that the appearance of the people here has its own strengths and weaknesses, some are like sacred beasts, half-human and half-beasts; some are similar to Ding Hao, and there are all kinds of different looks here.

However, if you observe the color of these people's Tingli breath, you will find that their Tingli breath is silver!

"It seems that the people in this city, no matter what they look like, are all of the same family, coming from the same ancestor!"

Ding Hao followed the sacred beast and walked in the city. The city was very large and the road was extremely spacious. On both sides of the road, there were various high and low spires! The shape of these minarets is very similar to the ancient Hong Pagoda, usually nine, 19, and 29 floors!

From a distance, it looks like a bunch of weird giant bamboo shoots.

"It seems that the construction of the Guhong Pagoda is not Gu Hong's creativity, but the tradition that Gu Hong brought from Tingyu!" Ding Hao thought to himself, following the holy beast to move forward.

The city is very huge. After walking for a while, the two of them came to the center of the city!

Saint Beast said with emotion, "I haven't returned for thousands of years, and the changes here are not big."

In the center of the city, there is a huge palace, which is also very similar to the ancient Hong world!

The palaces of Guhong World are huge. From the outside of the palace, it seems that there is only one palace, but there are many small palaces inside the palace.

The sacred beast led Ding Hao to the gate of the palace. There were a few guards guarding the gate. Ding Hao noticed that these guards looked a bit similar to the sacred beasts. It seems that those who grew into this appearance were all the guardians in Tingyu. .

The holy beast knew these guards, chatted a few words, and said that his master would offer crystals to the patriarch.

The guard guarding the gate immediately entered the palace to report. After a while, the guard came out and replied, "The patriarch just happened to be able to meet you, so follow me!"

At the moment, Ding Hao and the holy beast entered the huge palace one after another.

After a while, they finally saw the patriarch who had a silver tie in Xia Tingyu. This was a man who looked similar to the Protoss. He looked a bit older, sitting there, quite a bit old.

"I have seen a great patriarch!" Sheng Beast and Ding Hao quickly stepped forward to salute.

The patriarch opened his dim eyes, looked at the two standing in front of him, and asked, "Who are you guys who said you want to offer my crystal?"

"It's my master, the great patriarch."

Ding Hao took a step forward and took out all the crystals that he had seized from the golden type powerhouse. The number of these crystals seemed to be quite large, making the dim eyes of the old patriarch suddenly brighten.

However, this old patriarch is obviously not so faint. He suddenly changed his face and asked in a cold voice, "Foreigner, you inexplicably offer me so many crystals, what is your purpose?"

(End of this chapter)

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